A year ago...

Exactly a year passed since I left my father's place and ran away from him...

In this day a year ago when I had the oral part of my final exam in English I ran away from my father and we still don't speak... It feels like I don't even have a father. My father right now is my mother's husband. He knows how to treat a teen, that's for sure.

Back then, a year ago I was living in my father's place and I went to a high school which is in his town. It was not a super high school and I felt bad there. I went to a special class which provides to get to know English really well. I attended the same kind of class in my old (and now current) high school but the level of teaching was really different. The old school needed an intermediate knowledge in English while the one in my father's place needed no knowledge in English. So you can imagine how miserable I felt when I was in level advanced and they were in pre-intermediate... But taht's not the point.
We had our last days in school when we do nothing just chilling in the school and playing games. I spent the weekend in my mother's place before that last week and we had Monday off since there was a celebration in our country. I called up my dad that I won't go home until the day of the oral exam (It was on that week, on Saturday.) and that my mother will call the headmaster to let me stay at home to study. He was yelling with me and told me that I'm a really bad student. He is a teacher, so he thinks about school as a Saint place where students need to the teachers's asses. He is really strict and he likes to command. So all in all, he was blaming me that I want to stay in my mother's place because I want to be a cube and play with the PC all day long. Suuure~.
We hung up the phone then he was calling me agan and again. I didn't pick it up because I knew that he would be shouting.
For the rest of the week, we didn't speak. On Saturday I went to the school to have my exam. I had a huge bag, a backpack and my hamsters with me. It was a bit hard to wear elegant clothes and heels while I was having those heavy stuffs. My boyfriend was with me to help me, but he also had his stuffs with him. After the oral exam where I got 100% (He should have been proud of me...) I called my father if he could pick us up because the school was 5 km away from home. He said no... He disappointed me with not having any sense that I was after an exam with bags... In the end we went to the bus station which is 2 km away from the school. We rode to his place and when I arrived he was shouting at me really rudely. I told him that there is no need to argue because I will spend the next month in my boyfriend's place because I will attend an English summer school. He started to yeel even louder. I was freaking scared that I was crying hysterically and I was packing my stuffs really rapidly. My boyfriend was waiting outside but when he heard my father yelling even louder he came to the house and tried to protect me with standing between me and my father. He tried to calm my father, but it was miserable. He was threatening me with hitting me so my boyfriend said calmly: "If you hit her, I will be the one who will give the punch back." And that was the point when my father went crazy. They were yelling at each other while I was searching my money in its secret place. There was nothing. I tried to ask my father kindly where my money is and he said he took it away. I was like what?! He said it was his money. He gave me when I was a good child. But that , he already gave it to me, so it's mine, right...? It was like 200$, so a big amount of money for a teen like me... I wanted to buy my from with that money.
In the end I went away with almost all my portable stuffs and went to my boyfriend's place.
We haven't spoken since that day...

So girls and boys, appreciate your fathers until you can, but if it's time to give up on them, just try to let them go. If they love you, they will search for you.
He didn't search me, so...


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