Real Story

{AFF Username} supergenerationrocks

{Profile Link}: here

{Activeness} 8


Because Of You

{Character Name} Park Sung Rin

{Nickname/s} -

{Age} 21

{D.O.B.} Feb 14

{Blood Type} B

{Languages Spoken} English 9, Chinese 9, Korean 7,5


Beautiful, my girl

{Height} 5'6

{Weight} 104

{Ulzzang Name} Shi Zi Jia

{Links}: 1 2 3 4 5

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Yang Qihan

{Links}: 1 2 3

{Style}: 1 2


Can You Smile?

{Personality} She is a very mature and independent girl. She hates it when people think she's weak just because she's a girl. Always believe that everything happens for a reason. She will prove to anyone that she can do everything by herself. Very ambitious. In the eyes of the men, she is irresistible, just one glance at her would make gods and men become attracted to her. She could stand in a room, and attack all the males like a magnet. She's aware of what she capable of, that's why she likes to use it for her own deeds. She would crush anything that stand in her way.


  • books
  • classical music
  • spicy food
  • italian food
  • the first snow fall
  • beach
  • ice cream (cookies n cream)


  • arrogant people
  • cigarettes
  • men who thinks that girls are weak
  • girls with too much aegyo
  • hospitals
  • dirty places

{Fears/Phobias} -


  • reading books
  • listening to the music (classic is more preferable)


  • love to spend her time alone when she's in a bad mood
  • clapping and jumping around when she's happy


  • doesn't scare of ghost
  • doesn't like men who smoke
  • good at doing house chores
  • loves to study but can play computer game very well
  • loves red
  • can't do aegyo, it'll always end up awkward
  • allergic to coffee
  • strawberry and grapes are her favorites fruits


You Could Be My Bestie~

{Friend/s : Choi Minho - 21 - human - They went in to the same school - Minho is just a friend to hang out with, nothing more.

{Best Friends} Lee Seunghyun (Seungri) - 22 - Spirit (Alastor = a spirit who can incited people to murder and other sin) - They knew each other since they were in diapers - He's always giving her advices when she needs one, though sometimes he has to fight for the temptation and not to fall in to her seducing power. And he's the only one who understand her way of thinking.



Love You, Like You

{His Name} CHoi Seunghyun

{God} Ares (God of War)

{Personality}  Ambitious, hot-temper, brave, jealous, and caring

{Relationship} lover

{Powers}  extraordinary strength, speed, durability and reflexes, better than the other Gods/Goddesses.

{Meeting} At the night club, it was lust at the first sight.


{Another one} Jung Yunho

{Another God} Tartarus (God of the Underworld, below Hades)

                       One of the first Gods to arise from the void of Creation, TARTARUS, like his siblings NYX and CHAOS, personifies ultimate formless gloom. Little is known of his personality but as the first God of Hell we assume him to be a dour and depressing being.TARTARUS lives in the bowels of the Earth, many miles below as the anvil falls, and holds together the bottomless pits of the world. Presumably HADES rents the Underworld from him on favorable terms.As Greek Mythology developed, TARTARUS sank into oblivion, giving his name to the dark places of punishment for those that have been judged guilty of unspeakablenesses.

{Personality} calm, jealous, impersonal, caring sometimes chaotic evil

{Relationship} lover

{Powers} possesion, darkness and shadow manipulation

{Meeting} They used to see each other accidently, but sooner or later seemed like they were magnet to each other.


Tell Me Your Wish

{Goddess}Kakia (The Goddess of Vice and Seduction)

{Special Effects} no

{Power} Pheromone Manipulation.

{Background} She's not one of the 12 Olympian Gods, but she's a Goddess alright, though no one stated where she came from, perhaps she was the daughter of Nyx.  Kakia was famous because she can lead someone in to moral badness. She often described as a plump and soft woman, dressed in revealing clothes. Her famous chant were "Make me your friend; follow me, and I will lead you along the pleasantest and easiest road. You shall taste all the sweets of life; and hardship you shall never know. First, of wars and worries you shall not think, but shall ever be considering what choice food or drink you can find, what sight or sound will delight you, what touch or perfume; what tender love can give you most joy, what bed the softest slumbers; and how to come by all these pleasures with least trouble. And should there arise misgiving that lack of means may stint your enjoyments, never fear that I may lead you into winning them by toil and anguish of body and soul. Nay; you shall have the fruits of others' toil, and refrain from nothing that can bring you gain. For to my companions I give authority to pluck advantage where they will.’


Goodbye, Baby Goodbye

{Did I miss anything?}

{Comments} this is my first time doing this, so tell me if anything's wrong

{Suggestions} hmm..how about Immortalis

{Password} DBSK


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