It's INFINITE's 2nd anniversary!!! <3



And I wanna hug all of you!  LOL.

I wanna hug of my friends! And my friends here in AFF.

And I love you all ;~~; 
I'm celebrating their anniversary by giving free hug. xD
Even if I hate hugs xD LOL.
I don't give hugs to my friends. :))
They are the one giving me xD 
FREE HUGS!!!!! *hugs all of you*
My message to INFINITE? 
All I can say is Thank you for coming to my life and loving us and giving us your hearts xD
AND I LOVE YOU! And being a Hardcore Inspirit is the best gift i ever had :D xD 
And that's all. [I just want to share my happiness ^^]



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yippiieeee~! *hugs* happy anniversary infinite!:D