t r i c k // application


aff username: nothings-over
link: click!

what should I call you by?: Kei

back to the basics.:

name: Song Jihye
cute nicknames: Kei
date of birth: 10/26/1989
ethnicity: Korean (one quarter Japanese)
languages spoken: Korean - fluent, Japanese - fluent, German - studying
birthplace and hometown: Gwangju, South Korea

all about you.:


Jihye is like the puppeteer. Calculative and on point, she observes and formulates plans, then moves her pieces accordingly. She understands people better than anyone else, and knows how to use it to her advantage. To Jihye, the world is like a giant chess game, and she has a power, a genius and charisma, that makes all the pawns want to do as she says. In essence, Jihye is like a mastermind or a general, she knows how to lead others and she sits at the top of her throne, as others follow her every whim.

Why? You might ask. The reason is that Jihye understands the feelings of others. Extremely compassionate, she connects with others on a profound level. Because she is always an observer first, she notices others feelings quickly, and thus has the ability to convince others to follow her, because she understands them. Jihye takes a hold of others weaknesses and helps to make them stronger, she forms a bond with them that causes others to want to continue following her. She is a leader whose wit and strength also attracts other people to her, because she wants to make others stronger. Jihye is then capable of using those people to do whatever she says. She is intelligent and witty and her speaking coax people to want tot do as she pleases. She can control others on point, but she understands that it is a mutual relationship. In order forothers to follow her, she has to lead them and support them. She studied the words of the great strategists and leaders, like Confucius, who taught that a leader must lead for a follower to follow. She is always ready to help others, knowing that by doing so, most likely, whoever she is helping will one day help her. She has a network of connections, an they are all tied together to her devotion to both helping others and then others' willingness to follow her orders.

Jihye is a scholar. She enjoys locking herself up in her study or in a library to read as much as she possibly can. Many would describe her as a genius, and with reason, because while other children ran around playing with dolls or playing sports, she was taught chess, go, and shogi by her grandfather. Despite this though, she has always gotten along with others extremely well. In class, she was the first to raise her hand, to volunteer, to answer the question on the board, etc. And it was because of this that her teachers adored her, other students always came to her for help, and people often flocked around for help. But it didn't come for free. If she helped someone, they had to help her too, so she had an immeasurable ability to convince others to help her, especially for things like setting up for a school event that usually no one else wanted to do but her. She did the jobs that others didn't usually want to, and people who originally thought it ridiculous, gre to admire and respect her for it.

Jihye is ambitious and always does the best, striving for perfection. If she gets something wrong, she works for hours to understand why. It is that self-improvement mindset that has brought her to the top. She yearns to do better and better, almost to a point of OCD-ness. Jihye believes that by both studying books and history, as well as people and relationships, one can understand the world as a whole. So she takes all opportunities she can to read, travel, work with others, and in turn takes those experiences and uses them to her own benefit. By understanding people and the world, Jihye aims to one day hold the universe in the palm of her hand.

- books
- chess
- stars
- astronomy
- detective novels / mysteries
- poetry
- sharks
- foreign languages
- dango (especially mitarashi dango)

- takoyaki
- tea
- food (pretty much all)

- bugs
- hypocrites
- disrespectful people
- pollution
- stereotypes
- melodramas
(genre) and melodramatic people

- reading

- stargazing
- chess
- shogi
- go
- writing
- studying
- baking

- Jihye is a total star GEEK, and loves astronomy! her dream is to become an astronomer, and then to own an observatory.
- She works at an observatory part time, and a cafe part time.
- She is obsessed with detective novels and secretly wants to become a detective, idolizing Sir Conan Doyle.
- She always has a copy of Sherlock Holmes on her.
- She often quotes Confucius without really realizing it
- She eats... a lot. end of story.
- She likes to go bungee jumping, water skiing, etc. when she can because it helps to calm her
- She taps her fingers or feet
- Sscratches the back of her neck when thinking.

- Jihye is Buddhist because her grandfather was.

behind the scenes.:


Jihye's life was never anything over-the-top. Her father works in the military and her mother owns a small Japanese restaurant. Jihye's maternal grandfather is Japanese, but the rest of her family is Korean. Her family was upper middle class, mostly because her grandfather used to be a lawyer. She has an older brother named Jihyuk, and all in all, her family life is normal. Nothing exceptional, just a regular family. They did travel often though, and Jihye loved taking advantage of the opportunity to see the world.

