Ahhh (:

So my newest guy friend, Michael, broke his foot yesterday. I my phone during orchestra today to tell him that I missed him and to ask if he felt better. Before I could start the message, my phone suddenly received five texts, all from him.

The night before, while Michael was at the hospital getting his foot looked at, we were playing twenty questions. In the midst of all that, he asked me if I still liked this guy who was his friend. Originally we became friends because he found out I liked this guy. And yet somewhere throughout our short friendship only having started earlier this week, I hugged him. For some reason, all these butterflies just swarmed over me. I didn't know why. I didn't want to admit that I might be feeling something because Michael is best friends with the guy that shattered me not even a week ago.

As we talked and he asked me if I still liked the guy, I told him I was shaky about it and that I might like someone else. He told me that he had shaky feelings for someone else. He would give me no hints until I insisted on him telling me something.

Here: she has big brown eyes and I can't help but stare. idk, I have to keep myself from staring and she has the most beautiful smile.

Of course, I didn't guess. It'd be embarrassing especially if I was wrong. He just promised that he'd tell me who he liked after school since he wouldn't be there.

I suppose he didn't think I'd turn on my phone during school or else he wouldn't have sent it at that time. I'm happy he did though.

Okay, so this girl like... Well, she has big brown eyes that I can't help stare at and this smile that just... can't be described. Ha, I just met her which is why I'm shaky. Anyways, she loves sushi. Her favorite color--I mean, shade is gray(; Her favorite Disney movie is Mulan. She likes A Rocket to the Moon. She likes to write. Her favorite drink is any kind of tea. She has this cute middle name. She plays soccer.

And she's not the girl I would want to hurt. She gives the best hugs, and she's my new best friend(; She might be short, but that's not a bad thing.

Haha, I think she is pulchritudinous.

Did I mention, she makes my day?

But like I said, I just met her and I really want to get to know her... because she's different.

Imagine reading that from the guy you like in the middle of orchestra. He just recited basically every answer to every question he asked me while we played 20 questions and put it in this poetic love text. Haha...

Pulchritudinous is his favorite word (as I found out during 20 questions). It's a stronger term for the word beautiful.


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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww xD lol haha
PeaceNiq #2
You're SO SO SO LUCKY!!!!! ^^ Such a sweet guy.