Marching To The Beat Of Love - App


username: Prettyangel25
profile link: *Click Me*
aff activity: 4.5
what do you want me to call you?: Camille
about you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
gender: Male
name: Zayn Nicolas Jung
birthday & age: August 1st - 14 years old
grade: 9
  • Asian
    • 50 % Korean- his father is 100% Korean
  • European
    • 25 % British- his mother is 50% British
    • 25 % Italian- his mother is 50% Italian
spoken languages: 
  • Asian
    • Korean- Fluent
    • Japanese- Basic/ Learning
    • Chinese- Semi-Fluent
  • European
    • English- Fluent
    • Italian-Fluent
birthplace: New York City, New York, U.S.A
hometown: New York City, New York, U.S.A
ulzzang/model: Park Hyung Seok
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
back up ulzzang/model: Lee Chi Hoon
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
height: 180 cm
weight: 62 kg
At first glance you would first think that he is your normal Pretty Boy that stands out in a crowd attracting girls and guys a like. Flawless milky white skin, beautiful jet black locks, and deep and mysterious dark chocolate eyes. He always has the most intriguing half-smile, half-smirk that graces his symmetrical face. Abs that are perfect for doing body shots, well sculpted back and arm muscles, and that y v-line that is a telltale sign that he puts his hip muscles to good use.

When you first meet Zayn, you'll see this sweet, shy, innocent little boy. Zayn only does this to lower your defenses. This little facade of his to get people to like him. Then he'll use them for his own personal needs, but is very indirect about it so people don't realize he's just using them. It is very hard to tell if his kindness is real or a figment of your imagination. He only pretends to trust certain people, but really he's examining their personality and their true intentions (that is if they have any). No one would guess that this little innocent, sweet angel is really a manipulative, cunning demon.

The closer you become with Zayn the more he starts to change. He starts off with this sweet and innocent, angelic personality, but after awhile he starts to curse. Instead of sitting up straight in his chair, he'll start to slouch and burp...a lot. He even starts to speak his mind (which he doesn't do very often). All those things can make Zyan seem a little "obnoxious' which sometimes he can be. Zayn is one of those people that is able to stay claim while under pressure. He likes to analyze the situation he is in, and plays along until he can strike and take control.

He has a flexible personality and knows how to deal, with many different types of people. If he really wanted to Jason could just sit there and stare at people and figure out their flaws in a matter of seconds. It doesn't take him long to grasp on a person's personality. He learns he person's flaws and troubles, in case he needs to use them against them in the future. Occasionally people who fall victim to the angel faced demon ask him why he is the way he is, Zayn just simply says "Why do you not like me anymore? If i didn't have you to do my bidding i would have to do it myself, and where is the fun in that?" in his little innocent tone and then he'll just walk away not giving the person enough time to process his question in order to answer it.

Zayn strongly believes in the classic saying ‘survival of the fittest’. Even if he has one thrown at him after the other, he will never give up, and would continue to conquer one before moving onto the next. Zayn hates  unfinished business. That is why if you eve try to get on this boy's bad side, like promise you would do something and don't, or try to start a fight with him, his friends or his family; Zayn will become his own personal KARMA and chase after you until he is able to get his revenge in the most diabolical way possible.

Zayn loves to gamble and participating in bets, he loves to win and hates to lose. Whenever he wins, his already enormous ego gets even bigger. On those rare occasions when he does happen to lose, well... let's just say all hell breaks lose. You better be prepared for a rematch and if he win the rematch then he'll demand another rematch over again and over again until he  wins or gets so bored that he needs to make up an excuse as to why he lost. Jason seems to often find himself in situations where he needs to make excuses in order to avoid getting into trouble, and he normally gets away thanks to his talents in the arts of acting, preforming facades and lying When Jason lies, she doesn't feel any guilt, unless you hold great importance to him.

If you are one of the lucky chosen ones and you are able to break through Zayn's thick brick wall and gain his trust, he will always be there to lend a hand. He is extremely protective of his friends and family since he doesn't have very much. If any of his loved ones needed his help he would drop everything he's doing just to be there for them. He just absolutely adores his brothers and sisters and would do anything and everything for those them.

