'Cause I got tagged by E_magine twice some time ago, here.^^


1. How would you feel if you saw your bias kiss your best friend?

I probably wouldn't care. Especially not if that friend was a guy. That would be freaky... As long as my friends are happy, then so be it. I can always be just friends with my bias. ;D (I just realized that I consider my group of friends from high school all my best friends.)

2. Why are we friends?

Because I commented on your story, then we had a conversation... Which led to us being friends. d^^b (two thumbs up)  That and because you and I are both believers and we share love for Christ. And our bias in TVXQ is Yunho. And because we both find the brotherhood of EunHae adorable. And Ailee's singing is amazing. xD And so many other things. <3

3. Fanfic genre you want to try?

Horror, thriller. Sci-fi. There's a lot to try. Anything but . >.< 

4. A title for me?

Best friend. ^^ *hug*

5. Favourite male OTP (bromance or not it doesn't matter)

Bromance. I do not ship guyxguy or girlxgirl pairing unless it's friendship. I know I'm supposed to just pick one, but I really can't pick. It's either EunHae or YunJae or HoJong. All three seem like great siblings. ^^b

6. Bias/es that you ship with more than one guy/girl

Ailee? I don't really ship... I go by whatever floats their boat... -.-'

7. What would you give your bias (materialistically speaking) for Christmas? (money is not a problem)

A blank journal, a Bible, a pen and an accessory that reminds them that they are loved by God. That way, even if the world stops caring about them, they'd always know someone loves them.^^

8. Would you marry your bias and why?

Yes, if he loves me. Why? Because he loves me. It has to be the reason. I know love can be nurtured from nothing, but it's best to start one's married life with the one they love, or at least respect. As Dr. Seuss says, "A person's a person, no matter how small." 

9. An author on here who you admire and why

E_magine because she's able to juggle a ton of fics all at the same time and manage to make all her works distinct from each other. From what I see, she knows that her works are hers, she doesn't need to please everybody. She doesn't conform to norms just so that she can be featured. Plus, when I read her work, I can hear her. I can tell that she writes because she wants to, not because she wants to be famous. (Becoming famous is just a bonus. =D)

10. Most awkard thing you've said?

I've said a ton of awkward things. Probably... "Uh... Hi. Wanna be friends?"

11. One word to describe me >_<

Amazing. =]


I tag... YOU!

Okay, here are my questions for you:

1. Who is your current bias?

2. If you were to meet your bias in any kind of situation, what situation would you like it to be? (first impressions last!)

3. If you and I were to meet in real life, how would you like us to meet? 

4. Recommend me your favorite story. ;D

5. I'd like to read the most precious story (to you) that you've ever written. May I?

6. Philosophy/motto in life?

7.  If you could do one thing, anything, amazingly, what would it be and why? (e.g. I'd like to be able to sing really well because I just want to. xD lol useless example)

8. Favorite album? (Even if that's not your bias group/singer)

9. Considering reality, how would you like that person you love to propose to you?

10. What's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for you?

11. What one thing would you like to do in this lifetime?


Now, for the other tag!

top 20 biases:

1. TVXQ Yunho 

2. TVXQ Changmin

3. Infinite Dongwoo

4. Hangeng

5. Super Junior M Henry

6. Girls Generation Seohyun

7. BoA

9. Ailee

10. Super Junior Eunhyuk

11. Super Junior Donghae

12. BAP Zelo (For some reason, he reminds me of Momiji Sohma from Fruits Basket...)

13. UKISS Eli

14. UKISS Kevin

15. Super Junior Kyuhyun

16. f(x) Victoria

17. f(x) Luna (For some reason, I think she and Ailee resemble each other...)

18. f(x) Amber

19. Infinite Woohyun

20. Infinite Sungjong

Well, as you can obviously see, I have a favoritism for maknaes. (And smiles.) :D

Man, it was difficult looking for a picture of Amber smiling brightly (solo photo). lol

Actually, I wanted to put in Jay Chou in the list. 

Jay Chou! Yes, that epic dude that played Kato in 'The Green Hornet'. The remake. Bruce Lee was the one in the older movie.  But I didn't put him on the list 'cause he's not part of the Korean music industry, and the term 'bias' does not really exist there. Not even at one point in time. It was difficult looking for a picture of him with a bright smile. I swear, for some reason, straight face or scowl is probably his trademark face. >.< But he's a great songwriter, even if he's not a singer of epic proportions. ;D

Zelo and Sungjong are the recent additions. Eli and Kevin are comeback additions. xD ('Cause I haven't been listening to much UKISS lately... And if you're wondering why I didn't put in BEAST members despite them having been one of my favorite groups at one point, it's because I don't have a bias. Dongwoo might be it, but I really don't consider him a bias... -.-")

I'm just starting to get to watch more of BAP shows (I really like their songs), but Zelo really stood out, so I'm throwing him into the list. And Sungjong. Actually, when I first watched Infinite-related shows, he was a bit eccentric for me. But because he's such a determined and kind-hearted maknae, I grew fond of him. I hope I can learn from him! And the other maknaes. :3

List does not really reflect their status on my bias list. I put them in in random order. If I could do more, all the members of TVXQ and Infinite might be in there. xD

E_magine, I finally finished the tags you tagged me with~ 

God bless~


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Aww this made me smile :)
:D woot woot for biases~