My Definition of Love - Victoria Stone (In Progress)

  ~ application form ~
"When written in Chinese. the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents the danger and the other represents opportunity"


❄~ i'm the creator~

aff profile link:
aff username: wondergir123
your favourite song is: Park Jung Min, Heo Young Saeng and Kim Hyung Jun
you are this active: 10 if I'm not at the cottage.
you would like to be called...Vicky

~ this is me~

Place she wasn born:

Height (your characters height. In ft or cm):
Weight (your characters weight. In kg or pounds):
Birth Date (your characters birth date. MM/DD/YEAR):
What countries has she visited (Max 4. Provide reasons why your character went there):

Talents (what is she known for? A good piano player? Hockey player? Minimum 2.):

❄~ the majority of my life~

Personality (the more the better. Use "she" "he" *characters name etc. No "I" and "me"):
Background (same as personality. consider character your applying for. be unique):
Dominant Character Trait (what good thing do people see in her? Miaximum of 3):
Career Choice (what does she want to do as a career. Fashion designer? Computer Expert? List 1):
Education history (did you graduate from high school? what was elementary school like?):
Ethnicity (asian? white? black. I'm not being racist :P Make sure it matches with your ulzzang or model):


❄~ am i pretty~
ulzzang links (5+ links. any ulzzang or model is accepted. no idols)
ulzzang name:
back-up ulzzang:
back-up ulzzang link (3+):
clothes she wears (provide everyday, formal, pajama's. I provide uniform. 2+ links for all):


❄~ the characters~
i'm applying for character (put character title and number):
how did she into this situation (describe how she got into the situation that is given to you in the description under the character your applying for):

family, friends and rivals (Name || Age || Birth Date || Relation to You || Personality || Dead or Alive || Picture)
clubs (only high school students. Any character above 18 years of age is in College or University. Club examples are basket-ball, drama, etc.):
Best subject:
Worst Subject:
Most hated teacher:
what people don't know about her includes (Max. 3):
phobia's/fears (4+)

❄~ love is in the air~
love Interest (please mention what band their in if their not in SS501):
How did you meet him?
How do you two interact?
His family members (Name || Relation to him || Age || Personality || Picture) (this is his family. Describe what their like):
back-up love interest (please mention what band their in if their not in SS501):
Reason for rivalry


❄~ inside my characters head~
if my character were to wake from a coma, the first thing she would do is.....
if my character were to find out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she would
the word my character would say when mad, sad, happy, tired or annoyed are...
my characters makes enemies when someone...
at school, everyone calls her _____ because....
if she were to meet a giant, the first thing she would do is....
if someone is being bullied or rude, my character would...
when their serving gross good at the cafeteria, my character...

❄~ this is the end~
the password is...(did you read the rules?):
my characters likes and dislikes are (5+ for each)
i would like to request...(any scenes you want to request? No rated or scenes :P)
i would like to end by saying...(any last words? Are you excited for this? Anything about your character you want to mention?):



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