Crush | 크러쉬 | APPLICATION ~~~~~




AFF Username: rene_aoi


Profile Link:




Name: Jung Kyosuke


Age: 17


 uality:  Bi~~


Birthdate:  12/20


Height: 177 cm


Weight: 65 kg


Hometown:  Tokyo, Japan


Ethnicity: half Japanese half korean


Blood Type:AB


Ulzzang Name:  Park Ji Ho


Ulzzang Pictures :


Backup Ulzzang Name: Lee Chihoon



He likes wearing long sleeved clothes and tight jeans, most of his clothes consists of the colour white since he likes that colour. He wear simple clothes like shorts and shirt when he is relaxing. He doesn’t like wearing wife beater or clothes that show much of his skin. He likes wearing hoodie and fedora hat, some of his hoodie even has cat ears n it. He doesn’t really into fashion, but most style fit hism nicely except of course clothes that is too much exposing the skin.


Personality :

He really an easy going guy, he is unpredictable and very random. He can do anything just by looking at it, he know about many thing though he still quite young. He is a nice person to talk to, he always making plans and determine to make it real. He like to tease his hyungs, friends and family especially his father, because it's fun for him. He get bored easily and always find things that are interesting (which sometimes makes other suffer). He likes sports and can do almost every kind of sport, but he has a bad tempered, when he's angry he can destroy everything.He has a pretty face and some people mistaken him as a girl, but he got manlier when he is older, but still pretty. He likes video games and music, so he can’t get away from his Ipod or psp. He's smart and capable of doing lots of things but he's lazy. If he really wants something he will work hard to get it. He's stubborn yet consistent. Since he was alone at his home he usually spend time walking around even travelling overseas alone, his father who is always busy just gave him the permission


History :

Kyo is born and live in Tokyo all his life well until  his parents divorced, so now he moved to Seoul and lived alone because his father spends most time at his office and his mother gor married with another man and leave him alone,he doesn’t like to talk about his kother just because his mother doesn’t love him as her child since she got remarried. he doesn't has siblings so he is very lonely, good thing that he has friends. he got into an audition because he was accompanying his friends to audition, but he got chosen instead. he really interested in dancing so he accepted the offer and become a trainee



  • Cheesecake
  • Teddy bear ( cause his dad always gave him one for birthday gift)
  • Cheesecake
  • Video games
  • Being sarcasm
  • Dogs especially siberian husky
  • Dancing
  • Spicy foods
  • Fireworks
  • Manga and anime
  • Photography
  • Long sleeves clothes
  • Winter
  • Teasing
  • SPorts


Dislikes: (5+)

  • When people thinks he is cute or beautiful
  • Working out
  • Darkness...he is afraid of them
  • Cats
  • Salty food
  • Alone
  • Being bored
  • Doing house works  


Habits: (3+)

  • He like to tease his hyung by acting cute and calling them oppa
  • Tend to ignore people when he is sleepy or in a bad mood
  • A sharptongue and say everything in his mind, really starightfoward
  • Like skinship and hug people when he wants  to say thank you
  • Pulling his hair when he lies
  • Waking up at midnight and sleep at other member room
  • Clingin to other member when he wants something 



  • He get scared watching horror movies, but his curiosity always makes him watch it though he end up hugging a pillow.
  • He has asthma
  • He loves the colour white
  • He can play piano and violin
  • He is scared to clowns and always thinks they are a psychopath
  • He can sleep anywhere and anytime
  • He doesn’t cry easily
  • Though he is half Korean, his Korean language is still not really good, he still learning it himself
  • He is self conceited
  • He wears glasses when reading





(Add more if needed)


Name|Age|Occupation|How they act towards your character (At least 5 sentences)| Deceased?

Father : Jung Young Jae, 40, an architect.

He was a loving father but he has hard time showing his love to his only son. Since the divorced he mostly spend time at work and hardly home. He always gave a teddy to kyou on his birthday just because he thinks his son is cute. When he is home, they always tease in another, he mostly concerned about his son. He always scolded kyou because of his extreme laziness, he never praise kyou directly, but he always praise him in front of his friends

Mother : Sohma Tsubaki, 39, a clothes designer.

She never like her married with Young Jae, so she doesn’t want to have Kyou as her son. She act like a loving mother in front of other people but inside she really despise his husband and son. She was very happy when they got divorced and remarried to her loves one. She never talk to Kyou after the divorced.




None… he is the only child 


(Best Friends)


Name|Age|Occupation|How they act towards your character (At least 5 sentences.)


Nagato Takuya. 17. Student.

He was kyou best friend since they are in elementary school. He was a place where kyou can talked about anything and comfortable whenever he is around. He like kyou but the other only treat him as best friends. He always gives advice to any problems that kyou is dealing. They used to hang out together and takuya spend his time in kyou’s home whenever he visited seoul. He likes to make fun at kyou just because kyou is easily offense. He like being protective because he is the only person that can bullied kyou.




Name|Age|Occupation|How they act towards your character (At least 5 sentences.)

Taemin.19.SHINee’s member.

He is the first person to talk to Kyou when he get inside SM. They become friends immediately. Taemin act like agood hyung and always help Kyou whenever he can. They always seems like fighting when they meet but it was just their way showing affection. Taemin dislikes when Kyou called him noona, but kyou never stop calling him that. They ahng out together whenever they had time.





Name of rival:  Other member of crush


Why they're your rival: Because he always put other as rival to know in which part he is lacking at. ( this is because kyou just moved to seoul and haven’t know many people yet)


(Love interest)


Name of interest:  EXO M, Kris



He is shy whenever he is in front of many people, yet charismatic since he is the leader. He is childish at times, his msile is charming and his voice is melting. He like taking care of other that is younger than him. He always able to put himself in any situation, he doesn’t talk that much, but his word is short and full of meaning. He is cute yet cool. He always soothe others with his smile. Though he get jealous easily and when he is mad he is pretty much very scary


How they treat your character :

He likes to tease kyou everytime they meet, just because he show mush attention to the younger one. They are not friends but not enemies too, they are just close but refuse to be called as friends. They always meet in a secret place, and they can just talk for hours about random things. He is like a rival to kyou when it comes to dancing. Kyou likes him but refuse to tell the other about his feelings.




Position :Main dancer


Nickname: Playful Kitty


How she's viewed :

He talks  a bit witty but fun to talk with. He likes putting smile no matter what his real feeling is. He respect the older very much but when he get close to someone you can see his evil side. He likes using cheesy word to girls, and like fan serving.


Fanclub name: Kittens ( just because the cat in an anime is named kyo and I thought a cat like image suits him)


Fanclub colors: Pearl White


Stage name: Kyo~


(The End)


Questions, Comments, or Concerns?: Hwaiting… sorry if some aren’t what you expected to be… I am confused at some section.


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