Chocolate APP!~


Let me know something about you!

Username: Its_JangMi123

Profile: CLICK!~

Activeness: Everday!

Password: ChocolateLove


The Choco Character 

Name: Park JaeMi

Alias: Snickers

Age: 19

Birthday: 2/24/1992

Languages: Korean(fluent) || Japanese(conversational)

Nationality: Korean Japanese

Personality: JaeMi is a forever-rebellious child. She acts like a child, and has tons of energy. She is naturally rebellious, and rates restrictions and rules. If you tell her no, she will find a way to get it if she really wants it. She is a pro at keeping secrets. She gets bored easily, and is always doing something. She has a very bad habit of sleeping late. She loves being outdoors where she can run around and be free. She loves to play games like hide and seek, tag, etc. She loves going against what people tell her and proving them wrong. She normally doesn't listen to anyone. She disappears easily and gets lost often, which she hates. She has a terrible sense of direction.

She can be serious at times, when she needs to be. She is protective and doesn't like seeing the people she loves unhappy. She is naturally good at aegyo, but doesn't show it often. She hates girly things and is a tomboy. She still uses makeup, but she uses bold, bright colors on her eyes. She likes making people laugh. he has a sharp tongue, and uses sarcasm often.

Secretly, she is a hopeless romantic. She dreams of the perfect boyfriend and perfect dates and such.


She was raised as a boy. She was adopted, but nobody knows that, since she keeps it a secret.Her older brother always encouraged her to chase her dream, and even taught her how to dance. She loves skinship and was always clinging onto him. She learned to use "hyung" and "noona" rather than "unnie" and "Oppa", because she thought those sounded girly, so hyung and noona sounded cooler.


Lemme see how pretty you are!

Ulzzang Pics :

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10

Ulzzang Model: Jang Hae Byeol

Back-Up Ulzzang Pics :

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Back-Up Ulzzang Model : Lee DaSom

Fashion Style:

Loose, bright clothes

1 || 2|| 3 || 4 || 5


Can I meet your family and friends?


Name: Park JaeSook

Age: 57

Occupation: Executive Director

Birthday: 3/7


He is funny and encouraging, and always wants the best for his kids. He taught them that showing pain and fear are things they shouldn't do if they want to be successful.

Relationship: father

Dead or Alive: alive

Notes: He's away on business trips annually, so he always spends as much time with his children as he can, and always brings home something for them.


Name: Park SangMi

Age: 53

Occupation: Model

Birthday: 8/6


She is 4-D and crazy. She loves JaeMi's passion for performing. She pushes her children to "do your best and be your best" everyday.

Relationship: mother

Dead or Alive: alive




Name: Park JaeSon

Age: 23

Occupation: barista

Birthday: 6/30


He is protective, and fun loving. He is where JaeMi got her boyish attitude and love of skinship from. He has a habit of doing skinship as well. He will do anything for his younger sister, and makes sure she's always happy. He is her knight in shining armor, best friend, teddy bear, and shoulder to cry on. he is very sweet and understanding.

Relationship: older brother

Dead or Alive: alive




Name: SNSD's Sunny

Age: 23

Occupation: Singer


She is bubbly and cute, just like JaeMi. She takes care of her and always makes her smile. Sunny is like her older sister, and JaeMi feels comfortable talking to her. She is understanding and caring, and always jokes around and does aegyo to entertain JaeMi.

Relationship: bestfriends

Dead or Alive: alive




Name: SNSD's Yoona

Why: She is a girly-girl, and a snob. She hates the fact that JaeMi hangs out with Sunny, and always tries to keep them away from each other, because she thinks JaeMi isn't good enough.



Love....what a word

Love History: : None

Love Interest: AA's Kimchi

Do you keep in touch?: [x] Yes [] No [] Sometimes

Are you together already?: [] Yes [x]No

Back-Up Love Interest: B1A4's Baro

Do you keep in touch?: [] Yes [] No [x] Sometimes

Are you together already?: [] Yes [x] No

Romantic Scene Requests: Cheesy romantic dates, skinship, cutesy things, a cute confession


The stage is yours!

Fanclub: O.J's

Why: Her skills willmakes you say OHHH!. and her name starts with a J! (lame. I know.)

Fanclub color: orange

Why: It represents her bright attitude.

Stage Name : Jae

Occupation: Main Rapper

A.K.A/Public Persona : 4-D Troublemaker


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