Zayn was born and raised in New York and lived a majority of her life in the Upper East of Manhattan. He lived with his mother, father and two older siblings, Tyler and Demetria. Since his father was a neurosurgeon and his mother was a well known lawyer, Zayn and his siblings lived the life of the rich of famous, but he didn't let it go to his head.  Zayn and his siblings got along very well and were very close growing up. Tyler is 9 years older than Zayn, while Demetria is 3 years older than he is.

When Zayn was 3 his parents got divorced and JinYoung decided he wanted to move back to South Korea with his kids. Liliana didn't want her kids to move half way around the world so she filed a law suit. Since JinYoung was given full custody of the children he was allowed to move where ever he wanted, even if that place was on the other side of the globe.

When the family got to Korea they wondered where they would stay since they didn't have any family in Seoul. JinYoung decided to ask a favor from his childhood friend Jung SunHee, who gladly accepted the three children and their father. SunHee was a fairly rich woman who lived in a huge mansion by herself. Unlike his older siblings Zayn didn't really like SunHee. He thought that one day his parents will get back together and everything will be the same.

After living in South Korea for 5 years, SunHee and JinYoung got married. When Zayn first heard about the marriage he  became very angry and upset, but just like the his other siblings he soon warmed up to the idea of having SunHee as a step-mother. After being married for 1 year SunHee and JinYoung had their first child together, Cheonsa Jung. 2 years later they had their second son together, Kibum Jung.

  • His friends and family- He would do anything for them
  • Sleep- This boy loves his sleep
  • Technology- Loves anything and everything that deals with technology
  • Himself- Who doesn't like themselves
  • Japanese Manga & Anime- Reads and watches theses all the time
  • Alternative Rock- His favorite music genre
  • Luxury Goods- He grew up in a rich family, so of course he likes luxury goods
  • Art- He is a very passionate artist
  • Video Games- Helps him pass the time of day
  • Coffee- The only thing in the world that can keep him up at night
  • Cooking- his secret talent


  • Skin-ship (touchy people)- He only does skinship with his sisters and girlfriend, other than that he really doesn't like to be touched
  • Annoying People- This is one of his many pet peeves
  • Nagging- Only people in the world who he allows to nag him are his Birth-mom, Older Sister and girlfriend
  • Rules- He believes that rules were made to be broken and they serve no purpose
  • Alcohol/ Drinking/ Drinkers- Another one of his pet peeves
  • Smoking/ Smokers- again one of his many pet peeves
  • Awkward Silences- Another pet peeve
  • Being Woken up from sleeping- Do not disturb him from his beauty sleep unless you want to die- only his sisters are aloud to disturb him while sleeping
  • Observes strangers- He likes to observe people before he approaches them
  • Lieing with a straight face- One of his specialties
  • Talks in sarcasm and profanity- All day, everyday
  • His smile is so cheerful and innocent that it reeks of danger- Be careful his smile is cute but deadly
  • Winks at girls when he's flirting with them- He is quite the flirt
  • Getting the last word in every argument- He always has to get the last word no matter who started it you can bet he's going to finish it
  • Taps his leg when he is really angry and wants to fight someone- That's the signal for stop, drop and run
  • Starts speaking Italian when he is confused- He does this unconsciously 


  • Hanging out with his siblings and friends- Loves his friends and family to death
  • Watching Japanese Anime- Does this all the time
  • Listening to Music- mainly alternative rock and rap
  • Drawing- Druing his free time when he is bored
  • Playing Video Games- Not really his thing but if his friends or family wants to play he'll play with them
  • Sleeping- The question is when doesn't he sleep
  • Watching Movies- Either, at home, in the theaters, or even on his iPod
  • Surfing the internet- This is what he does on the computer when he has nothing better to do
  • Exercising- Loves to exercise with his big sister



