List of things I'm gonna write over the summer!

Hey guys! If you're interested, i'm just gonna say what i'll probably be writing over the summer. School ends for me on the 15th i think, so i'll get started then!

  1. Okay, first on the list is to finish New Perspective. As i've been saying, it'll be 12 chapters. Who knows, I might finish it before the 15th!
  2. Finish SUPERLUV. I've been neglecting that one, i apologize... But I added a new character, so things'll get interesting!
  3. I might also transfer New Perspective to my LiveJournal... If you're curious my livejournal is
  4. I've decided the world needs an Alice Nine/Super Junior cross over fic. They would just get along so freaking well! Especially Heechul and Hiroto :3 But yeah, it'll be a one shot most likely.
  5. I will deliver on the promises i made earlier; I will write the Mafia fic. Imma try to be on a schedule with this one, perhaps updating every friday, let's say. Also, I'll write the Hanchul summer fic i mentioned :D This one'll be fun, considering one of the character (may or may not be) based off me :p
  6. I wanna write a Teen Top fic. Probably ChunJoe. I've never written for them before...
  7. I really wanna do a Vampire!au fic! That'd be sick!

I'll let you know if I get more ideas, but that's pretty much it for now. I have the plan for the mafia fic already, and i'm ready to write it as soon as SUPERLUV and New Perspective are done! Im so excited for this one :D

K, peace out!



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