serendipity ❖ application form || nothings-over

Application Form



Basic info.

Username: nothings-over

Link to your profile: click!

Name to call you: Kei

Activeness: 9.5


Character Information.

Character Name: Jeon Ji Hye || 전지

Nickname(s): Kei - Jihye's Japanese name, which is just the translation of the Hye into Japanese, for when she lived there for a few years.

Birthdate: 10/26/1990

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea

Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea

Blood Type: A

Language(s):  Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Mandarin (studying)



Height: 173 cm & 5 ft 8 in

Weight: 48 kg & 106 lbs

Ulzzang/Model Name: Pony

Ulzzang/Model Picture: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Back-up Ulzzang/Model Name: Do Hwe Ji

Back-up Ulzzang/Model Picture: 1 2

Style: Prefers stylish but not too flashy clothes. Her favorite colors to wear are grey, beige, black, white, and then pastel colors. It is rare to find her wearing neon colors, because she prefers more of a natural look. She LOVES accessories though! And it is rare to find her not wearing earrings, rings, necklaces, and bracelets. Much of her jewelry is white and gold because she adores that color pairing. She also often wears a variety of scarves.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Character  backround + Personality.


Jihye is secretly the Buddha. Or at least that is what her friends and family say. It's like nothing can phase her. Imagine those people who you wave your hands in front of their face to try and get their attention but receive no response. That's Jihye. She almost always seems calm and collected, to the point that it freaks others out. It isn't that she's emotionaless though, it's just that she has a strong control over her emotions. If someone makes her angry, she won't start screaming at them, instead, she'll do a full powered verbal attack while managing to keep a straight face. No one knows how she manages to do it. And when anyone, particularly her members, are causing mischief, she seems to know immediately, and doesn't even need to look up, but grabs one of her many copies of Sherlock Holmes or some other book and launches it directly at them, usually their head unless she is being nice. So despite her "Buddha-like" demeanor, don't me fooled, never try to piss her off. Because an angry Jihye, though it doesn't seem like it, is SCARY.

And continuing on, Jihye is a total book nerd. She loves to read, whether fiction, non-fiction, historical, scientific, dictionaries, encyclopedias, she LOVES reading. She always has a book with her, usually two or more, because she needs a spare to throw at people, and has a tendency to quote people, often Shakespeare or Confucius subconsciously. She has been called a human encyclopedia because of her ridiculous database of knowledge that comes from her actually doing RESEARCH in her free time. That's right guys, Jihye likes to study history, astronomy, physics, etc. in her free time. It's her form of "fun". She is a STAR GEEK, and loves to talk about them. If you mention them to her, just beware, she will start rambling for at least ten minutes straight. Actually, if anything piques her interest, she won't shut up. And it doesn't even seem like she's breathing, because she's speaking so rapidly.

Jihye is also a bit of a detective wannabe. No seriously, she is. That's what happens when someone's favorite book just so happens to be Sir Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. She is a mystery fanatic, and despite her calm facade if she senses a mystery, she will immediately be "on the case". Even if it's something small like a lost bracelet, she will treat it like a murder mystery that she needs to "solve". Luckily for others, though, that means they always have someone on hand to help them, and Jihye almost always ends up finding lost items.

Jihye was born and raised in Gwangju, and lived there until she was eight. Her mother and father are both university professors and she has an older brother named Jihyuk. Jihye's family was a fairly normal middle class family, and when her parents were offered a position at Handai (Osaka University), they accepted, and Jihye's family moved to Osaka. They lived there for six years, and during that time, Jihye and Jihyuk became fluent in Japanese. It wasn't all that difficult for her to adapt, and she loved the atmosphere of Osaka. When they had to move back to Gwangju, Jihye was saddened but also happy to return to her hometown. So when sh returned to Gwangju, it took a little bit to readjust, but soon she was back to the swing of things. Her life from then on was fairly normal, nothing spectacular. She went to school, studied hard, did what she could.

