New York trip

I thought I should blog about my NY trip since it was so much fun!

Fair warning though, I'm a music geek and the trip was for the performing arts department of our school. (I'm in Chorus by the way and trying out for Show Choir during the next auditions) Also I felt disconnected to the world due to bein wifi-less for about more than there days.

Now the parts of the trip:
My favorite part would be the broadway play :) 
The Phantom of the Opera was so goooood~ the the phantom was such a good singer, he even got a standing ovation from the crowd. The song masquerade was so amazing! I'm thinking of maybe writing a fanfiction after that song. Should I? 
I also loved the Nintendo world~ I saw this gameboy on the second floor. It was all beat up and it survived the Gulf war. AND it still works! :o
That brought tears to my eyes T_T I almost screamed my very loud fangirl scream when I saw this entire memorial of all the pokemon games ever made!

The worst part:
One was when we walked from 42nd atreet to 32nd street to get to a place called Koryo Bookstore which turned out to be closed. I saw a TaeTiSeo poster on the window! ( -begins to sing- So Close~ Yet so far away! Everything, that you alway dreamed of~ Close enough for you to taste but you just can't touch! )
But I took a rickshaw to the largest toystore on the world!
I also went to the empire state building, it was blue! I'm such a huge Percy Jackson fan! But when we asked for the 600th floor at the reception desk, it killed my heart when the lady didn't  get the reference T_T
Our school gave us the T-shirt that says I <3 NY 

So who out there watches the Today show? Because my school went out there and we were on TV! Brooklyn Marching Band For the Win~ 
You probably wouldn't see me because I'm short and all the way in the back DX
I also went to the Nitendo Store in NY and got a Pachirisu PokeDoll and a Darkrai for my Pokemon Black game :D
But on a sadder note, I didn't get a chance to buy any soveinours for myself becaues I spent all the time looking for my sister and spent most of my money on soveinours on relatives and friends 

Well, I re-updated it from my computer and edited a lot of the grammer and spelling mistakes from last night x_x I feel so dead right now even though I just saw the news of SM town from my TV via Chinese news :D But bus ride from New York to my hometown was way tooo long DX Shoutout to my big sister whose birthday is today! 


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