Important Info!

Ok, hello everyone, this is just a little information which is important to know (for both people from my old account following me onto this one and new people who just found me):

1. I will be posting the rewrites of "Baby, Goodnight" and "Rising Sun" as soon as I can so just be patient


           What I mean by this is, subscribe to the old stories you were reading because rewrites and new updates will be out as soon as I can get them out. I also mean, don't read my work and follow it without subscribing. New subscribers are really exciting to me so don't just watch from the shadows, it's kind of rude, it's like saying "You aren't good enough for me to subscribe to your work so I'm just going to constantly read it and not give you any appreciation."


            I say this because I personally dislike 'ghost readers.' Commenting after you read is the most important thing even if you won't subscribe. I want to know what you think, your opinions, and even what you think might happen next. It is important for me because it can help shape my story and subscribing and commenting will help motivate me to write more and to write faster.


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