Tagged. Version 2


Rule one: POST the rules.
Rule two: ANSWER the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it will be at the bottom) and then after, MAKE your own eleven questions.
Rule three: TAG eleven people and link them to your post.
Rule four: Let them KNOW you tagged them!

1.) J-pop or K-pop?

K-pop for the win. c:


2.) Do you ship a boy x girl couple? If yes, who and why?

I don't really ship anyone. But I can say, I ship Kyuyoung the most. They give me this kilig feeling when I see them together.


3.) Do you ship a boy x boy couple? If yes, who and why?

OnKey (Onew and Key) for the win. Reasons are too many to mention. c:


4.) Do you ship a girl x girl couple? If yes, who and why?

Unfortunately, none. 


5. Do you know lyrics of a K-pop song by heart? If yes, what is the song?

SHINee's Life.  Sorry a hardcore Shawol here.



6.) Do you have friends who likes the same type of music you like? If so, how many?

... Everyone that I befriend. >:)


7.) Do you have internet friends? If so, who are they?

Too many to mention. .__.


8.) Can you make edits? If so, can you show us an example?



Here's a sample of my Sooyoung edit for Tumblr. ^^






9.) Do you have Tumblr?

Yes. Follow me~ http://shining-generation.tumblr.com/


10.) Are you learning another language or do you want to learn another language? If so, what language/s is it?

I want to learn basic Japanese and Korean. ;__;


11.) Are you proud to be a KPOPPER / JPOPPPER?


-- Can you dance to a K-pop song? If so, what song/s is it/are they?

-- Do you like the idea of T-ara having their 9th member? Explain.

-- Have you listened to SHINee's full album "The First"? If yes, what are your thoughts about it?

-- Do you know a song duet by Krystal and Luna? If so, can you name one?

-- Do you like After School?

-- What can you say about the chorepgraphy of Sistar's Alone?

-- Do you like Younha? If yes, what can you say about her skills?

-- Have you heard U-KISS sing in Japanese? Do you like it?

-- Do you know MBLAQ'S Baby U?

-- How did CNBLUE's comeback hit you?

-- Have you watched "I AM"?


*pokepokepoke* c: ♥

17KpopLover | FicJokerTionYouja | sohappilyalone26 | Minjae
TokkiLoveOnew | akanishikoki | leemyis | zaeunahqi
Alien_BD | eunteukey15 | freakinboomtrak




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