Application :D:D

The Player

AFF Name: iEunJi


The Waker

Name: (Korean only please) Lee EunJi

Age: (16-28) 19

Height: (in cm) 160cm

Appearance: (ulzzangs or actresses or models only! I'll announce who is off limits once I finalize mine. Provide the name and three good pic links)

Song Ah Ri

Back-up: (just a name will suffice)

Personality: (I don't need a novel. A few brief paragraphs are fine, even one if you think you can get your characters nuances across in one. Please be realistic, creative, and don't contradict yourself too much ie: she's a , but sweet...)

She's a Mean and cold person when you first meet her. She dosen't open up to you much, because she thinks that if you trust them just the minute you meet them, they would betray you and tell others your secrets. She's a tomboy but nags alot at her friends. She cares for them alot though sometime she is cold. She is quiet and have a mysterious aura around her. She hates wearing skirts and dresses. She likes playing video games too. Though after sometime of being with her, she would slowly open up to you, and trust you alot with your secrets. She would be harsh towards someone she dosen't like. Even with her friends, she would be straightforward. Like when someone ask her if this dress is nice on her, if it was ugly she would just say," No, It's ugly on you", she don't beat around the bush. However like I said, Her inner side, after opening up to you would be friendly, naggy and a very good friend. But She is also Naive & guillible.

History: (Again, brief. You are a normal girl. Give me an idea why you are who you are. What were you doing before the coma took you? What will you do now that you're in the game? Note: The girls do know each other prior to the game)

I was a girl, suffering abit from depression as my family left me. I couldn't take it anymore.My friends stood by me and tried to cheer me up but to no valid, i was harsh to them. She wanted to change for the better, and not wanting to make anyone suffer.She wanted the best for everyone, she wanted everyone to be happy. She has a black-belt in Taekwando and had learnt karate.

Why do you want to survive: (can be simple or complex. This gives me insight into your character.)

You wanted to protect people. Showing others that she isn't the one who would give up so easily.

Skills: (Anything that will help you survive? Its okay to be useless too. ^^)

Only had Black-belt in Taekwando, learnt abit of Karate too. But is very secretive and could plan things easily and carefully.

Trivia: (Have fun here. As many as you want.)

1. Likes to eat Ice cream no matter where she go.

2. Must listen to music when bored.

3. Raps nonsensical things when anxious

4. Loves to kick people when asleep


The Teams

Partners: (Give me three from the following groups: Block B, Infinite, B.A.P., 2AM, Mblaq. Don't give them to me in any particular order. Be sure you would be comortable and happy with whomever I pair you with. will be a surprise. I'll pair you with whomever I feel is the best fit and possibly from feedback I receive. This also makes it easier when people pick the same partners. And no, Big Bang is not available...though this could change. If you have specific requests for someone, you may ask me in a PM but I'm pretty set on these groups. Try to pick them from different groups too. The most I want to see from the same group is two.)

Infinite, L |  B.A.P Daehyun | Block B MinHyuk

Personality: (Give me a blurb about each. Not everyone is loving and sweet. Not everyone is a right out bastard.)

Infinite L : Cold and Mysterious, Harsh and Straightforward but towards people who are close to him, he is very friendly, sweet and caring.

B.A.P Daehyun : Sometimes act very Mysterious but honestly he is very selfish. He likes to boast around when he hates someone. Caring towards his Bestfriend and his girl only.

Block B Minhyuk : Harsh and Cold. DOn't give a damn about anything. Even if the world dies he also dosent care. A Jerk that won't care much less

Your ending: (Any particular requests? Do you mind if your char dies? Be honest here, I'll take this input seriously.)

I don't mind. It's okay since all she wanted is to protect others and show others she could protect and not only let others protect her.


Questions: (Seriously, ask away! XD) Nope


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