I got Tagged, I play this hardcore


 rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Tagged by: Inspirit_97

The Questions~

1.Are you angry with me because I tagged you?

I wouldn't call it angry.. But yes I'm upset with you. This is a lot of work.

2.Who's your ultimate bias?

Miss A's Jia and Bi Rain

3. Who's your favourite maknae?

I don't know... Minzy from 2ne1? (she's the only maknae I could think of)

4. Have you ever dreamed of an idol and if yes, what did you dream about?

Yeah Teen Top and Infinite barged into my house and made their own room. And they made me become their maid... It wasn't fun.

5. What will you do when you find your idol selca pic?

...I don't understand this question.... It's not hard to find selcas so... smile?

6. Who's your favourite OTP?

What's an OTP?

7. If you met your bias unexpectedly, what will you do?

Well I wouldn't really be able to talk to Jia so if I met her I'd probably feel really fat standing next to her.. Follow her around maybe. And I guess I'd show her to my friends and maybe try and keep her as a pet.

Rain.... Yum I'd love to meet him (Although I probably wouldn't reconize him if he had his shirt on) I would probably melt on the floor.. fangirl a bit (A lot actually) and hug him. Then once I calmed down we'd hang out and become besties.

8. Do you roleplay as an idol if yes, who?

I roleplay as Meng Jia (miss A) at Nightlust

9. Which idol do you wish to meet and date?

It'd be really weird and a crappy relationship, cause you know he'd live in Korea... I guess I can't say Rain cause he's 28 or 29, meanwhile I'm 17.. But I'd go for Rain. I don't care. He's asian he doesn't count as a human being anyway.. Jk I'd just brag to my friends about me dating Rain.

10. Pinkfinite or Missfinite?

Missfinite.. although it sounds like misfortune...

11. How long would you spazz over a picture of your bias?

uhh 1-3 seconds for Jia..

Rain... probably like no more then 12 seconds if he didn't have his shirt on.


I'll tag:













My Questions:

1. What's your favorite story on AFF?

anything by firelordzuko SERIOUSLY SO GOOD

2.  Did you watch the Wonder Girls movie on Nick?

no, i no have cable

3. Do you check AllKpop for your korean gossip and breaking news?

sometimes, like when daesung killed that guy, i was all over the news

4. Do you hate me for tagging you, or hate me in general?

i dont mind this game

5. Who is your least favorite idol group?

uhmmm, bap

6. Why did you friend me on AFF?

because you probably subcribed to me:)

7. What color are your shoelaces?

light blue

8. What's your favorite song ever?

uhhhhhhhhh, when did this storm begin by shiny toy guns

9. How many dances do you know? (Full song)

none! but one time i memorized a compliation, it was fun

10. What other genres of music do you like?

mostly everything except like gospel

11. Did you have a dream last night? And if so, please tell me what you dreamed about.

yeah it was my family hanging out it in my old house. weird x)


here's my eleven questions. 

1. Do you think kpop stars are artificial?

2. Why do you think asian people are more appealing than other races?

3. Do you think that asian guys really have small pee pees?

4. What are your thoughts on religion?

5. If you had to kill one person in the world, who would it be?

6. What's your favorite movie?

7. What is the worst story you ever read on AFF and why?

8. Did you see The Hunger Games?

9. Do you have a Tumblr? URL?

10. What type of people annoy you?

11. Do you like being spanked? Naughty naughty!


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OMG, yes. That particular one pissed me off. My Daebaby MY MOTHER ING DAESUNG WOULDN'T JUST KILL SOMEONE! Sheesh.
But yeah, hi.
OTP mean One True Pairing, like 2min and jongkey