Lollipop | |Yoo YoungIl || Application Form







♔ Basic Information

AFF Username : ChOrCeE

AFF Profile Link : My Profile~!


♔ Character's profile

name : Yoo YoungIl

nicknames : Youngie 

bloodtype : A+

age : 17 y/o

birthdate : 26 / 03 / 1995

birthplace :Vancouver , Canada

hometown : Seoul City , South Korea

height : 168cm 

weight : 46kg 

ethnicity  :  Canadian-Korean

languages : Fluent in both English and French | Currently learning Japanese and Mandarin


♔  Appearence

ulzzang name: Park HyoJin

ulzzang Picture: One | Two | Three | Four | Five

back-up ulzzang name: SeulKi

back-up ulzzang pictures: One | Two | Three

styles : One | Two | Three | Four 


♔ Personal

personality :    

     She is simple and optismistic. Loves to smile that's why people are comfortable to have her around. A pretty girl type that makes everyone adore her. Always happy and modess. Friendly and nice. Can easily adjust whenever, wherever she is. Has a very long temper and no one have ever saw her mad and irritated before. A real daredevil who never fails to do anything even if it's impossible..She acts very feminine and matured in front of everyone.. Her bright,responsible and smart attitude makes her perfect. For example when something happened with her close friends she'll fight for what she think is right even if it hurts her too. She's a girl who doesn't care about her own feelings and strives to make everything fine.

    Eventhough she's almost perfect, like a normal person she also has her own flaws. She can be a bit snobby and arrogant when she's tired. Very sentimental and lax at times. Can be a negative person when she feels that no one needs her anymore. It can even come to the point where she will not talk to anyone when she's at it. A bit rebellious and straighforward. That's why when she became like this her friends and family are always there to the rescue. But when they're not around, new people around her tend to be intimidated, will not do anything and just think she's a freak.


history Background :     

She was born from a happy family. They were adored by everyone and was even called perfect role models. Her mom is a well knowned doctor ,inside and even outside the country. Her dad was one of the most sucessful businessman here at Korea. YoungJun her hilarious and crazy brother is one of those famous ulzzang/Model these days. She. Being the youngest is also famous in some ways. A well-knowned net idol and now a famous Ulzzang by accident when her brother uploaded some of her pictures when some of his fans demanded about it. Critics and everyone knowing that she's also goodlooking , at first she got pressured by some offers where she always refuse to accept. We know that studying ,being famous and being a younger sister of a famous rookie idol was hard.That's why when they have decided to flew back to their mother land.  She tried to adjust and sucessfully didn't failed to.

     Music became her stressbuster and temporarily happiness until she fell inlove deeply with it. Since young she's gifted with the talent for music and won some various contests award . Once accepted an offer to be a model for some branded items with her brother. Day by day she started to have fans too. When her mom and dad discovered she has also the potential on the modelling and music industry. They refused to let her and told her she have to study first. Her brother on the other hand was the opposite. He wanted his dongsaeng to shine. And so now ,they're still having a fight about this issue and when this things wcame out from their conversation. Be ready to let your eardrums bleeding.



likes : Stars | Cupcakes | Hello Kitty | B.A.P | Skateboards 

dislikes : Creepy Crawlers | Bitter foods | Discrimination | Messy things/places | Sticky things

habits : Cleaning whenevre she sees somthing untidy | Smiling randomly | Scratches her head when embarrassed | Covering when laughing | Jumping up & down when nervous/uneasy

hobbies : Stargazing | Practicing | Skateboarding | CLeaning | Listening to Music

trivia : Fails at winking | An ulzzang model before | A big fan girl of her brother's group | Once broke an arm skateboarding back there at Canada | In dancing her specialty is B-Boying , wave and poppin | In singing she can reach up to 4 octaves | In rapping she contributes sometimes on doing it.

talents : Baking | Composing | Modelling | Can draw and paint | Impersonating her brother


♔ Relationships

family Members : 

Yoo YoungJun | 39 | A Businessman | Father


Yoo IlJae | 35 | A Doctor | Mom


Yoo YoungJae | 19 | An idol ,B.A.P's Lead vocalist | Older sibling


friends :

Kim AeHee | 16 | A trainee at the ent.

Yook SungJae | 17 | An Idol , BTOB's Maknae

best friends : 


Jung DaeHyun | 20 | An Idol , B.A.P's Lead Vocalist


Kang HaeRIn | 17 | Bff and a Model at canada

love Interest :

 Moon JongUp | 17 | B.A.P | An Idol | Good Friends

how did you meet? : They have met because of YoungJae and became good friends since traing and pre-debut days..

back-up love interest :

Oh SeHun | 17 | EXO-K | Lead Dancer , Sub vocals , Rap and Maknae | Her ex-bf

how did you meet? :When they were still both ulzzang models back there at Vancouver and here in Korea.. They're bestfriends who turn out to be lovers.

Rival :


♔ Stage

stage name : Stazy

persona : Sparkling Goddess

trainee duration : 2 1/2

how did you become a trainee :

singing link(s) : Boom~!

rapping link(s) : Boom~!

dancing link(s) : Boom~!

personal Fanclub name : StazIAnz

personal Fanclub color : Aureolin  | #FDEE00



♔ Others :

comments : I've just applied~! I'm interested for your story...^^ ..Okay..(*Sighs*).. I'll get this staright to the point.. I can't promise to comment any time if I will get picked.. 'cuz school starts here in my country tomorrow.. I hope it's okay... I wish you goodluck on picking your cast..HWAITING for the both of you~! ^^

suggestions :None~!..

any requested scene? : Some scenes where she'll unexpectedly bumped into her ex while she was out for an early jogging.. And some cute scenes between her and her partner..^^


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