First Day of school -.-


Just gonna share what happend today -.-
I went to school nervous with mixture of not interested LOL. I saw many new people there. And they keep looking at me. 
LOL. I was walking like a boss xDD And giving charisma xDD LOL. :)) I saw one of my friends but he doesn't talk to me and i kept on slapping his arm to talk to me....But one guy caught my We almost end up to be together when he confessed but I reject it since my parents won't allow it. He saw me still slapping at my friend's arm and pointed at me. Well, I saw him pointing at me while whispering to his friends... Then I stopped when I passed by them. He was with his friends. I walked naturally and sighed. then I was looking at the crowd that I might see one of my bestfriends...then I felt like someone is following me and talking...It was him... 'Is he following me?! ' That's the first thing I thought. Then I ran. Far away. From him. 
Then I was about to go our villa and bump to my friends. But they didn't notice me. -.-" And I ran to them behind. 
They went to a class with and looked at the list. 
'Yes! I'm in this section. ' My bestfriend pump her fist. So did the others. So I let out a nervous breath and looked through the list.
It was shocking....I'm always at the Top section but this time...
'I'm not in this section...! ' I told them with angry tone. 
'What?! You're not with us?! That can't be!! ' They looked through the list. But i was not in that list...
I quickly run to the 2nd floor. And I through the list...I found myself ... I felt myself like crying... TT_TT 
Because this is the first time it happend. LOL. But it's okay. :D 
then the teachers told us to go the gym. I went to my line. But the guy beside me was him...He isn't suppose to be there because he's tall. -__- It's true. 
Then later he was playing with his friends..and he kept on looking at me. And I was like 'What is he looking at?! ' 
-Forward xD - 
I went to my permanent(?) class which is the second class. -.-" My grades dropped TT^TT 
I'm the first one to enter and being a emotional person, I want to cry. But I need to keep my cool cuz some enters the class. 
First, a chubby girl sat on the sit infront of me. And I was lookin around the class with cold face.
'Oh? You're here? ' She asked and I just nod. was like 'O' . Second, the other girls were talking about me. It's obvious. Tsk. They keep lookin at me and I think they are talking about 'WHYAMIATALOWSECTION?' 
And I just give them a cold stare and they look away. LOL. I'm some like cold. xD 
My advisory teacher told us to go first at the top section since when to know each other. And we did. At first, they didn't enter that classroom. I decided to surprise my old friends/classmates. I jumped at the classroom and made a dance. 
They quickly notice me and said, 'AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! HANAHHHHH!!!!! ' LOL. They missed me. ;~; xD Then i left because I was embarrass of what I did. xD ThenI entered since the teacher told us. And LOL, I was only leaning on the wall. And doesn't want to get near to my friends. It felt different.... _ _" My friends were calling me ' Hanah, sit here. ' 
'If you have a passing score in the first quarter, you will quickly enter the top section. ' My advisory teacher told us. And I groaned. 
Because I need to study hard to be with my friends TT_TT When my teacher said that they all looked at me and said, ' Hanah...' 'Hanah, study hard, okay? ' 'Hanah, it's your only choice. ' [LOL. My life is like a fanfic _ _" JK. xD ]
It was dismissal. I went out the villa and he was there again... And I just past through him and ignoring him. Then I waited my friends outside but they won't come out. He was lookin at me TT_TT He's crazy >_< 
LOL. And blablablablabla. xDDD
Part II xD
ME walking with my friends and I saw a parade(?) of my batchmates. Tsk. And Infront, was the queenka and kingka of our batch. :&&& LOL. And I saw that monkey!! >.< 
Monkey? LOL. xD He's my current partner in a love team. He's short. HE's younger. [I don't to be a pedo TT_TT]
He confessed that he likes me and me,too. But as a friend xD And he even told me if he want me to be his girlfriend. My answer? Obviously, NO. but we keep in touch xD We fought yesterday. But I wasn't my fault xD 
Okay. That's it. :D Thanks for reading. [As if someone read this. _ _ " ] 


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