Jihye was more or less raised by her grandfather, because her parents were often busy, so after retiring, he had a lot to time to spare and take care of his grandchildren. Jihye's brother was the one who wanted to run around and play, while Jihye was always fascinated by her grandfather's books and go board. Jihye's grandfather thus took her under his wing, and taught her everything he knows about chess, go, and shogi. And she was good. Really good. She has yet to beat him, but she has won several tournaments. From studyng strategies, she has developed sharp quick thinking skills. He also let her read his large collection of literature and nonfiction, such as Journey to the West, and she fell in love with books. As she grew older, her love carried onwards, and she not only read, but also wrote. She entered various writing and poetry competitions, and at her grandfather's request, promised to publish a book when she turned 20. It is entitled "Lotus Petal".

A year ago, Jihye's grandfather passed away from old age, and she decided then and there that she would become the best. She would be number one at whatever she did, because she had to live up to his expectations. She wanted to make him proud as he looked down at her from heaven. Jihye, who was already a dedicated and strong-willed girl, just became more ambitious, more empowered, and more confident. She would sit at the top, because she knew he would want her to.


Song Woo Seok | 55 | military general | father: Wooseok and Jihye have a good relationship. He isn't home often though because of work, but he tries to make sure that his family is happy. He is more strict on his son than his daughter, probably because his son has always been more rowdy and he IS a military sergeant. He kind of likes spoiling Jihye and often worries that she works herself too hard.

Song Seul Mi | 54 | Japanese restaurant owner | mother: She is your average mother: naggy, frantic, concerns herself with stuff that isn't her own to worry about. Jihye is not quite as close with her mother, but they get along fine. Her mother does like to brag about Jihye all the time, and is one of those overly talkative middle aged women. She is a FANTASTIC cook though, and seriously, it's no wonder Jihye loves food!

Song Ji Hyuk (Supernova) | 24 | cameraman | brother: Jihyuk is Jihye's opposite. While Jihye is calm and reserved, Jihyuk is hyperactive and a total prankster. Or he was, when he was younger. Now that he is older, he has matured, but still likes to have fun, often running around travelling, and doing whatever he wants. He is a "my pace" type person who lives how he thinks he should live. He works as a cameraman for a television station, and despite his free style of living, he does work hard at his job. Jihyuk is the only person in the world who can seriously read Jihye like a BOOK. As clever and talented of a liar as she can be, she can't keep anything from him. He always knows how she is feeling and when it comes to Jihye, the "big brother" button is switched on, and he does everything to keep her happy. He can be a bit overprotective, though she easily smacks him on the back of the head when he's being ridiculous. They are yin and yang. Jihye, the yin, and Jihyuk, the yang. They balance each other out and complement each other perfectly.

Sakurai Ryuunosuke | 89 (deceased) | retired lawyer | maternal grandfather: The person whom Jihye respects more than anyone else, her grandfather. He is the reason Jihye is who she is, her love for books for chess, her wit, all of it come from her grandfather or "ojii-chan". Ryuunosuke was a sharp grandfather, but he had a soft side for Jihye or "Kei" who was his precious granddaughter. Even from a young age, he noticed how intelligent she was, as well as her interest in all of his favorite subjects. THis is why, especially when Jihyuk and Jihye's parents were busy, he took care of them. Jihyuk was a wild child though, so it was more frustrating for him to take care of his grandson. This is why he always did like Jihye better. He passed away a year ago, but Jihye knows he's watching over her.


thats what makes you beautiful.:

ulzzang name: Pony
1 2 3 4 5 6
backup ulzzang: Do Hwae Ji
anything else?: She has a tattoo of a supernova on her neck.

dress up!:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
formal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
nightclub wear: 1 2 3 4 5 6
sleep wear: 1 2 3 4 5
anything else: Jihye LOVES accessories, especially earrings and scarves, so you will rarely find her without earrings on, and when it is cold, she will definitely be wearing a scarf! Her jewelry is usually gold and white. She also has a necklace with a pendant of the Japanese/Chinese character
that she NEVER takes off. It means dragon, and is the first character in her grandfather's first name Ryuunosuke.

