This blog goes to all my subscribers. I just want to say thank you for your continuous support and many many sweet and heartfelt comments. Love you guys so so much. The reason for this special blog post is because..... I BROKE THE 200 SUBSCRIBERS RECORD TODAY!!!! ok.. to others it may not be a big deal but to me every subscribe from you guys / girls count ALOT!!! So thanks so so so so so so much for your support and love.


PS : Do leave me more comments on my story when you guys read it okay?? Cause every comment I see from you guys brighten up my day by a mile. =D


PPS : This gif is from my favourite drama of the moment. Nomu nomu nomu nomu chuwa!! <3


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Lol miho is so cute in the gif
BOOM! Congrats!! :D
You made a blog post...
Does that means an update is coming? *(0+0)*