  • Has a weak spot for kids
  • Favorite colors- Silver and Gold
  • Is a major mama's boy- although he doesn't always show it he loves his mom very much
  • When someone tells him "no" he hears "try again tomorrow"
  • Never backs down from a challenge
  • Has a dog named Spike
  • Hates it when his clothes get dirty. Even when its just a small dot.
  • He is left handed
  • He has an obsession for: Coffee, Bubble Tea, Pepsi & Strawberry Pop-tarts
  • He doesn't really like girls in a romantic way, but when he falls for a girl he falls hard
  • He goes to his big sister for girl advice and when he needs someone to vent out his feeling to
  • Hates it when his grade is lower than the grade his professor scribbled out.
  • He has his days when all he wants is to create chaos inside the school.
  • His favorite number is 6
  • His lucky number is 100
  • Gets mad if someone offends his sisters or friends
  • Bits his lip when he is thinking about his girlfriend
Jung JinYoung | 52 | Dad | Neurosurgeon |JinYoung is a very hard-working man. He only wants the best for his family and would do anything in the world for them. He is very laid-back and is the type of person who "goes with the flow". Since he works very often, he really enjoys spending time with his wife and kids.
Liliana Anna Bianchi | 51 | Birth-Mom | Lawyer |Liliana is a very loving, affectionate mother. Even though she lives very far away, if anything happens to her children you can bet she'll be on the next flight to South Korea to be there for them. She is very strict (unlike their father) and hates the fact that they can basically do whatever they want as long as they have good grades. She hates that fact that she can't do anything about it even more since she lives all the way in New York and they live in South Korea
Jung SunHee | 50 | Step-Mom | Fashion Designer for Gucci | SunHee is a very patient, caring women. She is always putting the needs of others before her own. Alexis is also a little bit of a workaholic and tends to stay cooped up in her office for days. She does love spending time with her family, but prefers to spend time working and designing clothes for her fashion line
Tyler William Jung | 23 | Big Brother | Calvin Klein Model | Tyler is one of those jocks you see on tv. He is a bit of an airhead and is very arrogant. Just like his little sister, he too has a fiery, short-temper and is like a ticking time bomb. Tyler doesn't take form anyone, so it would be in everyone's best interest if they didn't piss him off. Tyler is very protective over his younger siblings. They are all  like best friends and tell each other everything. Tyler likes to help his siblings with any problems they may be having and vise versa.
Demetria Diamond Jung | 18 | Big Sister | Senior | Demi is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn’t care who you are or who you think you are, if it’s against her own personal morals she won’t do it. Demi is well known for her short-temper and sharp tongue. She is very blunt and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. Despite her tough exterior, Demi is a fun-loving, energetic teenage girl. She can be goofy and is always making jokes. Demi loves sports and spent practically her life being an athlete.
Luna Michelle Jung | 5 | Little Half-Sister | 7th grader | Luna is a very sweet, caring person who is always smiling and laughing. She can always manage to make her friends and family smile with her sweet nature. Luna does however have her moments when her short-temper gets the best of her. She hates when people make fun of her or her friends and would stand up for them. She is the type of girl who fights for what she believes in and those she loves.
Dillon Louis Jung | 3 | Little Half-Brother | Preschooler | Zyane is your typical 3 year old. He is very a mischievous little man. He loves to cause trouble for his older siblings and is always doing something he's not suppose to. When you tell him "NO" he hears "YES". He doesn't throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants he just annoys the hell out of you until you have no choice but to give him what he wants. He looks up to his older brothers and loves to copy everything and anything they do or say.
Lee Taemin | Grade-9 / Age- 14 | Taemin is probably the most claim and humble out of the Jason's group of friends. He is very shy compared to his other loud obnoxious friends and hates being the center of attention. Most people see him as this childish, unpredictable, silly, trouble-maker. Taemin is a total prankster and loves to have fun. He is very friendly and makes at least one new friend everyday. Taemin is a happy-go-lucky person and always sees the glass half full. | They meet when they were in the kindergarden after Jason moved to South Korea. | Best Friends
Moon JongUp | Grade-9 / Age-14 | JongUp is an arrogant, and deceivingly smart playboy. He doesn’t seem like a smart guy, but he’s actually extremely smart with his incredible smile and rapping skill he could make any girl weak to the knees. He loves girls and has probably slept with more girls than he can count. JongUp is very aware of himself and knows what power he holds against the females who swoon over him. He doesn’t show his loser side to anyone fearing it will destroy his image, he shows it to no one but his best friends. |They meet in Middle school, they got into a fight because JongUp had the biggest crush on Demi and would always talk about her and it would piss Jason off. Soon after the fight JongUp ralized Demi was way out og his league and he and Jason became friends | Best Friends
Nam WooHyun | Grade- 10 / Age-15 | Woohyun is unnaturally clumsy and extremely cheesy. He tends to be very shy around strangers but is very outgoing and optimistic around his friends. He is always fooling around and making jokes like it doesn’t matter. He is probably the biggest loser at the camp that you could meet but that’s what makes him so loveable.He is all play no work which  does make it really hard to take him seriously, people might even get annoyed by his playful nature, he means well and his intentions aren’t to hurt anyone. | They meet during the summer, through marching band since Woohyun plays the trumpet. | Close Friends
Jung Krystal | Grade-9 / Age-14 | Krystal and Jason have similar personalities, they are both cunning, cruel, and arrogant. The only difference is that Krystal is very blunt and has a super short temper. She also tries to keep her distance from strangers while Jason likes to meet new people in case he ever needs them. | Krystal and Jason meet when he first moved to South Korea. She lived next door. One day Jason got bored and decided to take a walk, while on his little walk is where he meet the beautiful Krystal. At first they didn't like each other in fact they completely hated each other. Soon they realized they both enjoyed using people they don't care about for their own personal needs. They later became partners in crime.| Best friends with Benefits
best subject: Math- he is really good with numbers and remebering formulas
worst subject: Social Studies- he finds it extremly broing and just like his sister he tends to fall asleep during lectures
favorite class: Art- he loves everything and anything about art
overal grades: A's - even in his worst classes Jason always manages to get A's
social life: The Angel faced Devil- people call him this because he knows how to get what he wants just by using his looks
instrument or color guard: Instrument- Trumpet
position?: Brass
how long have you been playing?: 4 years
what got you to play the intrument?: He started palying the trumpet because his big sister kept nagging him about playing not palying any  instrument, she didn't want to be the only one in the family who played a musical insturment, so to make his sister happy he decied to learn to play  the trumpet 
commited?: Yes- the trumpet began to grow on him
how often do you practice?: 7.5
rival: Cho Kyuhyun- they absolutly hate eachother and compete for everything and anything 
back up love interest: Choi Jin Ri "Sulli" 
grade&age: Grade-9 | Age- 15
personality: SeoHyun is a sweet, caring person. She always manages to make people smile and laugh with her sweet nature. Seohyun is not afraid to tell you the truth. She is the most honest person you will ever meet. Even if the truth hurts she'll tell you like it is and won't sugar coat it. She is very blunt and outspoken and some of the things she says may come off mean, but she doesn't mean for it too. She rarely ever looks people in the eye it makes her feel uncomfortable; the only people she can do that with is Jason. Seohyun will not show weakness or sadness and always put her friends and family first. She will do anything for those she care for.
relationship: Dating
how do you act around each other?:
The two of them are very playful with each other. They punch each other’s arms, they play fight, they aren’t afraid to hold hands in public, they share food if the other wants to try what they’re having, they share pretty much everything. He supports her in everything she does and treats her best out of everyone he knows. They know everything there is to know about each other and haven’t been separated ever. They’re protective of each other, they get jealous when the other is with someone of opposite gender and it’s really normal. Jason just stops sleeping around which is about the biggest change there is between the two of them.
instrument: Clarinet
past relationships?: Nope Seohyun (or Sulli) is his first serious girlfriend


