172 thing bout me!

172: My name is : just call me alyssa XD
171: I am really : childish!
170: My phone company is : Singtel
169: My eye color is : brown!
168: My shoe size is : idk LOL. 4?
167: My ring size is : IDK . LOL
166: My height is : 152? I think. LOL
165: I am allergic to : nothing!
164: My 1st car was : No car. 
163: My 1st job was : My job is being a student ? XD
162: Last book you read : o.O .... it's been a while since i touched one of those..
161: My bed is : comfy? LOL
160: My pet : miserable fishes TT.TT
159: My best friend : a lot but in aff maybe hYper-blop and elainaa <3
158: My shampoo is : very aweshum. yes.
157: Piggy banks are : i dont trust piggy banks! LOL
156: In my pockets : monehhh
155: On my calendar : Numbers? LOL
154: Spongebob can : be as aweshum as me
153: My mom : whats with my mom you wanna know o.o
152: The last three songs I listened were? : boulevard of broken dreams, teenagers and rolling in the deep
151: Last YouTube video watched : BE MINE - 2NE1 <3
150: How many cousins do you have? can't count. too many
149: Do you have any siblings? yesh 
148: Are your parents divorced? nooo :<
147: Are you taller than your mom? no :D
146: Do you play an instrument? yep, guitar & ukelele
145: What did you do yesterday? stalker :<

[ I Believe In ]
144: Love at first sight : nope
143: Fate: yeap
142: Yourself : no :<
141: Aliens : YESH THEY DO EXIST!
140: Heaven : Yes 
139: Hell : Yes 
138: God : Yes 
137: Horoscopes : nope
136: Soul mates : nope
135: Ghosts : yep.
134: Gay Marriage : YES! MYUNGYEOL <3
133: War : yes... :<
132: Magic : nope

[ This or That ]
131: Hugs or Kisses : Hugs 
130: Phone or Online: both
129: Red heads or Black haired: black hair <3
128: Hot or cold: Cold
127: Summer or winter: Winter 
126: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
125: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
124: Night or Day: night!
123: Oranges or Apples: apples
122: Curly or Straight hair: curly Hair
121: McDonalds or Burger King: burger king :>
120: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: white!
119: Mac or PC: mac, duhhhh!
118: Flip flops or high heels: flip flops
117: Ugly and rich OR y and poor: ehhh?
116: Singing or Dancing: dancing
115: Where do you like to shop? i dont like to shop :<
114: Small town or Big city: small town please!
113: Wal-Mart or Target: err..
112: East Coast or West Coast: doesnt matter..
111: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday!
110: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate!!!!!!
109: Disney or Six Flags: Disney~
108: Yankees or Red Sox: whuttttt?

[ Here's What I Think About ]
107: The presidential election: Not interested . I'm just a kid :(
106: Reality TV: i like it :>
105: Parents: well.. they're as normal as they can get..
104: Back stabbers: hate them!
103: Work: noooooo! i'll forever stay a kid! :>
102: My Neighbors: hahhahahahahahahahahahhaha
101: Designer Clothes: LOL. idc!
100: College: Tiring?
99: Sports: AWESHUM <3
98: My family: FUN <3
97: My friends: AWESOME! <3

[ Last time I ]
96: Hugged someone: i dont remember
95: Last time you ate: just now.
94: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: few weeks ago :o
93: Cried in front of someone: long time ago.
92: Went to a movie theater: 3 weeks ago?
91: Took a vacation: last december, tomorrow going too!
90: Swam in a pool: early this year :D
89: Changed a diaper: cough.
88: Got my nails done: lol.
87: Went to a wedding: god my parents bring me everywhereeeeeeeeeee
86: Broke a bone: never broke but my injury now is as painful as breaking a bone D:
85: Got a piercing: ear piercing? baby XD
84: Broke the law: coughtodaycough. LOL i kid :>
83: Texted: few seconds ago..

[ MISC ]
82: Who makes you laugh the most? friendss! :D
81: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my macccc! LOL
80: The last movie I saw: THE EYE! last night hhaha re-run XD
79: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: tomorrow!
78: The thing im not looking forward to: psle :O
77: People call me: alyssa
76: The most difficult thing to do is: idk?
75: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no LOL
74: The first person i talked to today was: myself :O
73: First time you had a crush: pshhhhhhhhhhhh
72: The one person who i can't hide things from: friends :) 

71: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yest. XD
70: Right now I am talking to: brooo <3
69: What are you going to do when you grow up: motivational speaker :D
68: I have/will get a job: lol kay.
67: Tomorrow: tiring 
66: Today:  
65: Next Summer: aweshum!
64: Next Weekend:
63: I have these pets: fishhhhhhh!
62: The worst sound in the world: cough i'll get antis LOL
61: The person that makes me cry the most is: idk.
60: People that make you happy: A lot of people ! 
59: Last time I cried: long time ago
58: My friends are: AWESHUM <3
57: My computer is: mac
56: My School: cough
55: where did it go? toilet!
54: I lose all respect for people who: backstab
53: The movie I cried at was: i dont remember XD
52: Your hair color is: brown
51: TV shows you watch: a lotttt
50: Favorite web site: twitter!
49: Your dream vacation: calm island?
48: The worst pain I was ever in was: NOW! MY INJURY!
47: How do you like your steak cooked: um..
46: My room is: messy
45: My favorite celebrity is: err.. CL? XD
44: Where would you like to be: INFINITE DORM
43: Do you want children: yep :'>
42: Ever been in love: noooo
41: Who's your best friend: peopleeeee
40: More guy friends or girl friends: guy :< girls are too mature in my school :<
39: One thing that makes you feel great is? um, my achivements in sports?
38: One person that you wish you could see right now: hahahahhahahahahahahha.
36: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope
35: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no..
34: Have you pre-named your children: yesh XD
33: Last person I got mad at : somebody :<
32: I would like to move to: 2ne2 dorm
31: I wish I was a professional: athlete!

[ My Favorites ]
30: Candy: sticky!!
29: Songs: boulevard of broken dreams.
28: Actor: L? 
27: Actress: ?
26: Singer: CL <3
25: Band: CN BLUE
24: Clothing store: cotton on? idk, i dont really shop
23: Grocery store: lol
22: TV show: ...
21: Movie: A lot :D 
20: Website: twitter
19: Animal: lol hamgyu
18: Theme park: USS!
17: Holiday: korea
16: Sport to watch: running XD
15: Sport to play: run XD
14: Magazine: Teenage.
13: Book: olololololol
12: Day of the week: sat!
11: Beach: East coast!
10: Concert attended: LOL i wish!
9: Thing to cook: idk how
8: Food: anything <3
7: Restaurant: anything
6: Radio station: ...
5: Perfume: I dun have!
4: Flower: no!
3: Colours: Purple Blue
2: Talk show host: nope.
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?: yesh


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Number 62 :D:D:D
checkers #2
awesome ^^