New Rookie: Cross Gene

So my sister and I found out about them like 2 hours after they posted the mv for La Di Da Di. We were talking about them like crazy before anyone else did!! And no, I'm not meaning this in a mean way! I really like this group!!! There's 6 guys: Casper, Shin, Takuya, Sangmin, Yongseok, and JG. 

Takuya's the leader and JG's the maknae! ^^

Casper: March 20, 1991

Shin: October 23, 1991

Takuya: March 18, 1992

Sangmin: July 7, 1992

Yongseok: January 8, 1993

JG: January 12, 1993


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loved_grl6 #1 like Yongseok..he's so handsome..>_<