username: Prettyangel25
profile link: *Click Me*
aff activity: 4.5 
what do you want me to call you?: Camille
about you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
gender: Female
name: Demetria Diamond Jung
birthday & age: September 25th- 18 years old
grade: 12
  • Asian
    • 50 % Korean- her father is 100% Korean
  • European
    • 25 % British- her mother is 50% British
    • 25% Italian- her mother is 50% Italian
spoken languages: 
  • Asian
    • Korean- Fluent
    • Japanese- Semi-Fluent
    • Chinese- Basic/ Learning
  • European
    • English- Fluent
    • Italian- Fluent
birthplace: New York City, New York, U.S.A
hometown: New York City, New York, U.S.A
ulzzang/model: Angelababy
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
back up ulzzang/model: Sin Bi
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
height: 168 cm
weight: 48 kg
Demi is a true beauty. She has long dark brown hair that is naturally curly. she likes to straighten or keep it curly, depending on her outfit. Her beautiful chocolate eyes that turns caramel in the sunlight. She has flawless milky white skin and beautiful long legs.  She has a clear smooth complexion and has a fresh face thanks to her big eyes. She has an eye smile and a rack of perfect white teeth. She has long toned limbs and a flat stomach with a beautiful set of abs (not ones that stick out, but you know it’s there cause girls who have abs that protrude their skin is gross) along with perky s and . Her lips are naturally a light pink like a cherry blossom.

