Looks Like I Can't Audition for YG After All...

I was debating whether or not I should...

But then I got rubber bands in my mouth, hung from the top and bottom of my teeth, thus preventing me from even opening my mouth fully...




Singing dreams over once more.

Why won't I ever learn?

I should've auditioned earlier when I had the chance.

I should've learned from my lessons.

I should've learned from my pain.

I should've stepped it up like how I overachieve for homework all the time and step it up...





No wonder God's not letting me in.

I can never be an idol...


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antiexoppar #1
No. Have faith unni. Miley Freakin Cyrus started Hannah Montana when she had braces (but they were hidden behind her teeth during filming).
SBS K-Pop Star. One of the top 10 finalists, Kim Na-Yoon had braces. SHE MADE IT TO THE TOP 10 FINALISTS! TOP 10 FREAKIN FINALISTS! If she can make it, than so can you.
I shall have faith in you. (Lol. Always Keep The Faith) so Just try out. :)
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
- Romans 8:28

That's one of the verses I hold on to when I encounter setbacks. You know, if you take a leap of faith, you'll see that things will just keep on getting better.

Maybe instead of being a singer in that industry, He wants something better in store for you.

I know it hurts. I've been there. You may not feel okay now, but you will be okay.