Application for The Secret Of The Demigods [ 2nd ]


The Secret of the Demigods

Lee Sung Min


User Information.

Username: MbleastloverNZ
Link to Profil


The Demigod.

Name: Lee Sung Min
Gener: male
Age: 18
Birthdate: 07 May 1994
Birthplace: Greece

Personality: Sung Min seems like a very cold hearted person to strangers, but it is just an act to keep people away. He likes to keep to himself and is very independet. Sung Min knows nothing of his father except that he left him and his mother when he was very young, Sung Min holds a grudge towards his real father but wishes he knew him. Which is also why he hates people asking him questions about his past. 
Sung Min is a very good listener, he is honest and loyal to his friends and always watches out for them. Sung Min is quite relaxed but when you get him mad he is your worst nightmare, he has a very cold stare that makes people afraid of him. Sung Min writes song lyrics and poems to release all his feelings. 
- music
- eating
- water
- being around his friends
- writing

- getting asked lots of questions
- getting told what to do
- seeing his friends get hurt
- ty girls
- people who nag
- talking about his past
- seeing the ones he loves get hurt, he can't bare the thought of losing them
- society, he knows he's different from normal people and he hates what society would think of him if they knew
- scratching his arm when he is pissed off
- giving people a cold stare for no reason
- clicking his knuckles
- the side of his lip when he is close to losing his cool
- favourite colour: blue and black
- used to be in a dance group with Tae Hee
- very good at comebacks
- he can play electric guitar very well
- can sing

Talents: Controlling Water and can read peoples minds, but only people close to him

Appearance: -


Name of the Model/Ulzzang: Oh Jung Gyu

Back up Model/Ulzzang: -

Name of Back up : Park Ji Ho


Immortal Parent: Poseidon

Mortal Parent:
- Lee Min Young | 39 | Baker | Biological Mother Of Sung Min | Full Korean but lives in France
- Sam Choi | 41 | Banker | Mortal Father | Half Korean half french

- Choi Amy | Half Sister | 13 | Student | Huamn
- Courtney Haung | Half Sister | 16 | Student | Demigod
Family Background: Min young and Poseidon fell in love when poseidon saw Min Young selling her famous dumpling on the water front, they both had love at first sight. Resulting in their first son Sung Min, As soon as Min Young gave birth to Sung Min Poseidon told Min Young everything and left her. Min Young hated him for years until she moved to France and met Sam. She then began to understand why Poseidon left after learning more about the greek gods. Sung Min grew up hating his father for leaving him and never accepted Sam as his father. Sam and Min Young then gave birth to Amy a few years later and Sung Min felt like he had to protect her. Sung Min moved to Greece and met up with a long time friend Tae Hee and now studies with her at school.


Other Informations

Best Friend(s) : Tae Hee | 16 | Daughter of Demeter
Gabbe Park | 17 | Daughter of Dionysus
Friend(s): Phillip Yong | 17 | Human
Kim Ga Yoon | 20 | Human
Cho Kyu Hyun | 18 | Human

Anything Special?: Has a small crush on Tae Hee

Password:  I love Poseidon


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