Run. Just Run.-Student File

Student file-


Gender: F

Surname: Park

Full name: JaeMi

English Name: Jamie

Languages spoken: Korean || Japanese || Tagalog

Age:  16

Year of schooling: year one

Date of birth/ Starsign: Feb. 24, Pisces

Blood type: B

Birthplace: Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Hometown: Busan, S. Korea

Family Social Class: Class B


It’s all about the money-


 Your Social Group: Outcasts

Bracelet to identify Social and Group Classes:

Room number: Block B, Room 45

Roommate: N/A

Persona: The Baby-Faced Rebel

Dance || English || Fighting Skills

Extra-curricular / after school: Sports || Music

Achievements of note: N/A


Just who do you think you are?-

Please answer the following question in your character


Personality in one word: Energetic

How people perceive you: Easily provoked, tough, someone who uses actions more than words, arrogant


I'm the loud one of the group. I hate when people don't stand up for themselves, so I'll stand up for them myself. I don't believe in higher class people as having authority over lower class people, so I'll stop any high-low classbullying, but if it's within the same social class, so be it. I never keep quiet and I hate being restricted. I'm hot tempered and can get mad easily.  Most of the time, I'll ignore stupid comments but if it's a big thing, or I've been calm for too long, I'll snap. Most of the time, people underestimate me because of my height and baby face. I'm popular for being a baby-faced hot head, but I ignore the popularity, since I hate being known as that. When it comes to being competitive, I am the most competitive out of everyone. I am a sore loser, so I try to win all the time. When i lose, I usually get violent, especially when someone rubs it in my face.

Despite my hot-headedness, I can be sweet and calm. This only happens when I'm with people I trust. When I'm with friends that are very close to me, I tend to act childish and do a lot of skinship. Naturally, I have a lot of cuteness and aegyo, but I only show it when Im with people I trust. I hate being ignored, and most of the time, I want attention. Once I trust someone, they are like family to me, so i will do anything to protect them and make sure they're safe. I tend to trust guys faster, because girls pretend to be each others' friends to backstb them.

Most people would describe me as a tomboy because I act, dress, talk, walk, and hang out with guys. I think girls create too much drama and talk about unimportant things. Most girls gossip about me, but if it gets to out of hand, I'll usually beat them up. I hate wearing skirts, dresses, and high-heels. I own makeup, however, to make myself presentable(and for formal events I'mm wear makeup) and to hide scars and bruises.

 Secretly, I'm a hopeless romantic. At times, I can be boy crazy, but I won't admit it. I sometimes hate being one of the guys, because they don't see me as 'girlfriend' material. I'd rather stay their friend than be a nobody, so I deal with it.


Personality: 2

How you act around your social group:

I act like myself: Loud, crazy, and rambunctious. I'm usually the one that comes up with crazy schemes and gets us in trouble.

Favourite colour: Orange!

Favourite season: Winter

Favourite drink: Hot chocolate with marshmellows

Favourite animal: bunnies

Favourite food: sweets

Do you prefer boys or girls as company?: boys

Favourite Song: Bang&Zelo-Never Give Up

Song that sums you up the best: MBLAQ-Run

What do you think you are best at?: Other than fighting, it would have to be rapping.

If you could have a job, what would you do?: Rapper

What’s the plan when you get out of the gates for the first time?: Buy all the sweets I can

What was your reaction when the first ever person escaped?: That could've and shouldve been me!

When you go, what are you going to pack?: My CD's, a skateboard, some clothes, money, and my hats

Do your family know about you ‘special talents’?: Yes

How did you end up at SCSL?: When my parents found out about my special talent they sent me to SCSL. I threatened them, so they got me my own room.


I was in a family of all business. It was okay, I wouldn't get much attention, and I wouldn't give much attention. When I figured out about my talent, I used it to entertain myself. One day, my parents saw me using my talent so they sent me to SCSL.


Strike a pose- 




Ulzzang name: Jang Hae Byeol

Back up looks:

Back up Ulzzang name: Hong Younggi

Any tattoos or piercings?: nope

Anything not visible on pictures you want to add?: Small Star-shaped birthmark on her cheek

How muscular are you?: Not very, but a little, from fighting.

Daily clothing:


What you wear around dorm:


Formal wear:


Relationships are sailing-


Park SangSoo || 56 || engineer || father || alive || he usually doesn't pay attention to his kids, but when he does, he's a caring and loving father

Park JangMin || 53 || N/A || mother || dead || When she was alive, she was a nightmare to her kids, but an angel in front of their father


Park JaeSon || 18 || Seoul Music Academy || brother || Loving and protective, taught JaeMi how to fight and raised her like a little brother.

Roommate: N/A

Their social class and group: N/A

Pictures: N/A

Best friend: Cho Kyuhyun

Their social class and group: Class B, the smarts


Closest Friends in your Social Group: Kyuhyun || Eunhyuk

Love interest: BAP Zelo :3

Their social class and group: Class A, Populars

Their personality:

Zelo is sweet and cute. He is always positive and doesn't like seeing people sad. When his friends are sad, he'll do aegyo or tell jokes to make them happy.  Usually, when his friends get in fights, he will stay out of it unless it involves him. He is protective, just like JaeMi. Even though he doesn't fight mush, he is an incredible fighter. He skateboards everywhere and always has a mask.

To everybody else, Zelo seems like the bad boy type. He usually wont listen to people unless he trusts them and respects them. He hates when people hurt his friends and can get violent if any of his friends are attacked, either physically or verbally. He doesn't like answering to authority, but he is still respectful of his hyungs and noonas.

Even though he is Class A and one of the populars, he doesn't believe in bullying the people with a lower social class. Even so, when his hyungs pressure him, he will bully other people to make his hyungs happy.



Don’t tell ANYONE-


What’s your talent?: teleportation

What’s your speciality?: water

When did you find out?: When I was 10.

Do you like it?: Yes! I use my speciality to freeze water. I like chewing ice

Is it easy to handle?: yes, unless I'm really mad.

Who else knows about it?: my parents, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk

How would you react if you found out someone else had talents and specialities?: I'd ask them if they could do things for me because of their power, then in turn I'd help them using my power.

What do you call your talent and speciality?: talent~teleportation speciality~water-bending!



AFF name: Its_JangMi123

Profile Link: CLICK!

Password: SCSL

What should I call you?: You can call me Jae :3

Did I forget anything?: No.

Anything else?: Nope~


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