Demi is a total athlete; she loves anything and everything that has to deal with sports. She's on every sports team and is involved in ever sports' event. She has been an athlete her whole life and is the most athletic out of all her siblings. Participating in all of those athletic activities caused her to be extremely competitive. Demi is the type of person who plays to win and hates to lose. Despite her competitive nature, Demi doesn’t brag about her accomplishments.

Demi is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If you’re asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless you’re an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before I throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Demi doesn't and refuses to back down from a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believe she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Demi tends to encounter is that she doesn’t seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Demi 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Demi does know the difference between what's right and what’s wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it whether you approve of it or not.

Demi is a fun-loving, energetic woman. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When you’re with her, it’s a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh. She hates being cute, instead she wants people to see her as a cool, charismatic person.

Demi is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/ rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someone’s head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.

Demi doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Demi is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them you’re messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.

Romance isn't something that Demi thinks about often. She thinks love is a distraction and she can’t afford to have any distractions in her life. She feels that all love brings is a massive heartache. Yes, she has seen those old married couples that have been together for more than 50 years, but that isn't enough to convince her that love is a good thing. She made a vow to herself that she would never let her guard down and if a guy wanted access to her heart they would need a bulldozer in order the break down the wall she created and they have to swear they will never hurt her in any shape of form....EVER!!

Demi was born and raised in New York and lived a majority of her life in the Upper East of Manhattan. She lived with her mother, father and two brothers, Tyler and Jason. Since her father was a neurosurgeon and her mother was a well known lawyer, Demi and her brothers lived the life of the rich of famous, but she didn't let it go to her head.  Demi and her brothers got along very well and were very close growing up. Tyler is 5 years older than Demi, while Jason is 3 years younger than she is.

When Demi was 6 her parents got divorced and JinYoung decided he wanted to move back to South Korea with his kids. Liliana didn't want her kids to move half way around the world so she filed a law suit. Since JinYoung was given full custody of the children he was allowed to move where ever he wanted, even if that place was on the other side of the globe.

When the family got to Korea they wondered where they would stay since they didn't have any family in Seoul. JinYoung decided to ask a favor from his childhood friend Jung SunHee, who gladly accepted the three children and their father. SunHee was a fairly rich woman who lived in a huge mansion by herself. Demi and SunHee started to get very close, Demi found that she could talk to SunHee about anything and wouldn't have to worry about being judged because SunHee was just like her growing up.