While in middle school, she learned how to play guitar from her brother, and since then began writing songs. It was actually her brother who suggested that she audition for an entertainment company, but Jihye was not really sure. She had never really thought about it, and was worried that her studies would be jeopardized. He kept pushing and trying to convince her until eventually, when she was seventeen, he got her to audtion. She auditioned for Starship because she really admired K.Will. And then the story continues from there...

Likes: stars, books, mystery/detective novels, art, poetry, foreign languages, instruments, travelling, tea, sharks, plants, j-pop

Dislikes: bugs, pollution, hypocrites, disrespectful people, stereotypes

Hobbies: stargazing, reading, composing, playing guitar, dancing, bungee jumping, cooking, gardening

Habits: tapping her finger or foot, scratching the back of her neck when unsure, throwing books at people, quoting books or historical figures


Blood type: A
Favorite food: takoyaki

Favorite band: Nell
Favorite Japanese band: L'Arc~en~Ciel
Other favorite artists: K.Will, Wheesung, Supernova, ZE:A, Infinite, Shinhwa, SS501
She has a tattoo of a supernova on her neck.
Her dream is to open a detective agency.
She actually is Buddhist.
She eats... a lot.
Favorite non-mystery writer: Murakami Haruki
Favorite non-mystery book: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
She likes to collect marimo.

Does your character use profanities/cuss words?: [  ] yes, [  ] no, [ x ] sometimes

if so, in what language?: Japanese


Social Life.




Name: Jeon Seul Mi

Age: 54

Birthday: June 7, 1958

Personality: Seul Mi is always busy and a tad frantic. She runs around all the time, and often forgets what she needs and so on. It's a wonder that she is Jihye's mother. Her job is as a Japanese professor at Chonnam National University. At home, she is forgetful and frenzied, but at work, she is funny and interesting. She definitely does not have the usual "mom personality".

Relationship with your character: To be honest, it sometimes seems like Jihye is the mother, because she's the one who has to remind her mother what to bring or when to go. If Jihye were not there to constantly help her, Lord knows how she'd get along. In terms of Jihye as an idol/trainee, her mother doesn't mind, but simply worries that her daughter doesn't get overworked, and wants to make sure that Jihye continues to maintain her grades.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Name: Jeon Woo Seok

Age: 56

Birthday: July 21, 1955

Personality: Woo Seok is Jihye's father in every way. He is mellow and peaceful and rarely grows angry. He works as a physics professor at Chonnam National University, and is a favorite among students for his funny and relaxed personality.  He is always there to help or give advice which is why students adore him.

Relationship with your character: Wooseok is the person Jihye admires most in the world (well besides Sir Conan Doyle). She cares the most about her father's opinion of her, and always strives to make him proud of her. He has little opinion on her career, so long as she is happy, and continues studying at university.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Name: Jeon Jihyuk

Age: 24

Birthday: August 9, 1987

Personality:  Jihyuk is caring, sweet, and a total dork. He always tries to make Jihye laugh, which others cannot do quite as easily, but that he rarely fails at. He works as a restaurant sous chef, and is curently attending culinary school.

Relation to your character: Older Brother

Relationship with your character: Jihyuk is Jihye's caring, funny, totally ridiculous but lovable brother. There isn't a single person in the world who understands Jihye as well as Jihyuk does. He is the only person who can see past all of her calm facades, and read her emotions like a book. He is the one who convinced her to audition, the one who taught her guitar, who started her journey as an idol, essentially. She loves him more than anyone else and he is the same. He can be a bit overprotective of her, but it's just because he loves her. It also can be noted that he apparently looks like the member of one of Jihye's favorite bands Supernova whom he shares the same name with. She jokes that they could have been twins.

Dead or Alive: Alive



Best Friend

Name: Park Geonil (Supernova)

Age: 24

Birthday: November 5, 1987

Relationship: Geonil is like Jihye's other brother. Actually all of Supernova are. The two of them met when Jihye got to go backstage at one of Supernova's events in Japan. They started talking and immediately clicked, especially because she was Korean, and because Supernova are always in Japan, all the members were excited to see a Korean fan. She is practically Supernova's number one fan! She even has a tattoo of a supernova on her neck! Even though they don't get to see each other often, they always keep in contact! Whether through phone calls or video calls, etc. It isn't easy, but they do their best!


