Health : Summer Classes : Food help:

So I realize that I'm not healthy at all, how did I figure this out ,well thank my summer classes. Yes even on the summer break I have to go to school . Why? Well in my school you have to have certain credits from certain classes , and I decided that I would get them during summer, yet now i wish i hadn't. I know i shouldn't be complaining since I chose to attend these classes during summer ,but then again I'm sometimes immature. As much as I hate these classes ,I have to admit I'm learning stuff and since the class is about health ,it should be good for me.^_^ I decided to become more healthy ,for starters I quit drinking coke and I've been running everyday , I feel awesome, I feel better about myself and don't feel so easily tired now. I'm trying to build up muscle too ,by doing weights, no big muscle yet though. I want to eat better too ,but that's what's bringing me down, I can't seem to eat good food, what's healthy food anyway? I should do research,I hope I can keep being healthy, its really hard to keep going sometime. If anyone has tips on healthy food ,tell me or really write me I guess Bye Bye ^_^


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