After living in South Korea for 5 years, SunHee and JinYoung got married. Although when Demi first heard about the marriage she became upset, but she soon warmed up to the idea of having SunHee as a step-mother. After being married for 1 year SunHee and JinYoung had their first child together, Cheonsa Jung. 2 years later they had their second son together, Kibum Jung.
  • Friends & Family- who doesn't like their friends & family
  • Athletics- Sports are her life
  • Music- This is the 3rd most important thing to Demi (you know after her family & friends and her athletics) She mainly listens to K-pop, Love Ballads, Pop, R& B and Hip Hop (she is obsessed with this man)
  • Amusement Parks- She absolutely loves roller coasters
  • Photography- Always has a camera on her
  • Action & Comedy Movies- She likes a good laugh and loves a good action movies
  • Spicy Foods- She likes her food with a little kick
  • Fashion-  fashion is a pretty important factor in her life (just not as important as sports or music)
  • Vintage Clothing- Mainly clothes from the 20's & 50's
  • Japanese Manga & Anime- You name it she loves it, especially Pokemon, Bleach and Naruto
  • Sleep- This girl loves her beauty sleep
  • Cherries- She just loves those little things
  • Pastel Colors- She likes the pastel greens, blues and purples
  • Animals- She loves all animals
  • y Girls- , they just irritate her
  • s- They are just disgusting
  • Anyone who hurts her loved ones- She is very protective of them
  • Crying- She doesn't cry, she believes its a sign of weakness
  • Smoking/ Smokers- She hates the smell of smoke
  • Being woken up - like i said before, this girl likes her sleep
  • People who wear socks with sandals- Its just one of her annoying pet peeves and it just makes her crazy
  • Speaking her mind- She can't help the fact that she's blunt
  • Skin-ship with close friends and family- She's the skinship Queen
  • Always talks back to teachers- She can't control , if she disagrees with a teacher she'll say it
  • Covers her face when she laughs- She is very easily humored, but she hates her laugh
  • Starts speaking Italian when she's confused- And if she's really confused she starts to get frustrated and starts to swear
  • Swears when she loses a game or drops something or when she's hurt- It just irritates her
  • Sticks her tongue out randomly- Whenever and wherever she feels like it
  • Singing in the shower- The only place you'll hear her sing is in the bathroom


  • Playing Sports- Again sports are this chica's life
  • Exercising- She does this everyday, all day
  • Practicing her instruments- Mainly the clarinet, since that's what she plays for marching band
  • Taking Pictures- Always has her camera wherever she goes
  • Cooking- This is one of Demi's hidden talents
  • Shopping- Demi is a girl and don't most girls love shopping
  • Designing Clothes- Is an amazing fashion designer
  • Eating- She loves food
  • Hanging out with her friends and family- loves her family and friends to death
  • Dancing- Has been dancing since she was 5
  • Playing with puppy- She has a cute little puppy she she loves to pieces
  • Cracking jokes in the middle of class- Sometimes she's just so bored that she has to crack a joke every now and then