Close Friends

Name: Ha Minwoo (ZE:A)

Age: 21

Birthday: September 6, 1990

Relationship: Minwoo is Jihye's closest friend in every sense of the word. He and Jihye met a few years ago, before ZE:A debuted. Minwoo was dancing in a park, and Jihye saw and came over to watch. Afterwards, she asked him if he could show her how to do one of the moves that she thought was really cool, and he showed her. From then on, he started helping her improve her dancing, and they would meet on streets or in parks and dance together. Since then they have become extremely close, and Minwoo actually gets Jihye's funny side, which others don't usually pick up on. Since he debuted, she's been one of his number one fans. They still meet up when they can to practice.



Name: Koh Woori (Rainbow)

Age: 24

Birthday: February 22, 1988

Relationship: Jihye and Woori's relationship can be described with one word: FOOD. These two met at a restaurant. I am serious, they met because they were both eating, A LOT. They had both entered an eating contest at a restaurant a few years back, and by the time they finished eating, they had tied in breaking the record. And were both rewarded. Since then, they have become closer, and whenever they meet up, it's always to go eat. Seriously, no one understands how these two girls can eat like triple their weight in food.


Name: Kim Dongjun (ZE:A)

Age: 20

Birthday: February 11, 1992

Relationship: Jihye became friends with Dongjun through Minwoo, and just ADORES him. He is like the cutest buffest maknae ever. She pretty much treats him like her own little brother, and cuddles him, spoils him, etc. Even if he's only less than two years younger than her. She still treats him like her baby. And he loves the attention. So when she's around, her practically sparkles with all the aegyo. And this is from the Jihye who is supposed to be mellow and calm. Well not around Dongjun. He is just "too cute" in her opinion.


Love Interest.

Love Interest: Kim Sunggyu (Infinite)

How do you two act around each other?: There really isn't anything awkward about these two. They seem to understand each other really well, and when they are together, there's a really calm atmosphere. They enjoy spending time together and often meet up to share whatever they are composing at the moment.

How did you both meet: A few years back, pre-debut, Jihye was sitting in a park playing guitar. She was trying to write a song but for some reason she couldn't really get what she wanted, when a guy walks over and sits down next to her on the park bench and recommends that she change it to a different chord. She was so focused that she just did as he said without looking up. It turned out sounding just like she wanted. After she finished writing it down, she looked up and saw a guy with no eyes smiling at her. His name was Kim Sunggyu.

What is your relationship?: Sunggyu and Jihye are fellow musicians. They enjoy meeting up at parks and playing guitar. Writing songs, and comparing their work. That's how they became friends, and that is how their friendship is. Of course they do other things like go out to eat, but their relationship centers around their shared love of music. They don't even need to speak, but they can understand each other when they are playing their guitars.

Do you keep in contact?: [ x ] yes [  ] no [  ] sometimes

If so, how?: The two of them often talk on the phone, and they sometimes go out to eat when they can. But most of all, they like to meet up to play guitar and write songs together whenever they can. It hasn't been s easy since Sunggyu debuted, but they try.

Scene requests: A duet maybe?


Group Information.

Positions -

[ 1 ] Main Vocal / Sub Dancer

[ 6 ] Lead Vocal / Visual

[ 5 ] Sub Vocal / Center Face

[ 4 ] Jack of all Trades / MC

[ 2 ] Main Dancer / Lead Rapper

[ 3 ] Lead Dancer / Main Rapper


Persona: the Stargazer

Fan Club Name: Nebulae

Fan Club Color: Periwinkle (6699ff)

Stage Name: Kei


The end.


Comments: I love this fic! The group name caught my eye right away! And all the Dal Shabet is love <3 The format is really eye pleasing! This fic just looks gorgeous! Anyways, I  hope you like my app! And good luck choosing <3

Password: Shinhwa - Breathin'


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