Opinion on Homouality being a choice *edited

Due to people jumping to conclusions, don't take this in a wrong way ok!? There is so much more to this and to me and I am really accepting of all types of people. 

My mind is running a mile a minute and if I don't type out my opinion right now, I will combust and get a big zit on my face from stress.

let's get to it then. 

So, as pertaining to the text-convo i was having with fx, I was like. "Are gays born that way, or is it a choice." and i had just seen this 10 minute video where this 14 year old preacher boy is talking about it. here is the link


His opinion really got me thinking, and of course I don't agree with him about how being gay is a sin or unnatural, I agree with him on homouality being a CHOICE.


Now, here is why i think that. First off, I am like 99% sure that most children are innocent in their early stages of life and they will not have ual urges to a member of ANY . So, why would a child be "born gay" its sounds weird to me. Yes, a boy might be girly, and a girl might prefer to rough house instead of learning manners and , but that doesnt' make them gay. I soley believe being gay is a choice because it is when a child is older, possibly adolescent, and also after puberty that they decide. "Hey, I like people of the same ." 

Think of it this way, their hormones are a-raging and if you are interested in being a relationship or checking out a person in a gay-manner, it's probably because you physically want to be with them. Kissing, hand holding, cuddling, even . The physical urges are not something a child might experience. I think it's a choice later on in life, like what flavor of ice cream you prefer the most.

And, you know. The boy being girly in an earlier stage of life could be influence, higher levels of estrogen, and people tend to want to tie it in to being gay when that is not the case. If they were girly young and they end up gay, or even as a tranny, well, that's them pursuing different decisions now that they're older and it's a choice. 

Some boys might even feel girly but still really like girls. That. Is. A. Choice. 

A girl, as boyish as she might feel, will probably feel more natural pursuing girls in her later life. That is a choice.

Also, the boy in the video said that because Obama is ok with gay marriage that that means that it is making more people gay. Like they feel the security of the countrys acceptance and will let their rainbow flag fly. But I don't really agree with this.

Yes, times are changing and younger kids are showing their gay sides. But you have to understand that in other times, it wasn't generally accepted. More social exlusion was involved. So yes, there might be more OPENLY gay people now, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't any before.

I KNOW there is so much more to it but this is just a small part of an even bigger argument. I'm not trying to be scientific and I'm not trying to say this applies to everyone, I'm just trying to say that most people in this day and age have a freer choice to be gay without the fear from the past.

Everyone grows up differently, with different bodies and different DNA and different BRAINS, so this does not apply to EVERYONE


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sdh_prince #1
I'm secretly gay and I have gone through a lot. Based on my experience, it is never a choice. I spent all my life trying to change myself and be you know just like the majority but I just can't. After those years, I have come to realize that being gay isn't a choice, it is imprinted in my guts. It is who I am. I have accepted it and I hope in the future people will too.
I was just searching through AFF and found this post...
uh, I just wanted to say that if you aren't gay, how would you know how they think?
And why would one choose to be gay when they would be bullied and abused for it?
Why don't we talk more?! We should talk more. Lol
I agree.
My opinion on homouality:
Sorry, I just hate it when people freak out and go all: OMG it's not a choice! Because to SOME people it is and to some people it isn't. LET EVERYONE MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES/UNCHOICES IN LIFE AND JUST STAY OUT OF IT. jesuschristjesuschrist.
Okay, I'm sorry, I'm feeling ranty today. xD
I totally agree. Your brave for posting this :P u could get lots of haters on this site~
it is very hard to say for sure, no one knows, I would say its both - for some people its a choice, some were born like that. I always thought that huans are bi by nature, then other factors come into the act. Its like in the nature: lions have harems, but swans choose one partner. Why? No one can explain. The only thing I can say for sure that 1)it is natural, as again,in the nature 'gay' acts exist (just without morality that humans add on it) and 2) social opinion does form the choice in some way. Our brain has a lot of power, even over genetic. Its like that well-known fact, when some people take med-pills and some take vitamins, but are told that this is the med-pill and all of them become healthy. Who knows how many people would go gay if it was free choice?
Emzelia #6
Why would anyone chose being homoual when people have been beaten, shunned, abused and even killed because of their uality? There are a lot of people being homoual or biual that wishes that they could be straight. If it was so easy that it just was a choice, why whouldn't all those people be able to just change their uality? Since it's not a choice, they're not able to do so and might be forced to suffer just because the fact that they're attracted to the same gender.

