Chocolate: The sweet girls of SME application


Let me know something about you!

Username: SHINeeLovers


Activeness: almost everyday



The Choco Character 

Name: Oh Ki Young

Alias: M&Ms

Age: 22

Birthday: feb 16

Languages: Korean,english and chinese

Nationality: Korean

Personality: outgoing,cheerful,cute.  get impateient sometimes

History: Ki Young was born in Korea, but her mother was a singaporean so

she was considered a half korean and half chinese. she was the only child and

her parents dote on her. she has lots of friends and she enjoys being with them.

she is currently studying in SM arts Academy. Ki young is popular in her class

and the teachers likes her a lot as she always show her respect to her teachers.

she has deep dimple and always a happy girl. she was talented in her singing and

dancing and won many awards for her school. she want to make it big in the

korean entertainment just like her best friend, IU.


Lemme see how pretty you are!

Ulzzang Pics (3+):||th_lee_da_som_504718_large-1.jpgth_tumblr_l5wqf5A56r1qa5dcno1_400.jpg th_lee_da_som_555606_large-1.jpgth_lee_da_som_23.jpg


Ulzzang Model:Lee da som


Back-Up Ulzzang Pics (3+):||th_Songahri.jpg  th_tumblr_lhxdib9rwA1qi02slo1_400.jpg  th_1305067929187_f.jpgth_songahri.png

Back-Up Ulzzang Model (3+):park seul ki

Fashion Style: cute


Can I meet your family and friends?


Name:Oh man young-father

             Oh soo ran-mother

Age: 42 and 40 respectively ^^

Occupation: Father- soccer coach, mother - housewife

Birthday: Aug 1 and sept 22

Personality:friendly and dote on their children

Relationship: Father and Mother

Dead or Alive: alive

Notes: nil


Siblings( Ki young is the only child,so i just leave it blank.)







Dead or Alive:



Besties (Idols are allowed max. of 2)

Name: IU


Occupation: singer

Personality: cute, friendly and has a great vocal

Relationship: best friend

Dead or Alive: alive

Notes: nil



Name: Goo Hara

Why: been an enemy with ki young since young, competed with her almost everything

Notes: nil


Love....what a word

Love History: [if none please put none]: none

Love Interest: Kim JongHyun from SHINee

Do you keep in touch?: [] Yes [+] No [] Sometimes

Are you together already?: [] Yes [+]No [Means at the beggining, you're already BF and GF]

Back-Up Love Interest: Jang woo young

Do you keep in touch?: [] Yes [+] No [] Sometimes

Are you together already?: [] Yes [+] No

Romantic Scene Requests: have a romantic movie date~


The stage is yours!

Fanclub: Choco

Why: the fans are a part and the band is another part and they form as a whole

Choco+late= Chocolate~

Fanclub color: white,black

Why:cos we had white and black chocolate :P

Stage Name [Not alias. Ex. Kim DayMee-Kim YunMay]: Ki Young

Occupation: main vocal/ main dancer

A.K.A/Public Persona [Ex.Innocent Baby]:  sweet angel


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i already amend it :D
thanks for pointing out my mistakes :D
...your character is alright but....
The ange isn't within the age range I'm allowing and your public persona isn't exactly a nickname. E.x:Fallen Angel/Dancing Machine