I went on an adventure!

Well today I was bored and want to see someone instead of just talking to people so scarlettwolf (Roach) and I went on an adventure! 

Since she's a poohead and wants to learn languages (even though I do too) she dragged me to the library. 

At first she was navigating and I think we were going the right way until I had to step in and say "OH! I KNOW WHERE WE ARE NOW!" Then I said turn right. We were supposed to keep going straight. We eventually got there, after my bike broke, and after I walked for everything remotely up hill. Then when we did get there, we couldn't go in because; one, I'm pretty sure it was closed and, two, we didn't have bike locks.

So we decided to go to Gill's (raspberricloud)'s house! She opened the door then we used her wifi to call home on Roach's ipoo. Her mom said we had to walk back ourselves so I called my mom to pick us up! And she did! (mom I rub you).

So now I can talk to people again!


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lol your bikes... kinda ill prepared hmm??
Hey I did this too! :O