Ai No Maid Cafe Application :D



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your character

Username: cantresistTAEMtation

Profile Link: I like big butts <3

tell me about yourself

Full Name: Kim Jihae

Nickname: Pickachuuuu!! , Pig

Age: 17

Birthdate: 12/18/93

Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages:Korean and Konglish (Korean and english combined)

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 45kg

i am who i am

Personality: She's a eating machine. She'll eat a whole cow by herself and get hungry in two hours. She's so stubborn that she'll be seen fighting with little children over the stupidest thing. She likes doing things her way and doesn't like it when someone tells her what to do. When she's pissed off, she'll go over to the corner and give the silent treatment. But she gets  all childish again in 2 minutes. She can't stand being mad at someone and will use aegyo to get things that she wants or just to annoy people. Her puppy eyes can get really dangerous. And she, herself, has a soft spot for puppy eyes.

She's very clumsy and falls down on the most unexpected moments. It makes people crack up and it usually brings Jihae's mood up. She likes making people laugh or smile. She's very forgetful and can't do anything by herself. She's very clueless and slow (Physically and mentally). She can't get jokes unless you spell it out for her. You can't depend on her to remember something because she'll forget it in 2 minutes. She's really lazy and doesn't like to exercise or walk. She hates getting all sweaty and wet. She'll always have a sun umbrella so her face won't get tanned.

She loves getting bit by mosquitos. Like how you always have something to do because of it. When she's frustrated, she'll talk to herself and will blank out in her world. When she eats, she'll always blank out and end up staring at someone or food. She can't multitask, like she has to stop walking to drink water or call someone. She's very impatient and gets frustrated easily if you can't do something like she wants you to. She's terrible at giving directions to something but always expects you to get what she's saying and do it perfectly.

When something has her attention, she'll work her fullest to it but she gives up easily if she can't do it. She expects herself to do something perfectly and if she can't do it, she'll give up on herself. She gets bored of things easily and likes challenges. She is a scaredy cat and doesn't like to do Y.O.L.O. type of things. Because she thinks Y.O.D.O. (You Only Die Once) more than Y.O.L.O.  She'll always get mad at herself for being so dumb and clueless. If someone likes her and makes it obvious, she'll never find out unless they actually confess to her. She doesn't want to grow up and stay as a teen forever. She's afraid of dying and is very curious a lot about life. 


  • Mosquitos
  • Aegyo
  • Windy days
  • Food
  • Eating


  • exercise
  • Ignorant people.
  • Rainy days
  • Exercising
  • when someone pinches her cheeks


  • When Jihae's hungry, she'll keep rubbing her cheeks
  • When she's sad, She'll look down and be quiet
  • When she's frustrated, she'll start messing up her hair really badly
  • When she's full, she'll lay down on the floor and start sleeping
  • When she's concentrating on something, She'll stick out her tongue and bite it without her knowing.


  • Reading
  • Eating
  • Sleeping


  • Being ; 
  • Dying;
  • Dissection;
  • Murder
  • Being a Hobo


  • She has a micro pig named Bamboo which she brings to work a lot.
  • Her ideal type is a tall gentleman that never seems to bore her and always puts her first
  • She can write with both right and left hand
  • She's told that she sounds like IU
  • She can juggle with five objects
  • Her favorite color is Light Yellow

aren't i beautiful?

Name of the Ulzzang: Jung Sung Ah

Links: [1] ,[2](how she looks when she's full), [3],  [4][5]

Back-up Ulzzang: Ha Nul

Links: [1] [2]

Clothing style: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


this is my life

Parents:Kim Mi Joung/ 40/ house wife/ Mom

 Kim Min Kyu/ 41/ Glasses maker/ Dad

Sibblings: none

Family Background: Jihae had an normal childhood. She woke up early on Sundays to watch cartoons. She would always have play-dates with her friends and would have tea parties. When she got into middle school, she moved to a different town which made it hard for her to make friends. She was a loner through out 6th grade and made a friend in 7th grade when a girl(Ju Hye) that matched her personality moved into her town. They instantly clicked and became bestfriends. Now she's considered one of her school's Queenka because she was pretty. But she stuck with her best friend, Ju Hye because she was friends with Jihae even before she was a Queenka. 

my special people

Friends: none

Bestfriends: Lee Ju Hye/17/ She's very optimistic and cheerful. She always has a smile on her face and doesn't care if it makes her look like a fool. She's not as stubborn as jihae but stubborn enough to get almost things that she wants. She's not shy and likes to socialize with people. She is very goofy and never fails to make jihae laugh. 

Rival(s) and Why?: Kim Yoon Min/ She's the other Queenka in their school. She'll always try to make Jihae look like a fool no matter what. She's very spoiled and rich. She'll throw a tantrum if she doesn't get what she wants.

my lover

Love interest: Byun Baekhyun fron EXO-K

His Personality: He's very caring and funny. He'll always have a puzzle for Jihae to solve. He goes with the motto, "Hoes before Bros". He knows how to treat girls properly and has manners. He will do anything for Jihae and is very romantic and does PDA that makes people get jealous of them. They are like the cutest couple to be.

How you meet: Jihae was crossing the streets while texting and it was the red light. Baekhyun pushed her back gently with his arm to make her stop walking. Jihae looked up and met eyes with Baekhyun and was like Love at First Sight. 

Back-up Love Interest: D.O.

His Personality: He's very cute. He's clumsy and forgetful but he never forgets anniversaries. He'll always know how to make Jihae melt to the core with his corny sayings. He's very loveable and shy. He will be very mad if someone touches his girl. 

How you meet: Jihae and D.O. ordered the almost the same thing in a pick up restaurant. D.O. accidently took Jihae's food but jihae noticed that the food she's holding is too small to be hers. she called out to D.O. to switch food. Being the shy guy D.O. was, he started blushing and jihae found that adorable. They ate together and got closer to each other by the end of the day.

the cafe


What do you want to work as?: Maid

Why did you want to work at Ai no♥ Maid Cafe?: I want to volunteer my time and help my parents pay the bill since i know they are stuggling with money issues. I want to precisely work in Ai no Maid Cafe because i found their costumes cute and i think i'll fit right in there. How they treat the customers are just amazing and i want to work in a place that tolerates their customers. Also i'll work hard and i won't make you regret that you picked me if you do. 


Other Informations about the character: Nopee :D

Ideas for the story: Food fight!!!and there should be a Free dessert day where the customers can get free desserts if they complete a mission. Each mission should be fun and unique. Like making a 5 feet long line made out of the extra clothing that they're wearing. (but no -ness!) 

Comments:  Good luck and i hope you pick me!! :D


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