I've Been Tagged!!! :P PART 2





rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!



1. Would you like to change your current name? Why?

~ I used to make up different names for myself in the past but now that I’m older I’ve learned to love my name. Apparently my name is a female version of some old name that means ‘free woman’.  I think it perfectly fits my personality.


2. What would you do if you and your bias got stuck in an elevator?

~ Expectation: We’d enjoy a never-ending conversation and think about that one moment for the rest of our lives. Reality: awkward silence from start to finish or I’d stare at him in a very creepy way and TOP would end up crying for his eomma because he’s scared. LOL.


3. Would you rather have a one-night stand with your bias? >:)

~ What do you mean one-night stand? Like we’d stand up the whole night staring at each other? Kekeke~ Nope. I’m greedy. I won’t be satisfied with just one night. It’ll take forever for me to be satisfied with him. :P


4. Name a song you think suits your mood right now.

~ I’m a bit pissed right now. I can’t think of a song. :(


5. Who do you think is the "mean" girl, or at least mean-looking, in SNSD and 2NE1? Why?

~ I’m not very familiar with SNSD and I don’t think there’s a mean-girl (or mean-looking girl) in 2ne1. But for the sake of discussion, Jessica and Yoona from SNSD. Because they’re UBER pretty. Lol. Uhm as for 2ne1, rather than being mean I’d say CL might be stern enough to seem mean and Bom...I think she can be seriously mean if she wanted to.


6. What's your favorite food?

~ Rellenong Talong! Adobong Baboy...or Bouillabaisse? Can you tell that I love food? HAHAHAHA...


7. Who's your closest online friend?

~ hmmm...rather than say closest, I prefer to say the online friend I correspond to the most. YOU! Hahaha...


8. Do you prefer to not have your real-life friends know your AFF stories? Why?

~ I actually want them to read the stories I have here on AFF but most of my real life friends are still not that ‘broadminded’ and some are still minors.


9. Which do you prefer: dying with a terminal illness or getting chased by wolves?

~ WOW. This got me thinking. Drama or extreme physical stress. Hmmm. I choose DRAMA. Who knows, someone might find my life interesting. The terminal illness bit would be great for a good sob story. HAHAHAHA. I’d choose getting chased by wolves if I don’t have to die because of it. I’d like to die with my body intact thankyouverymuch!


10. Can you live without your cellphone?

~ I once spent six months without a cellphone and I have to say it was rather LIBERATING! I’d love to do it again. :))


11. Post something on my wall when you answer this, ok? :*



My 11Qs

1.       If you could create your own constellation what would it look like and what would you name it?

2.       What do you think of ulzzangs?

3.       Have you seen ? What made you watch it?

4.       What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever seen? Why?

5.       Five things you can’t live without.

6.       Would you rather be crushed by an elephant or a ten-wheeler truck? (random qs are random! lol) Why?

7.       Go blind or become deaf? Why?

8.       Forget or be forgotten? Why?

9.       Kill or be killed? Why?

10.   Play or be played? Why?

11.   Leave or be left behind? Why?


I’m tagging














Sorry if you find this annoying. Just ignore this if you don't want to answer ^_^

And if you do decide to answer this, please post a message on my wall about it. THANKS!


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I just logged in today. I will sure answer this.. ^_^ whoa.. seems difficult..
mstofai #2
Number 2! :))
Haha. Good thing the other set of questions I was tagged in is a lot easier xD
I've been tagged :O Okay maybe I'm going to this later ^^