Harmony's Application Form

about you
Username: angelzs2
Profile Link: Link
What should I call you? Vivian's fine. :)
your other side
Full Name: Quan Yu
Nickname(s): Yu-Yu
Birth date: 09/06/1994
Age: 17 turning 18
Place of birth: Beijing, China
Hometown: Beijing, China
Ethnicity & Nationality: Full Chinese
Languages Spoken: Fluent: Chinese | Conversational: Korean and English
digging deeper
Describe her personality: Yu is the type of person you would turn to if you wanted to know anything about, well... Nature. She's a HUGE green thumb. She's kind to others even to people she STONGLY dislikes. She's not the type of person to hold grudges you see. Her parents had taught her to be respectful to anyone, unless they have done anything bad to her. She's the bubbly type and doesn't care about what other says about her. She's EXTREMELY optimistic to the poiint that some of her friends are quite scared of. But, that's to those who are just friends with her. Those who are EXTREMELY close friends with her get to see a different side. Her childish and snappy side. Yu's brain can quickly wrack itself so that she can produce witty comebacks and because of that, most of them lose to her in arguments. It's a wonder why she wasn't in the debate team in high school. She also has a sharp tongue but she bites on it most of the times so that she doesn't hurt them but if it ever does, she's say sorry to the point that it'll... well, turn them mad? But she'll laugh it off, not minding if they tell her to shut up in both a harsh and soft way. She'll laugh either way.
Family background and history: The moment she was born, her parents adored Yu. They treated her as if she was a princess, trying to spoil her. She obviously, accepted it as a young age but as she grew up, she discouraged her parents to stop. They however, wouldn't stop until she was in grade five. But instead, the taught her proper manners and skills. Her mother taught her how to be a lady-like at that age. But usually, she wouldn't listen and just sat in front of the television watching one of her favourite programs; The Simpsons. Once, there was an episode about broccolis being the most dangerous vegetable on earth and watching one of the characters 'die' from eating one; being the dense person she is, soon had a passion of hatred for broccoli. (Strange even though she loves nature and broccolis are like mini trees...) However, she was slowly forgetting about it with the intense lessons her mother was teaching her. The etiquette lasted for two years until it changed into lessons on how to cook. Her mother taught her different skills on how to cook and back while her father, even though her mother told him not to, slowly taught her some basic martial art skills and some skills in kendo.
During half way through that year, she was out on a picnic with her parents and enjoyed the scenery. But her father insisted her to practise her skills so she obediently obeyed. However, not seeing a stick, she tripped and cut her lip on some of the sharp pebbles. Her parents saw what happened and grabbed a hand full of tissue and daping it on the cut. It eventually stopped bleeding and they enjoyed the picnic but ever since then. She has a small scar on the side of her lip that is barely recongisble.
During high school, she developed a strong love (or obession) for music and would always say something like: "I can't live a day without music." or "I can't live a day without singing." Because of that, she's slowly self-teaching herself Korean and English, and is currently conversational with it.
During one of those years on April Fools' Day, she decided to play a prank on her parents so she cross-dressed as a guy and tricked them into believing that she was a male. She got grounded (from any more martial arts, much from her father's dismay who wanted fahter-daughter quality time) but in the end, they all got a laugh from it.
  • Sunshine 
  • Violet
  • Fantasy
  • Books
  • Cheery Blossoms
  • Flowers
  • Secretly loves martial arts
  • Thunder
  • Sectrely Hates Horror
  • Party Poopers
  • Broccolis
  • Two-face idiots and all those type of people
  • people who give up too easily
  • Weak remarks
  • Laughs at the most random things
  • Making 'not needed' comments on things
  • Loves having 'comeback' wars with her friends
  • Twiddles her thumbs heind her back when she's shy
  • Blows or ruffles her hair when she's fustrated
  • Secretly practises martial arts at home even though her parents (mum reall) forbade it
  • Loves to read her in spare time
  • Dislikes broccoli because of one t.v program
  • Is extremely dense to the point she wouldn't even get obvious love hints
  • Has not (yet or is in denial) experienced a crush before
How long did you train for? Two years
How was training? It was a rocky start in the beginning but she soon gained some friends. Most of them were from EXO-M but the two closest friend she had was Tao and Kris. She met Tao when she was still practising in the studio until late at night. He had just taken a shower and was how you say... Topless. She accidently bumped onto him and saw him half-. Apologising almost immediately she ran away. Tao however was shocked at the spot and decided to befriend her. Everytime he came near her face would turn warm at the memory but being the respectful person she is, she befriended him too. She met Kris one day when she accidently bumped into him at the cafeteria. She was first intimidated but after taking a look at him (who had a slightly-worried look) she decided to befriend him too. Soon enough, all three was introduced to each other and they became good friends.
How you were selected? In 2010 she entered the SM Entertainment audtion and just barely passed. Even though she was confident in her voice, she couldn't help but be shaky. But because her voice was strong and power (and eventually loosened up) she passed.
you are beautiful
Name of ulzzang or net idol: Jie Jie
Back-up ulzzang or net idol: Kingboo
Height: 164 cms
Weight: 50kgs
the relations
Family Members:
  • Quan Xue | 39 | Waitress | Mother | Living | Supporting and EXTREMELY prtoective yet slightly strict
  • Quan Huo | 40 | Kendo teacher and Martial Arts master | Living | Teasing, a loving father and slightly less strict than the mother
  • Huang Zi Tao | 19 | Main Rapper | EXO-M | BFF | Real | Cheeky, hilarious, always gives up midway in an argument and positive | REALLY close
  • Wu Fan (Kris) | 22 | Lead Rapper | EXO-M | BFF | Real | Intimidating, somewhat friendly, poker-faced and takes an argument to the end )but usually loses) | REALLY close
  • And everyone else of EXO-M who are just Friends.

Rival: Anyone author-nim wants. :)

the love life
Love Interest: EXO-M's main rapper, Tao.
Have you already met and how? As explained as above
Scene Requests: Not needed
Past lovers: Never had one
Backup Love Interest: Kris, as explained as above
who wants the center stage?
Which group? Harmony
Persona: The Green Thumb Fighter
Group Position: Lead Vocalist & Main Dancer
Backup Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Stage Name: Rose
Individual Fanclub Name: Thorns
Individual Fanclub Colour: Violet
about the group
Fanclub name: Peace Makers?
Fanclub emblem: Something similar to yours or it's basically the same; the bass cleff for Melody and treble cleff for Harmony?
Any nice greetings in mind? In all honesty, I at it too. How about something similar to EXO? "We are united! We're Music(?)" Well, that's for it all together. If solo then... "We are the peace making Harmony~" Okay, honestly, that just sounded retared but oh well. For Melody I guess... "We are the strong pumping Melody!" Okay, another thing tha sounded slightly retared but meh.
Album title: Harmony: White Dove | Melody: Tuning Bass
Song suggestions: Harmony: Love Again (Chinese Ver) - miss A | Melody: DJ Is Mine - Wonder Girls
wait! before you go!
Password: I am a real exotic.
Anything else:  Please excuse my little side comments for the greetings suggestion. Kekeke, but I wish you all the luck in your story~ 12 godly eye-candy, I might die. Kekeke.


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