Narcissist much?;p

This was me back 2009 at my first ever job and fresh from college...

This is also back in 2009 when I suddenly decided to cut my hair short after I finished watching "He's Beautiful"...

This was taken on Halloween at the mall where there was a cosplay competition and I suddenly saw this REALLY cute dog and immediately asked it's owner if I could have a picture with it...

This is me a few months back with another short hairstyle inspired by SNSD's Sunny in their "The Boys" MV...

And last but not the least, this is me last 06-02-2012. This was taken due to a friends request that I take pictures of me wearing clothes when I go out to shop, go to church or just going out in general...



So what do you guys think?

I'm a narcissistic right?

You can just be honest and say whatever you want about this BUT please NOT TOO NEGATIVE...

Oh, and lastly. How old do you think I am?kekeke^^ 


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