tagged by IamSam


annyeong!  i was tagged again, and as i wrote in my previous post, i will answer all future tags.

but i will not be tagging anyone since i am pressed for time

-- i just snuck a peek here in AFF and i dont wanna forget answering again.  kekeke.

all right, here it goes!



IamSam's questions:


1. Who is your crush?

right now? ah, daniel padilla. to borrow a phrase from mrskwonchoi "he is soooo rawrrrrrr"

2. What brand of toothpaste do you use? XDD.

usually colgate, but a relative came over for a vacation (from OH, USA) and she brought a lot of pasalubong, or take home gifts in a way, one of which is a whole bunch of aquafresh. we're supplied for the better half of a year.

3. GD or TOP?


4. Why do you like Big Bang?

coz of gd. coz of their friendship. coz they're from yge.

5. Do you like 2ne1? Why?

yes, yes and yes, i like them. why? er, why not? coz theyr'e fierce, and they're fresh, and their music picks me up and energizes me when im totally deflated.  and i like them more coz of 2ne1tv -- they've gotta be the truest, most honest people on tv, no phoniness.

6. What's up?

ahhh, the sky?

7. Ice Cream, Lollipop or Blackberry?

lollipop then ice cream. keke

8. Ipad or Ipod?

both. definitely both. hehe

9. What will you say to GD if ever you were given a chance to meet him?

ahhh, nothing! i mean, i dont think il be able to talk! im just gonna stare and stare and stare that he'll probably freak out.

10. If you were given a chance to ask one question to TOP/ GD what will you ask him?

id ask gd "will you marry me?" hahaha. kidding!

11. Who's your bias in 2ne1?

dara, the goddess herself


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