weird answering questions thingy - stole this from SHINees_Gabby!!♥

Time started: 20:22 - DK time



: Female

Birthday: 16th April

Siblings: Two silbings~ a big brother and a big sister

Eye color: Dark brown

Shoe size: 37 (danish shoesize)

Height: I think it was 167-168 cm.. hmm.. can't remember - I'm asian, but quite tall for a 15 y/o chinese girl ( ._.)

What are you wearing: A black björkvin hoodie and some white hotpants(shorts), aren't I y ;)

Where do you live: . . . PLANET MATO!!

Righty or lefty: Righty~ but sometimes I want to be lefty, because it's unic

Who are your closest friends:

in  aff  there are many! there are; iapple, krispajaron, xxleennaa, AesthesticLinh and many others~

in real life there are; Soya(oya) and Hajføde(hajar) who are my bestfriends and my two friends Musling(sarah) and Snoopy the Paynis(maria) / yes those are their nicknames I call them ;) and paynis is a combination for the man privat area and 1D's Liam Payne (they all four are obsessed with 1D..)

Best place for a date?: at home(I know I'm weird..) or at a park where you can have a picnic~

Where is your fav place to shop: there is many.. h&m - pieces - gina tricot - monki etc.

Favorite kind of plant: I don't know.. as long they are pretty and cute~ i like the nameplant hoya ;)

Fave Color(s): spring pastel colors and green~

Fave Number: 9

Fave Boys Name: hmm.. I don't know yet, maybe Ricky?

Fave Girls Name: Tiffany~

Fave Sport: sports where you have to play with a ball; soccer - badminton - basketball - volleyball - handball(? forgot the name) etc.

Fave Month: all months! escpecially the hot months~

Movies: I dun naaaaaaa!!

Juice: tropic~ sho dericous ^ ^

Finger: Ring finger = Marriage~

Breakfast food: cornflakes?

Favorite cartoon character: pikachu!!

Given anyone a bath: a kitten~!

Smoked: if I said no, then it would be a lie..

Made yourself throw-up: no, why should I? =.=

Gone skinny dipping: oh you nasty question~ (simon from eatyourkimchi/simonandmartine voice)

Eaten a dog: OH HELL NO!!!

Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: nope~

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: hm.. i don't think so, maybe kpopidols but not irl :)

Broken a bone?: Nope, but I have fractured a bone before, but it's something different..

Played truth or dare: Of course ;) played it with my girl and boy friends when we were camping at night with my school

Been in a physical fight: I think so, can't even remember xD

Been in a police car: not yet ;) lol, I will not do something criminal

Been on a plane: of courseu~

Come close to dying: nope~ and I will not want to come close to dying .__.

Been in a sauna: yup, but I hate it =.=

Been in a hot tub: yup~ sho niceu~

Cried when someone died: in movies yup, but in real life nope

Cried in school: Yesh..

Fell off your chair: yes I have.. meanie friends >_<

Wait for someone's phone call all night: /shakes head

Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: a what? what is aim? s:

Saved e-mails: ehm.. yes?

Fallen for one of your best friends: it was a little crush, and it was when I was young and stupid xD

Made out with JUST a friend?: uhm.. no?

Used someone: /shakes head

What is..

What's your good luck charm?: I doesn't have one :)

Best song you ever heard: There is to~oo~oo many

What's your bedroom like: The sekshiest bedroom you will ever come into ;)

Last thing you said: can't remember.. maybe 'AYO WADDUP KREASE!!' Lol xD

What is beside you?: a trashbin? I'm eating cherries right now hehe ^ ^

Last thing you ate: Ramyun~ with beast/b2st on ;) yum~

What kind of shampoo do you use?: TREsemmé and Head and Shoulder, and some from bodyshop~

Best thing that has happened to you this year:

. . . b.a.p and exo debuted! and infinite won for ing 6 times! b.a.p's livestream! I woke up extra early to see it~

Worst thing that has happened to you this year: there is too many thing..

Have you had..

Chicken pox: Yup~

Sore Throat: of courseu~

Stitches: nope~

Broken nose: nope~ but I 'accidently' did it to my friend .__.

Do You..

Believe in love at first sight: hmm.. yes~ have not experied before, but wait to I meet daehyun someday ;)

Like school: . . . it's like saying 'do you like being in prison, where you learn to be something someday, and just get scolded all the time?' . . . yes and no xD

What schools have you gone to: ehm.. a school were you learn to be y ;)

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no, I would never kill a innocent animal.. poor hamstar ;___;

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: all my biases ;) then we could make our own family and all . . . LOL!! xD

Who was the last person that called you: hm.. my cousin I think

Who was the last person you slow danced with: My bestfriend~

What makes you laugh the most?: everybody! aff friends, friends irl, family, strangers!

What makes you smile?: I smile almost all the time :)

Last Person..

You yelled at: My parents I think /:

Who broke your heart: that's is a hard, I can't remember..

Told you that they love you: people I love back~

Is your loudest friend: I'm the loudest out of my friends, so that's a hard one /:

Do You/Are You..

Do you like filling these out?: it's entertainting :)

Do you wear contacts or glasses: both~ but mostly glasses

Do you like yourself: at some moments yes, but sometimes no..

Do you get along with your family: Yup, sometimes no

Stolen anything over $50: no? who do you think I'm?

Obsessive Compulsive?: what does compulsive mean..?

Anorexic?: Nope~ but I want to get thinner ;___;

Suicidal? Was, maybe still is?: ehm.. no?

Final questions:

What are you listening to right now? Only Tears - Infinite

What did you do yesterday: at my cousins concert with my family(cousins&siblings), then out to eat~

Have you hated someone in your family: Yup~

Got any awards: ehm.. I think so?

What car do you wish to have: I don't know? the car my future husband is gettin?

Where do you want to get married: At a lovely and beautiful place~

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: . . . no commenteu

Good driver: ehm.. probably not, how about giving me a car and let me show you how a 15 y/o girl drives ;)

Good Singer: nope~ but I wish I was >__<

Have a lava lamp: I wanted one when I was younger /pouts

How many remote controls are in your house: too many to count

Are you double jointed: a what?

What do you dream about: I have many dreams, like having the dream life I want to have when I grow older.. and get early married and get kids~ a 15 y/o already thinking of it hehe ^__^

Last time you showered: Yesterday~ but is going to shower today again :)

Last time you took a bath: isn't it almost the same? s:

Scary or happy movies: both! even if I hate scary movies, it's kind of fun and exciting to watch~

Chocolate or white chocolate: White chocolateu~

Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: soda!! especially fanta exotic ;)

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O~ rauw c;

Vanilla or chocolate: Both! sho derious *O*

Summer or winter: I love summer because I'm a hot person ;) but winter is 100% prettier~

Silver or Gold: both~ silver more c:

Diamond or pearl: hmm.. both again

Sunset or Sunrise: both is really beautiful~

Sprite or 7up: sprite all the way! /fistpump

Cats or dogs: both~ cuter when they are a kitten and a puppy~

Coffee or tea: I hate coffee >_< so.. TEA ALL THE WAY!!

Phone or in person: In person of course~

Indoor or outdoor: Hm.. I like both :)



End Time: 21:29 (because I edited it, and my bestfriend kept sms'ing me)


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