i'll make you a deal...:

roles to choose from.
     [] {girloo1 - queen}
     [x] {girl002 - king}
     [] {girl003 - ace}
     [] {girl004 - spade/jack}
     [] {girl005 - joker}
     [] {girl006 - dealer}

second option:
     [] {girloo1 - queen}
     [] {girl002 - king}
     [] {girl003 - ace}
     [x] {girl004 - spade/jack}
     [] {girl005 - joker}
     [] {girl006 - dealer}

friends forever!:

best friend:

Park Geonil (Supernova) | 24 | observatory guide | Geonil is  practically Jihye's twin. He might be two years older, but the no one gets her quite like he does. Geonil works at the observatory with Jihye and is just as much of a book nerd and she is. The two often discuss books or theories, and play chess together as well. The two are actually neck and neck, and they lost count of who was winning and losing. Considering that Jihye prefers more "sophisticated" humor, it is often difficult to find someone who shares that with her, but Geonil does. It also doesn't hurt that he happens to be good friends with her brother.


Heo Gayoon (4Minute) | 22 | magazine intern | Gayoon went to elemetary and high school with Jihye, and currently is interning with a fashion magazine. She is probably Jihye's longest friend, and therefore knows her better than anyone else. Although they aren't "best" friends anymore, just because they didn't keep in contact in university, after they got back into contact, they've become close again.

Koh Woori (Rainbow) | 23 | cafe barista | Okak, Jihye eats a lot, but she doesn't eat nearly as much as Woori. This girl must be a football player in disguise or something! Because really, who can eat that much?!? AND maintain her figure! Woori works full time at the cafe that Jihye works at part time. She is sweet and fierce! She is the type who if you try to mess with, beware because she will bring it back tenfold.

Yoon Sungmo (Supernova) | 24 | freelance writer | A frequenter of the cafe, Jihye became friends with Sungmo that way, and after he let her read some of his work, the two got to talking a lot, and have become close, as they enjoy discussing writing, and he often lets her critique his work.

Jang Dongwoo |22 | dancer | The other half of Hoya's dance "crew", Dongwoo is like a bright ray of sunshine and while they aren't as close as Jihye is with Hoya, he is the person who just has to show up and Jihye's day becomes automatically brigher!


if you wanna be my lover...:

-he loves me, but I don't love him.
what is his name?: Lee Howon (Could we adjust his age?)
personality and relationship with him.: Hoya is a childhood friend of Jihye's. They've known each other forever, and she thinks of him like a brother. He is a little bit conceited, but it is fun for her to shut him down, so it's fine. He is part of a dance crew (duo) with Dongwoo. He likes to poke fun at Jihye's "nerdiness", but both of them know he's just joking.

-I fell for you hard...
what is his name?: Kim Sunggyu
personality and relationship with him.: Sunggyu is someone Jihye really respects and admires because he is always so polite. Sunggyu works at as a librarian and the he is always there when she needs recommendations. He is sweet and a complete gentleman not just to her, but to everyone, she has noticed. The two like to discuss books and he is just as much of a detective wannabe as she is. He isn't anything really special, but that's what she likes about him. He's just your ordinary caring guy, and she admires that. He is dedicated and knowledgable, and never fails to do his job well. She isn't sure what he thinks of her, but that doesn't really matter because she never plans to confess. She would rather just be friends and book buddies than spoil that.

SECOND OPTION: Suho (my age or his will need to be adjusted)

don't make me snap my fingers in a z formation...:

"Ugh, I hate you to dumb ..."


Lee Sungjong | 19 | It's not that Jihye hates him or even vice versa, it's just that if there was someone who Jihye would say is just as clever as she is, it would be Sungjong. This kid aish! He may be younger than her but he is an evil genius! He is the best at manipulating people, and he and Jihye are friends, but it's like a competition between them to see who can outsmart the other. It's a game they've been playing for years, because she's known him since he was in elementary school.

extra, extra!:

any requests: Nope, not really. :)
comments, anything else, questions?: I hope it's okay that she isn't a rich cafe owner LOL. Also WOOT a fellow Californian! <3 Where in Cali are you from? Hope you like my app <3
theme song?: Shinhwa - Breathin'


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