I'm a

I feel like a total ing right now. I've been between 6/ more guys within this past week. I only have my eyes set on just one guy, my ex, and making everything alright with him. I'm not going to date anybody else. I'll wait for him. But, it's been really hard to keep my commitment, with all these guys hitting on me. I don't like these guys, but I'm not going to be like, "Get the hell out of my life!" I'm not going to be like that, even though that's not how anybody would be anyways XD I also feel like a terrible best friend to the people that I'm a best friend to. My Bra, she just broke up with somebody a few days ago, and I'm friends with him. Welllllll~ him and me are flirting (well, I'm not) and we've been talking all ually. And he even said that he liked me and that the choice was mine to go out with him. He's been calling me baby o.o And also, like, he wants to have with me and yeahhhhhh o.o

My best friend Taylor (Wife if you're reading this, you know you're my best friend, I'm just Taylor's best friend), her and her boyfriend are having issues and he's been latching onto me. Well, today, him and me went to Kmart since we didn't have to take an exam. He really needed my help with Taylor since he wants to break it off and take a break since there's been so much drama that's been going on. So, I went with him (even though I hate him) because I'm not going to be mean and he dates Taylor and I want the best for her. The whole time, I got this vibe, that he liked me and that he was flirting with me. He even said that "I'm not going to lie but, I did like you." And also like "Damn, I should've picked you." What. The. Hell. It was awkward the whole time. Also, the whole time I got a vibe that he wanted to kiss me. He was even grabbing me and holding me. When we were sitting down on cute little Cars couches :3, we made like these puppet things (like when you do puppet shadows) and he grabbed my hand and held it and placed it on his lap o.o What. The. Hell..... YOU'RE CHEATING YOU MOTHERER! I tried so hard not to have any contact with him. Oh my God, he was always getting so close to my face and about to kiss me. And as I was typing this, he told me on Facebook that he wanted to kiss me. What. The. HELL! 

There's also this dude named Troy and he's been talking to me saying "He wants to me. He's going to me. I'll kiss you. I'll . I'll throw you up against a wall." You get the picture? And here he is, trying to get with this other girl but he wants me? Wow kid, just wow.

There's been a few other people that's been flirting with me too. The thing is, I go along with it D; I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.

Oh my God, I'm a D;


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