Big Bang is coming to NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Bang is coming to New York maybe by the end of the year. But why am I not shaking with excitement. Because the action of shaking wouldn't do my excitement justice. Let's say the excitement is causing me to scream and fangirl at any moment. The smallest little thing that relates to KPOP sets me off.

But i want to know who is coming to New York for a Damn concert. I get people coming from New Jersey, ia, and a few other neighboring states. But there are a few people coming from behind god's back to come to here. I have a friend on Facebook that says she is coming from Germany to New York to see them. 

Thats just crazy. But i understand the feeling. I'm still trying to decide if i should go to the LA show and the Brazil show. I need to stop wasting money. But any way back to the reason for this blog.

I wanna know who's going to be coming to the New York show for the simple fact that i wanna meet you all and we gotta PARTY together while we can. LOL  

This was just a random thing i wanted to share with you all and also watch out for my custom Big Bang and BAP fan gear.

Anyway let me pay attention in class now....

Bye Bye...............Byeeeee.................. Oh crap I think my Professor saw what i was doing.

 Oh well! laugh




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Hooray, I will see you there. And we will party and go crazy! I'm even more excited now! don't worry bout flying it's not that bad.
I might go to LA too though. But thats because i wanted to go Brazil, but my Portuguese isn't great. I understand it well enough but to speak it is a another story.
4EverMyUlzzang_KHC #2
MY FRIEND ERIC AND I ARE GOING!!! He lives in new york but in coming from miami!! I check the website everyday to see and when i saw it was in new york i was like SCORE!! cause cali is mad far and im already afraid to fly but im soooo excited!!! I cant even...we should totally party