According to some studies, homouality is genetic and thus something you're born with. Though, there are a lot of different studies that says different things, but I think most of them agree about that uality isn't a choice.

My mom always said that my uncle was gay throughout his entire childhood (though not to him, but to my dad etc). He's married to a guy now. Since it has been so obvious since he was just a few years old, how could it have been a choice he made after puberty?

I do however agree with you that the society has changed and that being gay isn't a big deal anymore in many countries. That, however, doesn't mean that I agree with you that homouality is a choice. If I had been able to chose my uality, I would've chosen to be biual because in that case there would be even more people to chose between. The thing is that I can't. I can't see myself being in a relationship with a girl, because I'm not attracted by girls. It's not something I can change over a night just because I feel like it.
midoris #7
I actually can't agree with you on this one. Try looking at it from the perspective of a homoual. Okay, so I like girls, right? (Yes, I do, if you care to know)I mean, it's not like it was my choice. I couldn't control the fact that I'd rather be with a girl than a boy, right? I can't control who I like and don't like. I don't have a choice in any of this. It just happens. I mean, I have a gay brother who's pretty open around me (just not with the rest of the family). And yet my dad who's a conservative Republican still insists that no son of his will be gay. And now both of his kids are gay.
I usually don't like to comment on stuff like this, but this time I can't help it. I get why you could believe what you're saying. Especially if you're straight. But think about it, when you were little there were never anything but same couples. That's what you were taught was "right". This handsome prince saves the princess, the knight saves the damsel in distress... Mommy and Daddy. It only makes sense for most people to never question their uality. Raised straight. But it's only the people who question it once their old enough to think for themselves, outside what their parents are practocally demanding of them, that "choose to be gay". It's not a choice, it's just that you aren't able to really think about what you want as a person until you get older and mature enough to handle it. I'm bi. Even when I was little I felt the same way about girls as I did with boys, but being surrounded by homophobic family members made me push that aside. Because "girls are suposed to be with boys". I didn't bother to question that until I was 13. When I started thinking about my future and what I needed for me to be happy. I didn't chose to be bi, I was always bi. I just didn't know what it meant or understand what it meant for me yet.
shinegy34 #9
*opps, I meant kids may grow up being heteroual.**
shinegy34 #10
That's a really interesting opinion... I never thought of it that way at all. honestly though, I don't really think its a choice. I mean what you said makes since, but being attracted the same isn't really something you decide you want to do, it just happens. while you are right about kids not being born gay, they also aren't born straight either. Nobody knows the minute they are born what gender they like. a kid may grow up being homoual, like myself, and then later on in life realize that they don't solely or at all, have an attraction to the opposite gender. however some kids may realize this really early on in life, which would back up the "being born gay" theory, where as it may take a lot longer for some people. when I was younger, I always thought I was heteroual. I didn't know anything else. I didn't even know what gay meant until I was probably 10 or 11. But then when I was 13, I started to realize I had an attraction to females and honestly I was super confused. once I excepted it though, I realized I started to have less and less of an attraction to men. It took about another year to realize that I just didn't have an barely have an attraction to men at all anymore and while i'm not completely lesbian, I don't think I can ever picture myself with a man. But never once have I made a conscious decision to become Bi/lesbian. The only real decision I have made is to follow those impulses and allow myself to openly like women. anyways, sorry for the super long post. I like your opinion and respect it. I've never thought of it that way but I still don't completely agree with you.
VampireKnights #11
I don't think ppl born gay, it's a choice u take, when u like the other or the same . Even gay ppl have feelings.. n love was never a crime
LadyYejin #12
Hate to tell you this but if people aren't born gay then it works both ways so when did you decide to be a heteroual?? The fact that you think people are choosing to be ostracized by society just shows how ignorant and naive you really are. Apparently all those people who went through conversion therapy and either killed themselves or could not be turned straight are not proof enough to you that it is not a choice. Truthfully I believe it is your right to have your opinion and express it freely but it is clear you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and had no intention or desire to do research to find out either. So when you have actually decided to research the subject or maybe when your friend kills themselves because of what there family believed was there sinful desires that they could not get rid of then get back to me.
shining_writer #13
Who said that people are born gay? I wonder who would make such a statement.