Tag You're It!

Originally Tagged by: saranghaeljoe

This is how the game goes:

Rule: ( I changed some of the rules ) 

One - Post the rules

Two - Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it will be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Three - Tag as many people as you like, no more than eleven people and link them in your post

Four - Let them know you tagged them.

Five - No tag backs.

Questions from saranghaeljoe:

1) What's your favorite girl group?

   Answer: 2ne1

2) What's your favorite guy group?

   Answer: MBLAQ

3) Do you like the new groups that have come out in 2012? (NU'EST, B.A.P., etc.)

    Answer: Some like B.A.P.

4)What kpop video do you watch the most?

    Answer: Stay by MBLAQ

5)Do your parents think you're crazy when you walk around singing kpop music?

     Answer: I don't do that when they're around so........................

6) Do you watch Simon and Martina (aka EatYourKimchi)?

     Answer: No.

7)Do you believe that sorry is only affective is you say it four times?

     Answer: No.

8)Who's your favorite member from SHINee?

     Answer: Lee Jinki (Onew)

9)What do you say when someone says they don't like your bias?

     Answer: If you don't like them fine, but don't diss them, if you do I will kill you, and you wouldn't like it if I dissed your bias either, so, don't diss mine.

10) Your favorite Super Junior song?

     Answer: Don't Don

11) If you could date any kpop person, who would it be?

     Answer: I want to name more than one, but right now, Seyong from MYNAME.


1.) ixpriscillachu

2.) lil-eunchan

3.) igotsanokcat

4.) chocolattee-pepero

5.) Carmytree

Questions for you to answer:

1.) Your most listened to K-POP song at the moment.

2.) Last K-POP song you listened to.

3.) Name your ultimate bias.

4.) Favorite K-POP song.

5.) Favorite K-POP idol group.

6.) Do you watch idol reality/varity shows? (Like Hello Baby, Dream Team, Sesame Player, Happy Together, Strong Heart, Star King, etc.)

7.) Do you "follow" you K-POP groups?

8.) Who got you into K-POP?

9.) First K-POP song?

10.) Funniest K-POP video you have watched is from what group?

11.) K-POP group you like the least?


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chocolattee-pepero #1
danks i guess? c: