I've Been Tagged!!! :P



rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!





1. Are you like someone who just only read/write DARAGON fanfics (coz they are too cute) but does not believe they can be real in real life too? Explain (lol).

~ I don't really seek out Daragon fanfics but I always come across them in the Gdragon/Big Bang tag. I don't exactly write them either but I insert them into my stories every now and then. There are too many awesome Daragon fanfics on here. It kinda makes me feel insecure about writing Daragon FFs. >_<


2. Do you think Blackjacks (2NE1's fans name) united?

~ I don't think so. I've read some comments that are slightly anti-Dara. To them I say, " :P "


3. What is your character outside aff or online world (real life)?

~ I'm basically the same but I'm often required to be more serious in real life which I must say I'm really good at since most people I know say that they found me VERY intimidating the first time they met me. :))


4. What do you prefer ONLINE FRIENDS or OFFLINE (real world) FRIENDS?

~ Both. My offline friends know the real/physical me. My online friends know the crazy part of me that I mostly keep from my offline friends. So I guess I can say I have the best of both worlds?


5. What do you think Sandara Park should do next?

~ I think she should do a movie.


6. SivSema is ...........?z



7. One thing you like about me.

~ Same answer as the last question. The reason why I started to talk to you was because I saw your comments on most of the fanfics I read. I guess I thought we had a lot in common. :D


8. One thing you don't like about me.

~ You disappear so often. :)) Especially during the time 'Brown Eyed Model" was still ongoing. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH, I kept on logging in but you seldom updated. T_T hahaha...


9. One thing or one question you want to know about me.

~ What's your nationality/ethnicity?


10. Alert or Wall me once you answer these question.



11. Live life to the fullest outside this online world. Can you promise? :)




My 11Qs

1.     If your bias asked you to cook or prepare food for him/her, what would you prepare and why?

2.     What do you think of Hyuna from 4minute?

3.     Name an English song you'd want your bias to sing for you. Explain your choice.

4.     If you were a crayon what color would you be and why?

5.     What’s your fave cartoon character and why?

6.     If you were given a chance to choose a different /gender, would you do it? Why?

7.     Do you want kids? How many, the genders and why this choice?

8.     Have you ever had a supernatural experience? Tell us about it.

9.     If you were a vampire and you had to drink a KPop Idol’s blood, whose blood would it be and why?

10.  The most depressing song you’ve ever heard. Why?

11.  If someone produced a soundtrack of your life what would the title track be? Why?

















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Your questions are hard unnie esp when Keeper has no bias atm OTL
but I'll try. I'll just post it here ^-^

1. I don't know how to cook. But I'll share my favorite foods: burritos, chicken empanada (not the one in Ilocos) and brownies
2. Cute and bubbly
3. Happy Birthday song. Haha. So that we would meet during my birthday XD
4. Green. It's my favorite color.
5. Naruto. I feel much much better when I see him ^^
6. Nope. I like being a girl.
7. Right now, no. I can't bring myself to think that I can be responsible enough for the life of another human being. I can't even take care of myself XD
8. Yes. But this is a normal occurrence now every time I pray for healing. I'll just one instance. I couldn't breathe because of my asthma plus I have a fever but then I felt a warm sensation washing over me, starting from my forehead. My mom dabbed oil in my forehead while praying for me.
9. I couldn't imagine myself as one. Pass.
10. Yiruma's Kiss The Rain. I don't listen to sad songs. Aside from anime OSTs, KTR made me write a poem XD Oh, Hong Gil Dong's If is sad too.
11. Walking in Water. It is about me stepping out of my boat and walking in water.