Rant Rant Rant 18~


With my mother:

"Are you going to shower?"


"Have you showered?"


"Well then get ready."<- I don't think she heard me xD

With Kuya(Brother in Tagalog):

"Are you gonna shower?"



"Because I smell nice already."


XD Yes I'm random. But seriously I do smell nice. And we're only going to the park for a get together which means....FOOD!

I hope there's good looking boys there


Or babies~ I love children.

And now it's raining so I don't know if we're still going anymore xDD


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@AKreiko: There weren't any good looking boys, just my guy childhood friends xDD Kinda like a family picnic except it's not just my family, my mother's co-workers.<br />
@innocent_panda: Lol you forgot?! Wae~?! xD
innocent_panda #2
waahh.. I akmost forgot that you speak tagalog... LOL.. I want food..
AKreiko #3
'I hope there are good looking boys there' Hahahaa...so it's a family picnic? :D