Tag game

TAGGED BY:  YunJae_Fanatic

(u have to create your own blog!)

Rule One | Post the rules.
Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule Four | Let them know you tagged them!



1.. What was the first KPOP song you ever heard? (Please mention the group too)

Sorry Sorry- Super Junior



2.. Which of YOUR fanfics you like/love/adore among of all those you have written?

 Will you ever love me (yunjae)

 Living my life(jongyu)

3.. If you have fav OTP, what will you give them as a sign that you love them?

Accept them! lol! ANything!!!!!! xD

4.. What/who inspire you to become writer/author?

I am an addict when it comes to reading, so well, so I read A LOT of books... reading toooo much got me writing.

5.. Would you waste your chance if you are chosen to be an artist? (At any Entertainment you want)

yes. I am not the celebrity (artist) type.. but I am a business major..If I could work with SM entertainment......  xD

6.. Who is/are your idol/idols?

   ONEW!!!  (my ultimate bias!!)

  and the whole of Super Junior and Db5k!

7.. In one word, define your OTP/bias...


8.. In three words, define your fav group...

The perfect group

9.. What type of person you easy get along?

The type that talks and listens :D

10.. What is the last thing you would want to say to your EX before he/she left? (the situation is he/she cheated on you)


11. Definition of life to you:

Quoting Bon Jovi,

It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive




MY QUESTIONS! for u to answer!

1.. Favourite group, and reason why they are your favourite!

2.. Who is your bias... reason?

3..Any entertainment company you are biased to?

4..Favourite K-pop song?

5..If you could date a k-pop celebrity, who would it be?

6..If a kpop celebrity could be your brother(if you are a girl) or sister(if you are a guy) who would it be?

7..iest and prettiest kpop artist?(2 different guys)

8..if you could make any three wishes regarding kpop, what would they be?

9.. OTP? reason?

10..Which is the one kpop song you want to learn how to dance to??

11..Your favourite kpop  (4different people!)




    *variety show idol!



Answer em!!!!!



I Tag...
















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