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aff activity: 5 is the highest, right?
what do you want me to call you?: Crystal
about you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
gender: female
name: Crystal Matsua-Cha
birthday & age: Feburary 20th, 1996|16
grade: 1oth
ethnicity: I'm a Japanese and Korean-American
spoken languages:English Fluent,  Japanese| Semi-Fluent. Korean|Semi Fluent 
birthplace: San Francisco, Ca, America 
hometown:San Francisco, Ca, America 
ulzzang/model:Park Hyo Jin 
links: 1.   3 4
back up ulzzang/model: Park Seul Ki 
links Ah here her website 
height: 175cm
weight: 52Kg (I'm mostly muscle)
appearance: My hair is Long like number 1 and the same color as of 4. I have  normal ear piercings, but the earrings are usually music notes 
personality: I'm extremely kind and nice, I care about others before I think about myself, I love helping people. I tend to be to nice, as some say; becasue I usually agree to help someone, what ever it is, as along as it's not bad or dangerous. I also believe that you should never judge anyone based on appearance, so I try to talk to people, I don't know, instead of listening to someone else thought on them, so I can get my own view on them. I have a habit, of apologizing a bit too much, I get  "Stop saying sorry!" consistently. I guess i say sorry alot is because, I'm worried about hurting the person, because I want everyone to be happy. 
I'm very kind, sweet, and caring; Except in the morning, I'm super grouchy, sensitive , and rude. I don't think as much when I talk, so I come off very rude. I tend to be more quiet, in the morning, as I get worried about hurting someone's feeling, however I more observant, to see how people interact with each other, and to see if I need to solve any social problems. I usually get called an 'Ice Princess' in the morning by people, who usually don't know me; I'm just not a morning person, it's not my fault, I'm just cranky. In addition to be cranky, I'm extra sensitive,  so I get  jealous, when it comes Niel (or Sungjong) giving girls extra attention, and I'll end up pouting, and not talking to him, for the rest of the day, and I also can't take my friends jokes, I get all mad about them. I also become  needy;  I try my best not to bother people, but my brain is usually not awake, so I end up asking really stupid question and I depend on people more.  But my sleepiness helps me, when I need to think about social problems. 
I kinda change, when I'm practing or performing. When it comes to practice, I treat it like a performance; I believe in the saying "Pratice sloppy perform sloppy, so I work my off. I'm very serious,  I let nothing and I mean nothing distract me from pratice; I want the color guard to be the best, so I make sure my complete focus is on it, no matter what. On the day of performances, I go over the routine, until I feel it completely perfect, 
I want it to amaze people, to make them be like 'wow', to make them want to see more. I love the feeling of performing, the rush, everything, it flows well. Since i'm the captain, I want them to  feel the feelings, so I try to be calm with them, however if someone casues trouble, I usually step and hear it out from both sides, and I'll think about for awhile, and in the end have them try to work it. I love color guard, so I take seriously, I lose my normal personailty and my serious 'ice princess' comes out as they say, but I'm just focusing.
 I was born in San Francisco, as a love Child to Yumiko Matsua and Henry Cha. My parents met, through music; as my mother was a ballerina and my father played the violin in the orchestral. My parents, performed together, but they didn't talk to each other, becasue my grandparents had a huge dislike for one and another, so they were forbidden to talk. But that change one night, when they went against their parents. soon they became close, and they got married secretly. I was born when My parent were 22 and 24, my grandparents found out and tried to stir trouble up, by lying to my parents about each other, but my parents had me, and apparently I brought love, where every I went, so the feud was settled.
Since my mom has a burning passion for dancing; By the time  I could walk, I was being taught how to dance, but I was good and i loved to dance  at so my dad got jealous,  and began teaching my how to play Piano, when I turn 5, my birthday present from him was a piano, my mom was upset, but she did get jazz shoes, and ballet slippers, as well, so she couldn't be too upset. My parent put me into, an art school, for children with talent. I had fun, but that were I fall in love with dancing. One day my neighbor, Aaron came over becasue he parents, were at work, by the end of that day Aaron became my brother, by the time I was 10, I was super close to Aaron, but then I found out he was moving to S. Korea, so I was left all alone.
By the time I was 13, my mom wanted a change, especially since they didn't work until for a while, so my mom said we should move to South Korea. At first, I was like "do why have too."  then I sighed at my mom puppy pout, and the next week she bought a house, and we were moving to South Korea, I was nervous, for many reasons, one being the fact I couldn't speak korean properly, but we were already on the plane. When we finally got there, I met my dad side of the family, who welcomed him with open arms, however with me and my mom not so much.  When we got settle I went exploring around my  Neighborhood, and when I got back, I saw a fimilar dog, so I called his name "Lulu!" I said and he turned toward me and got excited, and ran toward me, then I heard a deep voice scream, "Lulu, get back here" then when he say the dog knocked me down. "oh I'm sorry about..."  he stopped once he saw my face. "CRYSTAL!" he screamed and swung me around. "Mom! Dad!" he yelled dragging me to his house, which was next door. They welcome me and my family, and then Aaron told me what school to go to, since he already went to or goes to.  Then I met a Sumbae, who caught  my eye. That was Ahn Daniel (or sungjong) , on my first day  he showed me around, and  then we ran into Luna, "who is this, Niel? You shouldn't walk with him"  she said upset, as he sighed only to burst in to laughter. "annyeong, I'm Luna!" Luna smiled as she held out her hand to me to shake it. "I'm Crystal." I smiled shaking her hand. "Ahn Daniel." he smiled toward me, "I just realized I didn't say my name, I just kidnapped you in a way." he chuckled.  With that marked my best friend and my crush 
Dancing|more like love, Dancing is in my blood
Classical Music| it really relaxing, but it's also it helps me to think
Rain| when it's relaxing, not storming.
Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney series| I love those games
Sweets| I have a major sweet tooth
Reading books| I love books, I perfer that over watching TV.
Watching Music shows, such Music core, Music Bank, ETC| It's watching the dances.
Skinship| I like hugging people
Getting into agurments, esspecially when it's with people I am close with| most of the time every end up mad at each other
Bitter things| the taste is just =_=
Lies, liars and Lying| It ruins relationship and trust
Breaking Promises| Because it ruins trust, I always hated when my dad would break promises
Early Morings | It causes me to be cranky, unless it for a reason, like Practice.
The Dark| I'm scared of the dark
Thunder storms| I'm scared of the noises
Fake people| the earn your trust only to stab you in your back
Saying sorry, when I feel like I might have hurted them| I hate hurting people feelings
Saying Objection when I disagree| I play too much Ace Attorney
Holding on to things in my sleep| I'm sort of clingy in my sleep
Writing in english, then writing in Kanji or Hangul| I use that to check if it's right.
Grabbing onto people and holding them during storms and, or blackouts 
Writing Stories| I want to be an author.
Painting| I like art, it's fun painting
Choreographing dances|I want to be a professional dancer
trivia: optional: I love oranges, but I have citrus allergy, so I can't eat them as much as I want
parents: Yumiko Matsua | 38| mom| Professional ballerina, at the San Francisco ballet, she also a dance teacher in seoul| she acts like a child and is very laid at times,  because she spoiled, but she very strict on me when I act disrespectful. She also very strict when it comes to dancing but not to point where it's not fun. people say we act alike, and we look alike, but I don't see it
Henry Cha|40| Dad|Part of the San Francisco Orchestral, also runs a Bakery in seoul| He the opposite of my mom,  he's still a fun person, but he breaks promises, so he feel bad more often.
siblings:I have no siblings, I am  an only child, but i have alot of cousins
friends:Jung Luna |17/11th| she always teasing me, but she really sweet, she hates peoeple fighting | On my first day, at my new middle school. when I was walking with Daniel(or sungjong), she said that I shouldn't walk with people like him, but she was joking.|  she like my 2nd mom.
Aaron Kwak|18/12th|He really sweet, but he also a prankstar, he teases me, alot.| He was my neighbor , in america, and we ended up as neighbor again.| Close friend, more like siblings 
best subject:Literature
worst subject:Algebra II
favorite class: Literature and Chemistry 
overal grades: B+ Average, it would be A average if it wasn't for Algebra II
social life: I'm pretty much average, but I am a friend to everyone, if you deserve it, unless you're a bully.
instrument or color guard: Color Guard 
(optional) position?:Color Guard Captain 
how long have you been playing?: Well I can also play the Piano, so for 11 years
what got you to play the intrument?: My appa, wanted me to be able to play his favorite Instrument, so he taught me.
commited?: Yes, color guard are my life.
how often do you practice?: 8 becasue I practice everyday, except when I need to study or go out with cough niel cough
rival: Her name is Jung Sooyeon, she wants my position, as captain. She always watching and waiting for me to mess up.
love interest?: Ahn Daniel (Niel)
back up love interest: Lee Sungjong 
grade&age: 11th & 16
Niel:Well in front of strangers or when practicing, he cold and serious,however he has his wacky times and moments. He can't admit his feelings very well, he gets embarrassed when it comes to lovey dovey stuff, especially in public. He also gets shy at doing couple-y things, like holding hands, etc. He has a kind heart. When he upset, he gets really serious and scary, he quiet and more observant, waiting for the right thing to set off his fuse. When he'S mad, that person is died to him. when he jealous, he act similar to when he's upset but he more talkative, and clingy in a way, like he'll cut people off, and correct the person rudely . If i'm upset, sad, or mad, he'll get worried and try to comfort me.
Sungjong: He a super sweet and very protective when it comes to his friends, he really kind to strangers, but he still very cautious about the person. When cares about something, he so protective about it. He very dense about his feelings, when it comes to love. he also can seem to be dimwitted, but actually is very smart. Even though he is usually happy, he can be angered somewhat easily, and can be very intimidating at times.
how do you act around each other?:We act like a 'married' Couple, but we just think we act normal and naturally with each other, but we are really close, he's my best friend.  
instrument: Saxophone 
past relationships?: Nope 
the end.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
password: Pride
suggestions? questions?comments? words of encouragement?:  It seem very interesting, I'M GLAD that someone esle see how cool marching band is.  ah is the marching band going to do Bang, I think it's perfect for marching band, my middle school band, we did at our talent show. Hmm a good song could be Shinwha Venus, or hmm Gee would be cute. My inspirit side says we should do Infinite Paradise, the chaser, Be Mine, or Come back again :3


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