Thing ma bob {{Stolen from --bubbletea}}


Aries: 5

[x] You love freedom. (It lets me eat:))
[  ] You are straightforward.
[x] You’re stubborn. 
[  ] You enjoy sports. (Um I don't think sitting counts as a sport unless you're on facebook..)
[x] You’re impatient. 
[x] You tend to start something but never finish it.
[x] Your room is messy. (My mom randomly cleaned it today.....)
Taurus:  5
[x] You’re possessive. (DON'T TOUCH MY SAND!)
[x] You love to laze around in front of the TV sometimes. (It's cold it the basement ^^)
[x] You’re not that emotional.
[x] You enjoy food a lot. (FATTY FOOOOOOOOD)
[  ] Giving up on something is one of the hardest things for you.
[x] You can be dense. (Sometimes I'm "that slow friend." Not as much as Gill though. Sorry Girrbert XP)
[  ] You can hold your liquor really good. (I'm 12. Sorry. I only drink pop. And acidentally my dad's beer...)
Gemini: 6
[x] You need to always do something with your hands.
[x] You have an opinion on a lot of things. 
[ ] You’re a tease.
[x] You’re too curious for your own good. 
[x] You get bored very easily
[x] You love to socialize. [ only if i like you... ]
[x] You have two sides to your personality.
Cancer: 3
[  ] You are clingy. 
[  ] You love your family. (I'M SORRY!!)
[  ] You’re a good cook. (I don't think that'll ever happen.... *cough* fire every time *cough*)
[x] You love being at home. (Roachle's house counts too right?)
[x] You tend to hold grudges forever. (YOU STOLE MY STUFFED ANIMAL FRIEND I FORGET THE NAME OF!!!)
[x] You’re fun to be around. (Sometimes.. Other times I get angry easily. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar..)
[  ] You search for security. (You think I would GET UP and search for something?!)
Leo: 1
[x] You love games. (TERRARIA!!!)
[  ] You have thick hair. (I don't think so. It's puffy and fluffy when I wake up though...)
[  ] You love getting compliments. (I'm sorry but I don't really care..)
[  ] You’re very generous.
[  ] You’re jealous. 
[  ] Deep down you’re insecure.
[  ] You love life. (Life is not fair. My mom and school ruined it.)
Virgo: 0
[  ] You like to play with your best friends hair a lot.
[  ] You like organic food.
[  ] You’re fussy.
[  ] You always dress nicely.
[  ] You’re shy. (I act shy in front of new people because I don't want to talk to them.)
[  ] You clean too much. (ME. CLEAN? PWAHAHAHAHA)
[  ] You literally see everything. (I'm bling and need about -4 perscription..)
Libra: 2 (I'm actually a libra.. Oh well!)
[  ] You like vegetarian food.
[  ] You’re a free spirit.
[x] You’re childish.
[  ] You LOVE fashion.
[  ] You’re flirty.
[x] You’re very indecisive.
[  ] You’re insecure.
Scorpio: 6
[  ] You’re struggling with your deep emotions. 
[x] You’re a night person. 
[x] You like deep conversations.
[x] You’re a ert. 
[x] You get revenge, when somebody betrays you. (Or annoys me)
[x] You like dark/mystical stuff. 
[x] You can say one thing while thinking about something completely different. (Did you know whales are fat!! Heheheh What I'm thinking: I rike Kebin)
Sagittarius: 3
[  ] You hate cooking.
[  ] Your biggest fear is being tied down.
[  ] You love traveling. (Well I wouldn't know because I haven't left the province.)
[x] You’re everywhere and nowhere. (CUZ I'M A NINJA! OF THE DANCEFLOOR!)
[x] You love to make people laugh.
[x] Both luck and bad luck are playing a big part in your life. 
[  ] Your life is an adventure. 
Capricorn: 3
[  ] You’re an organized person.
[x] You’re good with money.
[  ] You’re a workaholic.
[  ] You almost never try out new things.
[x] You tend to be a bit greedy.
[  ] You love history.
[x] You love books. (Only old, not like the stupid ones they make us read.)
Aquarius: 4
[x] You’re a free spirit.
[x] You love weird stuff.
[  ] Space, Astrology and planets fascinate you.
[  ] You love being alone just as much as being around people.
[x] You love art. (I rike da fanart :3)
[x] When you’re depressed, you tend to not show it at all. (I don't show anything.)
[  ] You like to see non-matching, bright colours together. 
Pisces: 5
[  ] You don’t have very high self esteem.
[  ] You’re very emotional. 
[  ] You’re not good with money.
[x] You just want to love and be loved. (By L.Joe!)
[x] You spend a lot of time in a dreamworld.
[  ] Seafood is awesome.
[  ] You love swimming. (water. Outside. NO.)
Well. I'm a weird person. Yeah. And My birthday's September 27 so I'm a Libra yet.. I think that got one of the least. I'm too lazy to check. So I'm apparently a Scorpio and Gemini. Yeah. Close enough XD


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omg the midnight beast! NIN-NIN-JA-JA-JA