Review for himalayancat

Title: Angel

Author: himalayancat

Reviewer: ctrl_me


Title: 2/5

Simple... and not really catchy.


Poster/Graphics: 4/5

I love the poster. Putting wings in the background or just a feather will make it better.


Foreword/Description: 9/10

You didn't put too much ideas about your story. That left me interested.:))


Originality: 6/10

The start is cliched and so far, I can only see a hint of originality. Your story only has two chapters so, I'm sure lot of original ideas will appear on the next updates.:))


Plot: 20/20

So far, I'm loving your plot.


Grammar/Spelling: 24/30

There are only few mistakes in your story.

'Our school had a tradition of making the new students formed a choir and sang the school anthem in the entrance ceremony.'

It should be: 'Our school has a tradition of making the new students form a choir and sing the school anthem in the entrance cremony.' I saw some errors in the use of 'had' and 'has'. In this one, since that tradition is still being practiced by the school, the right form to use is 'has'.

'... if you don't make a move quickly someone is gonna snatch her.'

It should be: '... if you don't make a move quickly, someone is gonna snatch her.' You missed a comma there.

Other than those stated above, everything's fine.


Flow: 10/10

The flow is just right.


Neatness: 5/5


Extra: 3/5


Total: 83/100


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