  • She has two dogs- Kiki & Yuko
  • Demi tends to sleep in this position, she also talks in her sleep, you could have a full conversation with her while she's sleeping and when she wakes up she won't remember a thing
  • Demi begins to hiccup and giggle uncontrollably when she is drunk
  • Is a huge fan of Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, One Direction & The Wanted
  • Whenever she hears thunder or sees lightning she runs to a dark corner and sits in this position
  • She sleeps in this postion and wakes up in this position
  • She completely freaks out whenever she sees a spider
  • Her blood type is O
  • Always carries around her camera, iPod and cell phone where ever she goes
  • Her favorite color is Cherry Red
  • Her favorite flower is a White Rose
  • Is better at remembering faces than names
  • She is ambidextrous
  • Even though she doesn't believe in love, likes seeing old couples who are still in love, it brings a smile on her face.
  • Has a weak spot for kids.
  • Her favorite colors- Lime Green & Hot Pink
  • She never takes off this necklace that her father (Hermes) gave her for her 16th birthday
  • She has nicknames for her friends and siblings~ Zayn- Nickey | Tyler- Tye | Luna- Lulu | Dillon- D.J | Jonghyun- Jongy | Chansung- Joonie | Taecyeon- TaeTae | Hyoyeon- Kimmie
  • All of her friends and family have nicknames for her~ Zyan & Tyler- Diamond | Luna & Dillon- Mimi | Jonghyun- DeDe | Chansung- Jay.D | Taecyeon- D.J | Hyoyeon- RiRi
  • She prefers people to call her Demi
  • She never had her first kiss
Jung JinYoung | 52 | Dad | Neurosurgeon |JinYoung is a very hard-working man. He only wants the best for his family and would do anything in the world for them. He is very laid-back and is the type of person who "goes with the flow". Since he works very often, he really enjoys spending time with his wife and kids.
Liliana Anna Bianchi | 51 | Birth-Mom | Lawyer |Liliana is a very loving, affectionate mother. Even though she lives very far away, if anything happens to her children you can bet she'll be on the next flight to South Korea to be there for them. She is very strict (unlike their father) and hates the fact that they can basically do whatever they want as long as they have good grades. She hates that fact that she can't do anything about it even more since she lives all the way in New York and they live in South Korea
Jung SunHee | 50 | Step-Mom | Fashion Designer for Gucci | SunHee is a very patient, caring women. She is always putting the needs of others before her own. Alexis is also a little bit of a workaholic and tends to stay cooped up in her office for days. She does love spending time with her family, but prefers to spend time working and designing clothes for her fashion line
Tyler William Jung | 23 | Big Brother | Calvin Klein Model | Tyler is one of those jocks you see on tv. He is a bit of an airhead and is very arrogant. Just like his little sister, he too has a fiery, short-temper and is like a ticking time bomb. Tyler doesn't take form anyone, so it would be in everyone's best interest if they didn't piss him off. Tyler is very protective over his younger siblings. They are all  like best friends and tell each other everything. Tyler likes to help his siblings with any problems they may be having and vise versa.
Zayn Nicolas Jung | 14 | Little Brother | Freshman | Normal people would see this innocent face that was washed by angels; you could almost see a halo around this guy’s head. But when you’ve known a guy for so long it really isn’t possible for him to hide so much from you. Don’t let his innocent looks fool you, Jaeson is actually a cunning, deceiving little mutt. He likes to use people for his own personal needs, and does it so that the person he is using has absolutely no clue that they are being used. |
Luna Michelle Jung | 5 | Little Half-Sister | 7th grader | Luna is a very sweet, caring person who is always smiling and laughing. She can always manage to make her friends and family smile with her sweet nature. Luna does however have her moments when her short-temper gets the best of her. She hates when people make fun of her or her friends and would stand up for them. She is the type of girl who fights for what she believes in and those she loves.
Dillon Louis Jung | 3 | Little Half-Brother | Preschooler | Zyane is your typical 3 year old. He is very a mischievous little man. He loves to cause trouble for his older siblings and is always doing something he's not suppose to. When you tell him "NO" he hears "YES". He doesn't throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants he just annoys the hell out of you until you have no choice but to give him what he wants. He looks up to his older brothers and loves to copy everything and anything they do or say.
Kim Jonghyun | Grade- 12 / Age-18 | Jonghyun is like the boy version of Demi, they have very similar personalities; the only difference is the fact that Jonghyun doesn't really support violence unless absolutely necessary. On the rare occasions when Jonghyun actually does get into a physical fight, you better be ready because Jonghyun can put up one hell of a fight.   They also argue a lot because of the fact that they have very similar personalities, but they are never able to stay mad at each other for long and by the next hour they are besties again.    |  Jonghyun came in Middle School where the two of them started off as enemies because Jonghyun told Demi she couldn’t play sports with him and the guys because she was a girl. She proved him wrong and embarrassed him in front of everyone. When they started High School though, Jonghyun and Demi became friends and then before anyone knew it they were besties. | Besties
