A cure for writer's block

To be honest, I have a pretty depressing past.. I started writing when I (as I could remember) was around 11 or so? I wrote all kinds of story. I took my inspiration from all the anime I watched.

As I grew up, I continued to write and (again I think) my stories began to mature. I specialized in writing speculative children's literature with hints of magical realism here and there.

But I encountered the most dreaded thing a writer could ever dream of.

I got stuck with writer's block for almost 3 years now (or more.) All that came out of me, my fingers and my head was crap. I was uninspired to write.

But this summer, I actually got inspired again. Thanks to AFF and GBOM. They inspired me to write and get my creative juices flowing.

So yeahhhh, I hope I never get that horrible horrible writer's block again!


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