I was tagged... but why? XD


First of all, thanks Anniee for tagging me...


Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

11 Question:



1- Your current obsession [song]

Rain Bi - Sad Tango (english version)

I just found a good song from Rain. It's his old song so I'm a bit out-dated, I guess..


2- Love or Friendship? Reason

Hurm.. quite tough... Well, love is not just about loving a man, right? We love our friends, family, our pets and our belongings too.. XD But if you saying boyfriend or friend, I will definitely answer friends because, I've been living 23 years without a boyfriend so I don't think I can live without my friends... =)


3- Who is the idol you hated & despited most? Reason

I don't think I have one.. Maybe there are idols that I don't really fond too but it was not up to the point I hate them..


4- SNSD or 2NE1? Reason.

Heh..? May I skipped this? LOL.. I don't know.. SNSD maybe.. because SNSD is the first girl group that I know and I tried really hard to remember their names.


5- Do you consider yourself pretty?

Is this a trick question?? Haha.... I always think I'm pretty but I think my mirror is a bit jealous so it always show the bad reflections of me... XD


6- Your fav group where you vowed to forever support 

'VOWED'? *gulps* Well, I like all groups generally but I'm supporting MBLAQ. But I also support Super Junior and DBSK/JYJ but not so much like I used too.. :3


7- Your least fav member from your fav group you forever love

Argghh! There's no one I don't like in MBLAQ... Hurm... I don't know.. Maybe G.O? Or Seungho? I don't know.. I like them both..


8- Your OTP [no yuri/]

Me x My Bias


9- Do you  read my story?

Nope, sorry Anniee.. :3


10- Do you have a tumblr, if do follow me

I do and already followed you!


11- Your most embarrassed moment

oh God, why did you must bring this... There this incident.. when I was 14 or 15 (almost 9 years ago).. O.O

So, one morning, I took a bus to school. I don't know how but maybe someone puked up in the bus and the driver just cover the stain with old newspaper and I, being the bad luck one step on the newspaper. It got slippery and I fell. I think it was a loud thud sound when I fell. Though it was early in the morning and most people in the bus were asleep but I think a lot of people woke up and saw that.  But... the fell wasn't hurt for me, what happened after that really bothers me. I had a crush back then. He was in the same bus with me but luckily he was not there that morning. But he knew that I fell then he and his friends make fun of me... You know how school's life can be cruel..  I really hate him for that.. So yeah... That was the most embarrassed moment for me.


*I'm not sure I want to follow the rules.. LOL.. I'm too lazy to tag people and too lazy to think of questions...


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