Lee ChanSung "Joon" | Grade-12 / Age-18 | Joon can be described as confident and hilarious. He is a smooth guy who almost seems like the bad boy type. His intense stares and his amazing good looks can turn a girl’s knees to jelly. Joon does everything from aegyo to y lip and finger sniffing. This man knows no limits. He is an epic romantic, and is so cheesy that it hurts. He goes all out for everything and is the type that gets jealous easily. He loves to talk and is kind of like a broken record; once you’ve got him started it’s very difficult to get him to stop. He loves to lighten dark moods with his charming sense of humor and is always found being the nice guy who cares a little bit too much. | Demi met Joon they were in Elementary school on the first day. Joon just entered and Demi was a new student. The two of them easily became friends for their similar interests. Nothing between them has changed since then , well maybe except their feelings towards each other | Besties, who have feeling for eachother
Ok Taecyeon | Grade-12 / Age-18 |  Taecyeon is a fun-loving and lazy, yet educated womanizer. He loves dancing, sports, women and everything that deals with music. He often describes himself as charming and handsome. Despite this, when Taecyeon realizes that he can't do something, he becomes very sad and frustrated and tries his best to get it right. When Demi and Taecyeon are together they act like little kids. They are always cracking jokes on each other and the other campers. Demi and Taecyeon almost never argue and when they do its normally about the fact that he is one of the most laziest people in the camp. | Taecyeon meet Demi through Joon (since those two are childgod friends) when they were in Middle School. Just like Jonghyun these two had a rocky start but as soon as Taecyeon saw her beat Jonghyun in soccer he knew she was a someone who was worth being friends with. | Close Friends- almost besties 
Kim Hyoyeon | Grade-12 / Age-18 | Hyoyeon is the motherly type and is always nagging her friends about the littlest of things. She is extremely lame and makes really stupid jokes. Dancing is her life just like sports are Demi’s life. Hyoyeon is one of the few females Demi considers to be her friend. The two of them sleepover at each other's house all the time and are always together in school. Hyoyeon is the only girl that knows every single thing about Demi. Hyoyeon has come to accept Demi for who she is and vise versa. | They meet in High School when Hyoyeon transferred from her old high school when they were freshmen. Hyoyeon played the clarinet and was Demi's stand partner. These two imediatly clicked and became friends very fast. | Besties
best subject: Physical Education- I think that one was pretty obvious
worst subject: Social Studies- she really doesn't care about history and all of the lectures just bore her to death and put her to sleep
favorite class: Photograpty- she loves anything and everything that has to deal with photography
overal grades: A's & B's - if it wasn't for Social Studies she would have all A's like her little brother
social life: The Beautiful Musical Jock- This is what many people at school call her. Beautiful- because of her looks and her ablity to stop a man in their tracks with just one look | Musical- Because of the fact that she plays many musical intruments and is involved in Marching Band | Jock- Because she is on every sports team that the school offers
instrument or color guard: Instrument- Clarinet
position?: Woodwind Captain
how long have you been playing?: 9 years
what got you to play the intrument?: Demi started playing the Clarinet when she was in 3rd grade, her father wanted her to be involved in something after school other than sports and thought that band would be something new she could try.
commited?: Yes
how often do you practice?: 8.5- she can't practice as much as she would like since she has sports as well 
rival: Kwon Yuri- They compete in sports but its more like a friendly rivalry
love interest?: Lee Joon
back up love interest: Kim HimChan
grade&age: Grade-12 | Age-18
personality: Joon can be described as confident and hilarious. He is a smooth guy who almost seems like the bad boy type. His intense stares and his amazing good looks can turn a girl’s knees to jelly. Joon does everything from aegyo to y lip and finger sniffing. This man knows no limits. He is an epic romantic, and is so cheesy that it hurts. He goes all out for everything and is the type that gets jealous easily. He loves to talk and is kind of like a broken record; once you’ve got him started it’s very difficult to get him to stop. He loves to lighten dark moods with his charming sense of humor and is always found being the nice guy who cares a little bit too much.
relationship: Best Friends
how do you act around each other?:
Joon and Demi are always texting and talking on the phone. When they are together they are like the skinship couple, strangers often mistake them for a couple. They are both crushing on each other but Demi's fear of love is holding her back and Joon knows that and he is determined to be the one that will break down Demi's wall, one brick at a time.These two are like best friends and are very protective of each other. If  Demi has a problem Joon is the first person she goes to and vice versa. If someone was bothering one of them the other would magically appear and make sure that the person never messes with either of them again.
instrument: Snare Drum- Drumline
past relationships?: Nope
the end.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
password: PRIDE XD- lol i love this password
suggestions? questions?comments? words of encouragement?: Nope I just hope that you pick at least one of my twins :) I really want to be part of this story
Maybe the marching band can particapate in a marching band competition against the rival school, if the school even has a rival
I'm really in the marching band at my school and I can't wait to see how this story turns out ^^




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nvm, I forgot Zayn was a freshman, mianhae!
for Zayn, for postion, did you mean brass captain???