Kwon star application


About You ~ Only You ~

AFF Username:SHINeeLovers

AFF Link:

What should I call You? Katy aka Kai Ting

How active are You? almost everyday :P


Who Are You ? ~

Birth Name: Oh Ki Young


Age: 14

(If you want to be the maknae or Leader, please tell me. If there are other people who are applying for that too. I'll do a game or something to find the winner ^^)

Birthday: 02/16/98

Ethnicity:1/2 korean 1/2 chinese

Birthplace: Korea

Hometown: Korea

Blood Type: O

Language(s): Korean, Chinese, English


Ohh, Beautiful Girl ~

Height: 165cm

Weight:45 kg

Ulzzang Name: Lee Da Som 

Ulzzang Pictures: 1.

5. - up Ulzzang Name:


Back-up Ulzzang Pictures:1.







And It's All About Her Her ~

Personality: She's ambitious and determined, with a strong outer shell yet a childlike vulnerability deep inside of her. What ki young dreams of is to be a girl who knows what she's doing, a girl who gets her happy ending. She works to get what she wants, and what she wants is to look like she has it all together. She's diligent, and will do what it takes to young  walks with a fairytale grace to her which turns heads just by the warm aura she radiates. She is friendly and kind-hearted to everyone, with a nurturing and sweet nature. She's a good shoulder to lean on and is patient to hear people's young also has a great sense of humour and loves a good laugh, yet she's moral and has a strong sense of justice, knowing what's right and what's wrong. She's an optimist who's playful and fun-loving, always up for a game and enthusiastic in whatever she does. What's not to love?

Of course, she has her bad points as well. At times ki young may act a little spoiled, with a fiery temper and a stubbornness to her which could infuriate many... but most of all, she can be especially paranoid. Though loyal, she is scared of people betraying her and talking about her behind her back, or laughing at her. She is terrified of having people think of her in any remotely bad way, and feels as if people are waiting for her to fall. She will become stressed out if you didn't like her and will do everything to win your affections. Because really? ki young is not as confident as she may seem. She's an insecure girl and a natural introvert, who only puts on a sassy front. Really? She's a rather shy person, though she may not show this outwardly. All this masking-of-her-real-emotions had made her one hell of an actress

.History:  Ki Young was born in Korea, but her mother was a singaporean so

she was considered a half korean and half chinese. she was the only child and

her parents dote on her. she has lots of friends and she enjoys being with them.

she is currently studying in SM arts Academy. Ki young is popular in her class

and the teachers likes her a lot as she always show her respect to her teachers.

she has deep dimple and always a happy girl. she was talented in her singing and

dancing and won many awards for her school. she want to make it big in the

korean entertainment

Likes: (6+)

❖ Cute things, like Rilakuma and stuff.

❖ The beach.

❖ Things that are shiny. Stars. The moon. Glitter.

❖ Trees.

❖ Bubble tea.

❖ Cupcakes.

❖ Comedy movies/TV shows.

❖ Rollercoasters

Dislikes: (6+)

❖ Winter (& cold weather in general)

❖ Unkept promises & being betrayed.

❖ Rude people. Also judgmental people, too.

❖ Insincerity.

❖ Gossip.






❖listening to music
❖ Obsessive-Googling herself up whenever she has the chance.

❖ Staring into space and zoning out into la-la land, until you actually have to click your fingers in front of her face and literally snap her out of it.


❖ pout when being teased

❖scratch her head when she is confused


Triva: has a small scar on her left leg


Does your character cuss/swear? [ ] yes, [ ] no, [+ ] sometimes


We Are Family ~

(Family Members, Also includes siblings)   (repeat if you have more)

Name: Oh Man Young

Age: 42

Job: Soccer coach

Relationship: Father

Personality: has a passion in soccer and dote her daughter a lot.

How do you act acround each other?: like friends

Name: Oh soo ran


Job: housewife


Personality: naggy(sometimes :P) likes to keep the house clean

How do you act acround each other?: bestfriends :D


(Best Friends) [can be an idol, Max:2]


Age: 18

Job: singer

Realtionship: Best friend

Personality:friendly, outgoing

How you met: she was my senior in my school(Seoul Arts academy)

How do you act around each other?:teased each other


(Friends) [can be idol, Max:4]

Name: Go Eun Mi

Age: 14

Job: student

Relationship: friend

Personality: friendly, loves to smile :D

How you met: same class as ki young

How do you act around each other? always stick together whenever we go :P

Name: Park Mi young

Age: 14


Realtionship: friend

Personality: a bit shy, but once you know her better, she is actually very cheerful.

How you met: same class as ki young

How do you act around each other?: eat together during lunch



Name: Goo Hara


Why a rival?: competed almost everything of ki young since young.

How do you act around each other?: ignore each other


Lovely Dovely World ~ I wish i was in this world. Teehee^^

Love Interest: Jong Hyun from SHINee

Personality: love skinship, has a saying ' is this the reality you wanted?'

How you met: met in a cafe, accidentally spilt some coffee on his shirt.

How do you act around each other?: jonghyun always teased ki young

Realationship: friends

Are you together?: (yes is before story, no is in the story) [ ] yes [+ ] no

Do you keep in contact?: yes
How?: texting each other ocassionally.

Scence Request?: nope :)

Setua- Kown Star ~

Postion:Sub-Vocalist && Lead Dancer

 Persona: innocent angel

Fan Club Name: shines

Fan Club Color:cyan

Stage Name: Ki Young


Comments?: looking foward to the fic, hope you can pick me~ fighting~



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