
Yay! Dongwoo Hyung is here!*celebrates*

*cries* finally he's here already!

yes so that means we can have fun together and  we can go to arcades together and play games!

ohohohohohohohohohoho yeseu! ;AA;

butbutbut if he becomes all boring and sheeet i'll hang myself to death .-.

lol no jks. xD

hahahahaha i just need somebody to understand me and hey he's the only person who understands me!

andandand we need more guys here weird buddeh!


oh and hana ah. highlight the words below .___.

NOBODY EXCEPT HANA HIGHLIGHTS IT OKAY? IF YOU HIGHLIGHT IT .... get ready to be eaten by a monsterous barney 8DD

oh hai oh-so-called awkward girl -.- i thought you were supposed to be all awkward and not talk much but hohoho you talk alot .___. and i see you're getting close with gyu hyung. and hey congrats! thats a good start on NOT being AWKWARD. hah kay i sound mean and i apologised for that :) but you cant just come to me all of a sudden and say you're taking dongwoo hyung away -.-" i mean , you can just stfu and do what you want. now all because of what you said to me , i think you're a despo who wants my dongwoo hyung all to yourself and needs to get in contact with a chair on your face. yeah i said it. but hey i aint hatin. i'm just stating MY FACTS so dont misunderstand. yeah sure you can ta ke him but why do you have to say that to me? give me a gewd reason before i shove a chopstick up yo' a--okay no im not mean. i just need dongwoo hyung to be with me when im bored or watever shizzz. its not like we're gonna be a couple ... wait or ar we? xD haha even if we become a couple what are ya gonna do about it? steal him away? hahaha nah im just joking! so my main point is ... you CANT take MY DONGWOO HYUNG AWAY. kay. bye banana .___.

kay thats all. i rove chu guys so come talk to meh! DD':

p.s im hungry. someone feed meh! DD8 FOOD BUDDEH I NEED CHU!


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xhwanhui- #1
what. wae you so mean ? ;~~;