lately. . .

i caught a flu lately. my voice is getting hoarsed, and non stopping coughing like crazy!! aiiiish, molla!!

with this voice, can i even do fangirl screaming! lol

i'm glad the exam is over. though i didn't pay attention much in class (since i'm all sleepy at class! lol) so i'm a bit worried with my score :'( ah nevermind! anyway, i'm doing akb48 cosplay for next week. haha it just random  ans simple and i don't have much money to make new cosplay costume! i want to wear maid outfit so badly though!


lately, i've been reading too much fanfic! lol i do review some but sometimes i'm too lazy to comment.  ahahaha


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Awww thanks! <3 I drinking much vitamin C ( I hate medicine, so yeah) and I feel lot better! :)
Their song kinda nice haha I like them (and their cute outfits. Man, their costume is always kawaii)^^
Yeah, cosplaying is fun! Try if you have a time teehee ^^)d
And yessss, maid outfit is <3
Aww, that's horrible! :(
I hope you'll get well soon!
Don't forget to take your medicine & make sure to get enough rest.
Oh, so you're a fan of AKB48? :)
Cosplaying sounds fun, I've always wanted to try to do it!
And maid costume is really cute! ♥ >///<