Tagged!! by purpleturtle

TAGGED BY- purpleturtle




Rule One | Post the rules.

Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule Four | Let them know you tagged them!




1) Have you ever read a fanfic that relates to your life, even a little? If so, which one?

Hm....actually no... T_T

2) Who was your 1st Kpop crush???

SIWON!!!!!! <3<3

3) Who's you ideal Kpop boyfriend and why?

Yunho and changmin and siwon *cant really pick!)!!<3<3 well, all three are definitely boyfriend material! lol!! siwon is just real caring and sweet,;yunho is also reallllly sweet and seems like the type to care about a person (too bad he belongs to jae!)..and Changmin well.....we both have similar characters and will definitely be able to get along well (we both r evil!!!)lol

4) Is there any Kpop group that you use to really hate but now love? If so, who?

No... I dont really hate any kpop group... I think that they all work hard!! I was nt the biggest fan of shinee, but i did like them, i like em a lot more now.

5) Kpop celebrity that you just can't stand no matter how much people love him/her?

I dont know why...but i di dnt like Taemin in the beginning...but now i like him alot! 


6) Have you ever seen your bias in real life? If so, where?

sadly I have nt seen Onew anywhere. *sigh*



7) What do you like about your bias?

He is sweet, caring and funny! he knows how to take care of people... and he is just sooo perfect!!!!! :D xD


8) What's a group/singer you like that would surprise your friends/family? You can choose a song too if you want.

Mirotic!! DB5K! Changmin's scream will definitely surprise everyone! lol

9) One song that you CANNOT stop listening to?

Sorry Sorry - Super Junior

10) How many years have you been listeing to Kpop?

New to kpop!!! but i am definitely addicted..i think its been a year!

11) Which Kpop artist is good husband material?

Definitely Siwon. He is too honest to cheat and stuff. lol and he is hawt!



MY QUESTIONS! for you to answer!


1.. Favourite group, and reason why they are your favourite!

2.. Who is your bias... reason?

3..Any entertainment company you are biased to?

4..Favourite K-pop song?

5..If you could date a k-pop celebrity, who would it be?

6..If a kpop celebrity could be your brother(if you are a girl) or sister(if you are a guy) who would it be?

7..iest and prettiest kpop artist?(2 different guys)

8..if you could make any three wishes regarding kpop, what would they be?

9.. OTP? reason?

10..Which is the one kpop song you want to learn how to dance to??

11..Your favourite kpop (4different people!)




 *variety show idol! 

(all 4 have to be idols!!!!)


I TAG....













Answer them!



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I will do it sometime soon, thank you for tagging me :)